Archive for the ‘cell phones’ Category

Sony Ericsson PlayStation Phone

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Rumored as being the ZEUS, here is Sony’s new Playstation phone:

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Posted: December 5th, 2010
at 11:30pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: cell phones,design

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The Anti-Smartphone

Only capable of making and receiving calls,AJohn's Phone is dubbed the world's simplest mobile phone, specifically designed for anti-smartphones users.

It does not provide any hi-tech features. No apps. No Internet. No camera. No text messaging. All you have to do - in fact, all you can do - is call, talk and hang up.

Named after the company that created it - John Doe, a full-service advertising agency in Amsterdam - the phone is designed for users who are fed up with smartphones and their hi-tech functions.>

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Posted: November 18th, 2010
at 2:48am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: cell phones,design,development

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The new iPhoneCF guarantees to all its customers the same high quality phone as the original iPhone 4 with the added bonus of taking you one step closer to a world without conflict. As you probably know the minerals that are used in the production of various software products have largely been extracted from mines in Africa, especially the Congo. For the most part this mining has gone unchecked and therefore companies have been unable to tell whether or not the mines they source their materials from have been mines under the control of rebel groups further fueling a conflict that has has killed more than 5,000, 000 civilians. Apple wants to say no to the impunity, lack of accountability and lack of justice in the Congo and wants to be a leader in customer satisfaction and source accountability. We have taken the time to find a new approach to our mineral sourcing in order to ensure that our products only work to help the people of the Congo rather than exacerbate the already occuring problems there. In order to do so this Apple aims not only to purpose conflict free products but also to raise awareness and force other companies on this challenging path of change.>

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Posted: November 17th, 2010
at 5:02pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: apple,cell phones,ir

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What’s New? : Ecodrive

Unlike motorcycles, there are no signal lights for bicycle.ASince dangers occur all the time when bicycle is turning left or right in the middle of the crossroad, many countries are advising riders to send hand signs when take make turns.AIt’s because getting hands off the bicycle can cause risk on the traffic road.ATo prevent this, they are trying to get rid of the risk of hand signs by mounting signal lamps on the bicycle.

As commute with bicycle attracts many people, traffic road and environment for bicycle are showing improvement.ABy mounting smartphone on the bicycle, riding distance could be measured and navigation is possible through GPS. ABy mounting a battery inside the aluminum frame of the bicycle, it provides electricity to mounted smartphone and signal lamps.>

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Posted: November 16th, 2010
at 6:08pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,cell phones,design,bikes,what's new?

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Cell Phone Time Traveler from 1928?

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Is a woman in a 1928 film who appears to have a cell phone glued to her ear in fact a time traveler? That’s what some conspiracy theorists think this eerie scene (video below) from Charlie Chaplin’s 1928 film, "The Circus" is telegraphing, or rather phoning, and that the woman — who looks about as time-traveler-ish as Martha Stewart, is indeed a voyager from the vortex of time and space.

Belfast filmmaker George Clarke, a Chaplin fan, says he was watching the "behind the scenes of ‘The Circus’ " and was "stumped" at what he saw.

"I kept winding it back, playing it; winding it back, playing it back, and I couldn’t explain this,"Ahe says. "I want to get this out there to let people try and give me an idea, because right now the only conclusion that I can come to — it sounds absolutely ridiculous, I’m sure, to some people — it’s a time traveler" Although, as Clarke notes, the "old woman … looks like a man in drag … on a mobile phone.">

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Posted: October 26th, 2010
at 4:25pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,cell phones,science

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Open Source Cell Phone Network

In the developing world, cell phones come before land lines. Why? Because installing cell towers is cheaper than running landlines. But even lower cell phone costs turn telecom companies away from the poorest and hardest-to-reach areas. Where they do provide coverage, it’s expensive, especially for the 3 billion people in the world who earn about $3 per day.

A small team of telecom industry veterans has solved both of those problems. The team developedAOpenBTS, an open-source, software-based cellphone network. Not only does it cost one-tenth as much as traditional networks, but carriers could charge callers about $2 per month and still make a profit.

To do that, OpenBTS has stripped some of the opacity from cellphone service, turning it into a do-it-yourself project. Now, anyone with some technical chops, a Radio Shack nearby, and $4,500 can make a network that works with a standard GSM cellphone. In sum, this project could change how most of the world communicates.>

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Posted: September 14th, 2010
at 7:50am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: cell phones,development,open source

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Parrot AR.Drone

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Posted: August 27th, 2010
at 11:40pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: cell phones,design

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Smartphones to Drive Mobile Traffic

"Smartphones (are) expected to drive significant future growth in mobile traffic as well as create opportunities in the digital economy for content provision, service carriage and applications development," the report says. "However, the growth in numbers of devices and their use has increased energy requirements in supporting transmission and data handling networks."

Such concerns about sustainability are leading a convergence of the telecommunications industry and utilities, and driving the development of smart applications.

If technology analyst Ovum is correct in its prediction - that smartphone shipments will increase at a compound annual rate of 20.5 per cent by 2014, accounting for 30 per cent of the wider market - energy use will skyrocket.

Analyst Cisco predicts mobile data traffic will double each year from 2010 to 2013, and almost 64 per cent will be video-enabled by smartphone applications.

During 2009 alone, YouTube experienced 2000 per cent growth in mobile video uploads>

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Posted: August 27th, 2010
at 8:51pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,cell phones,business,development

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Mobile is Transforming Indian Agriculture

For decades Santosh Ostwal obsessed over an obscure problem: how to make it easier for Indian farmers to water their crops.

As a kid in 1981, Ostwal would watch his one-legged grandfather make the one-mile trek out to his fields to irrigate his land. It was arduous and repetitive; access to electricity and water was sporadic. Now an engineer, Ostwal has finally solved his grandfather’s problem with a phone-controlled water pump-starterAcalled the Nano Ganesh. It’s an elegant example of how mobile phones are being used in the developing world in incredibly innovative ways.

Here’s how the Nano Ganesh works. A farmer purchases the device for between $12 and $268, depending on the model. The device is then connected both to a mobile phone and the electric water pump. Once it’s set up, the farmer just needs to call that phone and enter a code to get it going. No cell service? No problem. Ostwal also made a remote control. He claims the water, electricity and time savings can cover the cost of the device in 11 days.>

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Posted: August 14th, 2010
at 4:42pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,cell phones,grub,development

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