Archive for the ‘web’ Category

Puttin’ the Grass in Grassy Knoll

Targeting generic aldactone sale information the CFTR protein can help restore the protein's typical function buy generic triamterene and help maintain the balance. Neither heat nor cold is purchase tizanidine online better for PsA symptoms, so people can pick whichever feels order retin-a overnight delivery most comfortable. Although the effectiveness of amantadine was unclear, medical dexamethasone online professionals used it in some later flu seasons. As time buy dexamethasone pills goes on, changes can happen in a person's genes that approved mirapex pharmacy change the way cells grow and divide normally. A person buy free cialis prescription should keep in mind that scientists and medical professionals have zithromax for sale not reached a consensus on what cervical cancer treatment during griseofulvin for sale pregnancy should entail. As time goes on, changes can happen buy generic levitra in a person's genes that change the way cells grow and.

A video archive of excerpts fromAAa broad range of theorists concerning the the JFK assassination.


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Posted: August 10th, 2006
at 11:18am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,politricks

Comments: 1 comment

Thank You Lord! Mercy, Me!

Daisy Fuentes gets "refreshed" by the most excited man ever to get married.

[Ed: I dunno why she’s so damned refreshed considering the video itself says that dude won 10 g’s for doing that.]

Via the

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Posted: August 10th, 2006
at 11:13am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web

Comments: 1 comment

Disgruntled about your Boss?

Freddie Mize - Angry Boss -

Angry at your boss but afraid to voice your opinion in the office? We feel you, son! Especially because our boss is wildin’ out. Well if you are, we’ve got the just the site for you. lets you let it all out. Although you might wanna watch out. Some bosses are just as ninja-ish as the next employee.

And if you happen to like your boss you can instead click the picture ("Angry Boss") and check out the dope art of Eddie Mize.

Original link courtesy of

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Posted: August 10th, 2006
at 9:52am by black octagons

Categories: life,art,web,contemporary

Comments: 1 comment

Is it Video Game Day Around Here or What? is 7 time rock paper scissor world champion

A stream of games that have yet to be made from a contest. Quite supeeeeeerb!

Final Fantasy XXX
Grand Theft Auto: Sasketchewan
"In Grand Theft Auto, you can steal cars and make money by doing gang missions. In Grand Theft Auto: Saskatchewan, you can watch you dog run away for three days straight."

Thanks !!

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Posted: August 9th, 2006
at 11:47am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web

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Is It Your Space?

Interesting article condemning the mySpace movement.

Via the Prometheus Institute

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Posted: August 7th, 2006
at 9:25pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,web

Comments: 1 comment

Lacking clientele? It’s all about craigslist, my ninjas!

Despite recent posts detailing the need to keep your illegal activities on the DL on the world wide web, contradictory evidence does exist:

The Seattle times is reporting that Craigslist has become a haven for small-scale ganja dealers, and that the authorities are essentially turning a blind eye. The article details how these entrepreneurs scour the site for people seeking the collie weed, and then email them and set up the transaction. As if this wasn’t sketchy enough for you, these distributors even place ads offering their merchandise in exchange for sex, and if you are a male customer who refers a female friend for such an encounter, the ad explains you are entitlted to a discount! The best part though is the DEA response:
‘Jeff Eig, spokesman for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s Seattle office, said the amounts of illicit drugs sold via online transactions are generally so small that his agency hasn’t specifically gone after craigslist users dealing dope.’

Yeah that’s right, Tommy Chong got arrested for his dealings, nor can you sell any of those Jerome Baker Designs "flower vases" anymore online without facing a DEA raid, but as long as you deal in small enough quantities, craigslist is your own personal dutch red-light district. Newbs, you now have a connect…
Ninjas, if you decide to meet up with one of these, I’d recommend wearing your gi and bringing a throwing star or two.
Scope the article here

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Posted: August 6th, 2006
at 1:28pm by Pheezatron

Categories: crime,web,drogas

Comments: No comments

Wear Your Wireless Hotspots

A light masked as a flower will light up when you are near a WIFI hotspot. I could think of some other uses. From HotSpotBloom

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Posted: August 3rd, 2006
at 2:24pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: computers,web

Comments: No comments

The Amazing Machine

‘Le Grand RA©pertoire’ (The Big Repository) shows how good that Nutella really is- the French made a machine just to spread it on bread for the masses. See the video of this and other fantastic machines here.


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Posted: August 3rd, 2006
at 1:30pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,computers,web,robots

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Real Ninjas keep their ish on the DL

indoor garden, courtesy of the DEA site

Now I’m sad to say this is the second post on this site about people getting in trouble because they had to brag about their illicit activities online. This one goes right up there with the genius on "America’s Stupidest Criminals" who rappelled (ninja-style) into the atrium of a bank in hopes of robbing it, while it was still open (not ninja-style)…

Some young ninja-ette in Minnessota apparently put enough information about her horticultural activities up on an unnamed social networking site (read MySpace), that local police were able to get a warrant to search her residence. When local police and DEA agents showed up, they found 2000 ganja plants, which they subsequently destroyed.

This chick clearly needs some ninja lessons on how to keep her ish off the radar. However, the fact that 2000 marijuana plants were burned, and not for the purposes of enlightenment, surely robs her of her otherwise well-earned ninjadom. Ninjas of the world, learn from this youngin’s mistakes - Stop Snitching [on yourself]!
Surely there was a DEA agent who is a secret-toker and sat by that 2000 plant bonfire breathing deeply - he is a ninja for sure…
Read the article for yourself

Disclaimer: myninjaplease does not support witness intimidation, despite the aforementioned ‘Stop Snitching’ reference - if some thug on your block accidentally blasted a 2-year-old in a drive by, rat his punk ass out. However, if some chick is growing 2000 herb plants in her parents crib, marry her and have her move in!

Posted: August 2nd, 2006
at 1:21am by Pheezatron

Categories: myninjaplease,bling,crime,web,drogas,business

Comments: 2 comments