Archive for the ‘clothes’ Category

Flash Drive Cufflinks

These "functional USB drives making it possible for you to keep all of your must-have presentations and important documents with you wherever you go."



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Posted: May 29th, 2010
at 4:57pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: computers,clothes,design

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MNP! Kim Jong-Il : Trendsetter?

The robot man with magical powers whoAis said once to have scored 11 holes-in-one in a single round of golf and was born amongst rainbows on the sacred Mount Paekdu is now part of a new claim.

Pyongyang’s official website is saying that Kim Jong-Il’s modest-looking suits have become a global vogue.

My ninja please!>

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Posted: April 15th, 2010
at 7:52am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,celebrity,clothes,robots,design,9th dan,"ninja"

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Time to Rethink Design

David Carlson of the David Report has released a new trend look at the state of a full design world. Design contamination has taken over an expertise that is barely 100 years old; new products are simply the variations of old themes- (conceptual design, new articulations of the same, design signatures and design as art).

However if we are able to get back to using aging products and making design matter in a lifecycle, there is a cleaner horizon.

Designer Naoto Fukasawa: "I understand that myArole is about enhancing our living…. I've become moreAattached to the current life, and have started considering the betterment of our lives in a reality where we allAbelong, rather than predicting what could happen".

We need new storytellers:

Fred Alan Wolf - The Dreaming Universe (1994):A"Aboriginals believe in two forms of time: two parallelAstreams of activity. One is the daily objective activity,Athe other is an infinite spiritual cycle, called dreamtime,Amore real than reality itself…".

Carlson poses a great question, how do we A"change old habits and not to perpetuate the sales argument that the main role of designAis added value."

Read the full report in one of three forms: PDF, Flip Through Version or Text

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Jason Urban - The Sailor and the Sea Serpent


For only $12, this t-shirt is great deal. Download the above image for a mesmerizing background. Part of the Select Series over at our friends at Threadless.


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Posted: October 6th, 2009
at 4:35pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: clothes

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Spiders Help Weave a Golden Silk Tapestry


You may have stumbled on a post here at MNP by Black Ock, Collaborations of Kin and Kind, where he examines the delicate relationship between insects and man in creating new art. This time all the way from Madagascar, two textile magnates, Simon Peers and Nicholas Godley have teamed up to create an almost royal, one of a kind, tapestry completely woven using the silk from over a million golden orb-weaving spider’s webs (Nephila madagascariensis).


At a cost of over a half a million dollars, the American Museum of Natural History (follow this link for a great video) is hoping to cash in on exhibiting this truly unique piece of art. Eighty people over the course of four years dedicated their time to catching these spiders during the rainy season from the high reaches of telephone poles and then harnessed them to harvest this precious silk.

If you are interested in collaborating with Lamba, (the enterprise Simon Peers founded specializing in weaving, embroidery, and passementerie in Madagascar, working with architects and designers around the world) you can contact him through his LinkedIn profile.

Do they make hoodies out of this?- myninjaplease!

.::Listen to the NPR report here ->

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Custom Sneaks



Some custom sneaks found on abduzeedo


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Posted: October 1st, 2009
at 12:34pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: clothes,gear

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Ninja Star Coat Hook


There is one section of Ninja life that is normally neglected in books, and that is a Ninja’s home life. You think they just hang up all their weapons in the closet? Heck no - those are a Ninja’s tools, for life. The Ninja uses his Katana to do everything from butter his bread to separate his laundry (lights from darks). He uses his hand claws to hold corn and peel potatoes. And, he uses his throwing stars for coat hooks. Until you spend your life training in the Ninja arts, we recommend picking up a Ninja Star Coat Hook or two. It’s just safer.


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Posted: September 8th, 2009
at 11:53am by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: clothes,gear

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MY NINJA! Clothing


Well apart from them dipping into the wofting nexus of MNP, they have a great message (I’m smelling a collaboration of some sort): shirts start at 28$ USD


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Posted: July 20th, 2009
at 4:07pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: myninjaplease,clothes,"ninja"

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Breakfast Club: Rise & Grind


[image: Chaos men’s tee]

It doesn’t really seem as if these ninjas here need any help promoting their gear [note the Donny Wahlberg plug in the video below], but one of the company’s founders was like fam to me back in the day - and I’m always looking to support Beantown-based projects. Plus, their mission statement sounds like something you’d hear from MNP:

We’re not just a company…we’re a movement.

We pride ourselves on being part of a new generation of young adults who are natural-born legal-hustlers.

And when a person wakes up first and hits the ground running while the rest are fast asleep, they will always ‘Eat first," hence the name Breakfast Club. We make clothing for young, fly people who sit at the table of life and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Anyone who can determine their goal, take the steps to make it happen, and follow through with ambition and tenacity is worthy of wearing our brand.

Our clothing designs and colors are driven by ambition and new ideas and not just by what everyone else is doing.

Success comes in many shapes and forms. As for us -AA we don’t care in what shape or form it comes in, as long as when it comes it’s wearing our logo.

Breakfast Club Culture Brand…clothing for those who rise & grind!

To be honest I can’t get 100% behind the concept, but that’s only because the idea of ‘waking up first’ to ‘eat first’ seems ludicrous to me. I mean, I can’t speak for all the ninjas here at MNP - but I myself haven’t slept in over 4,000 years. Keep one eye tilted.

BTW - Donny has [hilariously] remained this kind of Boston townie hood, which is killin’ me. He’s just hangin’ tough, I suppose…

.:Breakfast Club: Clothing for hose Who Rise & Grind->

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Posted: June 8th, 2009
at 8:00am by orangemenace

Categories: celebrity,clothes

Comments: 1 comment