Archive for the ‘quote of the day’ Category

Quote of the Day


Wise man say, never pay full price for an operating system that you don’t even know how to use in shell mode - Old Hacker Proverb

OSX 10.5 (code name: Leopard) comes out soon and is available for preorder to the disgruntlement of many.

Apple is once again offering an "Mac OS X Up-to-Date" program for recent Mac purchasers. The offer enables customers who purchased a new system after October 1 to upgrade to Leopard for just $9.95. After October 26, Apple and its resellers will include "flat-pack" versions of Leopard, containing just the installer DVD, for systems that aren’t already pre-installed with Leopard.

Ok, well, I would be a bit heated if I buy a system and ten minutes later the new OS comes out and I have to buy it too, but, hey, it’s only 10 bucks. [You can read about leopard-man here]


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Posted: October 19th, 2007
at 12:38am by Black Ock

Categories: computers,apple,fo' real?,quote of the day

Comments: 2 comments

Quote of the Day


a€oeThe bottom line is, it was a malicious hit. It was uncalled for. [Green] is like the scarecrow. He wants to get courage while I wasna€™t looking, and hit me in my knee instead of trying to hit me in my head. God dona€™t [sic] like ugly, you know what I mean? a€oeMy knee aina€™t [sic] never [sic] hurt like it hurt today,a€A Johnson said. a€oeIf you want to hit me, hit me in my head, hit me in my chest, dona€™t hit me in my knee. Ia€™m trying to eat just like everybody else. So, to hit me like that, that showed me what type of man he was.a€A [via]

wow… Travis Johnson elaborates on why quarterback Trent Green is "like the scarecrow"

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Posted: October 18th, 2007
at 12:45am by Black Ock

Categories: fo' real?,quote of the day

Comments: 1 comment

Quote of the Day


"I tend to watch a little TV… Court TV, once in a while. Some of the cases I get interested in." - O. J. Simpson [via]

They took his rings, they took his Rolex…

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Posted: October 17th, 2007
at 1:35am by Black Ock

Categories: celebrity,crime,too good to be true,fo' real?,quote of the day

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Quote of the Day


It’s similar to… Fittay vs. Kanye [via NPR’s Fresh Air (Happy 20th)]

Colbert releases a new book and simultaneously challenges Paul Krugman to a "book-off." Will Mr. Colbert resign from doing his show?

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Posted: October 16th, 2007
at 12:11am by Black Ock

Categories: too good to be true,politricks,quote of the day

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Quote of the Day


Asked afterward whether the Cowboys should have been insulted by that last touchdown, Brady flashed his million-dollar smile, replied "I don’t know, you’ll have to ask them," then stepped off the podium and made his way out of the interview room. [via]

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Posted: October 15th, 2007
at 12:02pm by Black Ock

Categories: fo' real?,quote of the day

Comments: 1 comment