Archive for the ‘web’ Category

Ninjas vs. Pirates - The Google Trends Test

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So sometimes I end up bored and playing with one of the many Google webtoys (tools?). I recently decided (that might not be the right word for it, but alright) to conduct some scientific tests to ascertain which of the world’s cities are the most ninja-ish. I then decided that in the name of healthy competition, I should run the same tests on those wily characters, the pirates. Also, one thing to keep in mind: Ninjas are constantly moving and so are the results of these searches. The rankings change from day to day and sometimes minute to minute, so if you really want to know where is the most ninja-friendly, write in and we’ll help you conduct your own tests.

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Posted: August 16th, 2006
at 8:39pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,web

Comments: 2 comments

Don’t forget to call 5ives…

So this dude Merlin over at 5ives has a blog that is comprised of lists - only lists - and just to make it more specific, they’re all lists of…wait for it…five things. Most of them are hilarious, too.
Some of my favorites:

Five things I’ll bet are hard for pirates

Five people who are much more enjpyable if you imagine them as pro wrestlers

Five things, besides lying, that Shakira’s hips don’t do

Check all the lists at 5ives

via Hide Your Arms

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Posted: August 16th, 2006
at 6:52pm by Black Ock

Categories: web

Comments: 1 comment

The Illest Web Site Ever!!

This has been around for a while, but my boy Erik brought it to my attention once again. Just check it out, and make sure your speakers are on!

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Posted: August 16th, 2006
at 4:51pm by Black Ock

Categories: web

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Brightnets and Darknets are both ill!

OFF System Development

Have Nothing. Own Everything.

Damnnn Ninja!
You must have been living under a bridge like this dude if you haven’t heard of the newest force on the internet, brightnets and darknets. Now, we recently brought you coverage on the the net’s first commercial darknet, but now we’ve got something different to talk about. presents to you the OFF System (download link), or, Owner-Free-Filing. Basically the concept behind the system, as far as we can tell, is that instead of sharing files, owners share bits. Being that there is no complete file being traded, there is no copyright violation. Or essentially it’s like community ownership. This seems kind of ill because the programs "share bits" that are the same, so in some way it’s almost the opposite of pure data copying. If one piece of data appears in two different programs they share it. All the "owned" pieces broken down amount to not much more than senseless noise, so again, no-one is owning anything, especially not complete archive. Oddly enough, this concept seems like it could both revolutionize internet content sharing, and downloading efficiency.

Check out their page at sourceforge.

[Ed: these cats are kinda ill, check out their Closing Letter to the Copyright Industry via TheBigHack]

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Posted: August 16th, 2006
at 10:52am by black octagons

Categories: computers,web,weaponry

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You think you’re lethal? My ninja, please!

For an upcoming program on the awesome National Geographic Channel, a high-tech dojo was created, complete with crash test dummies and high-speed cameras.AA The a€oeFight Sciencea€A lab has led researches to better understand how martial artists generated the power that they do, and led to some really cool statistics.AA In one experiment, the researchers had experts in karate, boxing, kung fu and tae kwon do take turns striking a dummy in the face, to see who could deliver the most force in a single punch.AA The winner was boxer Steve Petramale, whose strike delivered about 1,000 pounds of impact force, the equivalent of swinging a sledgehammer into someonea€™s face.

Next, the researches tested the power of various kicks. They found that a tae kwon do spinning back kick delivered more than 1,500 pounds of force, while a kung fu flying double kick delivered about 1,000.AA The undisputed winner though, which should not come as a surprise to anyone who follows martial arts, was a practitioner of the lethal art of Muay Thai, often called Thai boxing in the west.AA Former two-time Muay Thai world champion Melchor Menor is famous for delivering brutal knees to the chest of opponents at close range while he holds his opponenta€™s head stationary (known as a a€oeThai clencha€A).AA The result?AA An impact with power equal to a 35mph car crash!AA Equally impressive, were ninjitsu hammer fists, which were determined to hit with the same force as a rubber bullet.AA And, an old martial arts legend was confirmed a€" a kung fu punch is indeed faster than any snake strike a€" measuring at 40 feet per second!AA For all you novice ninjas out there, remember one thing a€" Footwork -AA the motion capture cameras showed that all of the martial artists started their punches in their feet, not their fists.AA To read the full article click here.

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Posted: August 15th, 2006
at 2:29pm by Pheezatron

Categories: hood status,web

Comments: 3 comments

Why Toilet Paper Gotta Be White?!

Wipe it, wipe it good.

Gallery and links at OfflineGeek

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Posted: August 15th, 2006
at 12:39pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: art,web,home

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Samurai Sword Vs. Bullet

Let the battle of the legendary samurai sword and the almighty bullet begin! Guess who wins, ninjas, please.

Video from InfectiousVideos

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Posted: August 14th, 2006
at 3:41pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,web,weaponry

Comments: 6 comments

11 String Bass Super Mario Rendition

Video at iFilm

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Posted: August 14th, 2006
at 10:22am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music,web

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99 Rooms and Tanya Harding

One of the most original sites I’ve seen while surveying. Sandstrom Design

Note: The picture is taken from, a illustration design site.

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Posted: August 14th, 2006
at 9:44am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web

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