Archive for the ‘home’ Category


"Corrections Corporation of America, a private firm that operates prisons like this one in California City, Ca., saw its revenue from holding immigrants jump to $95 million in 2005 from $70 million the year before."

Article from


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Posted: August 17th, 2006
at 11:59am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,life,crime,home,politricks

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Why Toilet Paper Gotta Be White?!

Wipe it, wipe it good.

Gallery and links at OfflineGeek

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Posted: August 15th, 2006
at 12:39pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: art,web,home

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Gangster…yet organic

Yes, we know it’s ill. Now go get it.

The Natural Wabi Sink from Stone Forest.

via cribcandy

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Posted: August 11th, 2006
at 1:24am by Black Ock

Categories: bling,home,design

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A bunch of ill chairs…

So for some reason, I came across about 42 beautiful chairs that I would have if my apartment wasn’t a small Brooklyn closet. You know how us ninjas roll, though. So anyways, I decided to take my favorites and wrap them into a single post rather than completely overhauling myninjaplease into a furniture blog. I hope I did the right thing. Anyways, peep game:

The Fresh Fat Easy Chair, by Tom Dixon, is made of hand-woven plastic.

available from furnitureseen

pigalle easychair

This is the Pigalle Easy Armchair by Cobonpue

available at twentieth in LA

strada chair

Each of these Strada chairs from stew design workshop is handcrafted and unique.

also at twentieth

alicia ninjas

This is Alicia by Gregg Fleishman Industries.

It’s available from the Fleishman himself.

da caterpiller

Above is another great one from Fleishman, the Caterpillar.

And last but not least, I couldn’t resist putting up a couple pictures of the Levi Table, the wooden tabletop with an acrylic base that appears to be floating in the middle of the room. Those transparent chairs are a bit overkill though, I must say:

Oh yeah, you can get the Levi Table at item

Drop a comment and let us know which one of these you would cop, or which chair you already snatched up that’s iller… (I’ll believe it when I see it.)

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Posted: August 11th, 2006
at 12:06am by Black Ock

Categories: bling,art,home,design

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Got an iPod and still iPoor?


This is for you ninjas who almost copped the iPoor t-shirt but instead pinched your pennies and actually got the real thing. A pretty self-explanatory do-it-yourself iPod boombox. Not the cleanest ever, but definitely easy and functional. Just call it the iHoodbox. You know mine would have subs though, but I guess I’m just a ninja.

article via productdose

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Posted: August 10th, 2006
at 10:47pm by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,music,apple,home

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Foldable Chairs and Tables Made of Paper

paper chase -

foldable soft seats

From mocoloco:

"Molo creates and distributes unique and innovative products designed by partners Todd MacAllen and Forsythe. Thata€™s Softseating above, a series of seating elements that use a honeycomb structure that fan open to form stools, benches, and loungers. A sort of fan-flatpack (fanpack?). The multi-use elements can be used as seating, low tables, or even stacked as building blocks and to top it off ita€™s all made out of paper."

These are extremely creative and easily storable, but I just wonder how comfortable they are.

Cop them from Molo

via mocoloco

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Posted: August 10th, 2006
at 10:36pm by Black Ock

Categories: art,home,design

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Dont Hate, Fabricate!

Watch a video and read an article of how to build a backwards water fountain out of LEDs.

Looks as though I got a little weekend project.

From StallTheBall

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Posted: August 10th, 2006
at 10:59am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,home,design

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A Perfect Complement to the Chair You Grew

grow your own

To follow up on our growable posts, we’ve got a growable table to join your other arborsculpture creations.

This table is different from the other growable furniture we’ve featured in that it isn’t completely grown from trees. Instead, the Topo Tabla has plastic inserts that fit into the tabletop and house root systems for plans that you can plant in the surface. Definitely jiggy, and now you can roll your trees amongst the trees.

Cop it at gnr8

via productdose

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Posted: August 8th, 2006
at 1:25pm by Black Ock

Categories: bling,art,green,home,design

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Conduct Your Ninja Affairs Outdoors!

ninja media center

It’s crazy hot in NY this summer so I’ve been spending a lot of time outside. I would have been all set with one of these. August is gonna get hotter, so feel free to get me one.

From the Lux Entertainment site:

" The ARRIS-WFSS is a free-standing entertainment center that takes your multi-media outside wherever there is a power outlet. Incorporating cutting-edge wireless media extender technologies, the WF uses Wireless Feed to stream TV, FM/Internet radio, personal video, slide shows and on-line services. With a 26a€A flat-panel LCD-HD screen and auxiliary inputs, remote controller, and dual weather-resistant, marine-grade speakers, you can enjoy the ARRIS-WFSS by your poolside, on your patio, by your spa, or wherever you want to enjoy the convenience of home entertainment at your fingertips"

The ARRIS-CF is the same as the WFSS, but "features an on-board, marine-based AM/FM/weather-band radio, DVD/CD player driving more than 150 watts of flawless power."

Get one at Lux Entertainment

via cribcandy

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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 5:58am by Black Ock

Categories: bling,home

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