Sound in 4D
Already having introduced to mnp the music box and shape of song interpretations of what sound is- we add another to the list- what sound looks like in a bucket of cornstarch.
The Ghostface Spoken Word Compilation…
Ian Cohen over at Stylus Magazine has compiled a top-ten list of Ghostface Killah’s best non-rhyming moments, mostly from skits and random appearances.
Here’s a particularly hilarious bullet off the list:
"5. Intro to a€oeClipse Of Dooma€A (from Fishscale)
Wea€™re used to certain exhortations being made as a rapper adjusts to the backing track. You know, a€oeturn the beat up in my headphones,a€A a€oeI am excited to be on this tune and my producer is currently in the studio,a€A a€oethis is for my hustlas/killaz/the streetz (a.k.a. white internet critics).a€A You probably should take them at least at face value. Here, wea€™re led to believe that one or more of Ghostfacea€™s associates are guilty of the following:
- Sippina€™ on that bullshit Budweiser
- Wearing Capri pants or something closely resembling Capri pants (let that sink in)
- Are in need of a pedicure (strange, considering that males wearing Capri pants likely possess tarsal hygiene above reproach).
And for all these crimes, they should serve their penance by eating a dick. Keep in mind that he coulda€™ve stuck with a€oeturn the beat up in my headphones.a€AAlso, be sure to check out this Ghostface Video on YouTube…
How to Crash a Heli (if you have to)
Video of a tv traffic helicopter in aAAplummeting descentAAtowards Brooklyn- ending with the pilot walking out of the metal carnage with no scrapes or bruises.
From vwho
As if this site wasn’t enough…
Choose and Watch is a Web TV Portal that will guide you to a bunch of TV shows categorized by genre and channel. The best part is they’re all free.
Next You Just Need a Flickr account
Some other ninja with ultimate skills probably already bought this, but, if it was you and you’re reading myninjaplease, let us use it and we’ll pay you back, doggy.AA ThisAAsmall (cough)AAitem is for sale on ebay.AA It’sAAactually an old school early 20th century mahogany camera.
2,900 big ones.
Bayraider via: Tech Digest
Scarborough Gets Country on Bush
The best compilation of archival footage of GW being a complete goon.
Video from the
Posted: August 23rd, 2006
at 9:02am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: life,web,politricks
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