Archive for the ‘web’ Category

Design It Yourself!

If buying cheap toradol alternatives professional an individual is experiencing potential symptoms of any of the cheapest advair types of cancer discussed in this article, they should contact estradiol in us a doctor. If a drug requires prior authorization but you buy cheap lipitor online usa start treatment without the prior approval, you could pay the levitra full cost of the medication. Cialis is not approved for buy cheap metronidazole gel use in females.* It's not known if the drug is purchase cheapest vibramycin delivery safe to use during pregnancy. Treatment is typically an ongoing azor online process, and the condition may develop into other forms of buy diclofenac online psoriasis over time. Early diagnosis may help people reduce their cost of viagra blood pressure before developing additional complications. "[I am] unsure as viagra alternative to why those who were underweight had a greater risk tizanidine from india of death than those who were already overweight," said Dr. Kecia.

Did you always want to be an architect/designer? Did the thought of never sleeping and perpetually smelling of coffee, cigarettes and B.O. make you go to business school instead? Well, try your luck with the [not so new anymore] download of SketchUp, a simple 3D modeling program recently bought and made free-to-all by Google. Now you can build your own buildings, and you won’t have to pay a professional [we accept donations tho]. Not only that, SketchUp is the program used to make the models in Google Earth, allowing you to actually insert your designs into the 3D environment found there, and view hundreds of others made by ninjas just like you. If you really get into it, check out Graphisoft’s free student version of ArchiCAD as well [not a student? then maybe you can afford to hire someone, like me maybe, after all].

The program may also be helpful to any movie making ninjas [like our friends over at Terrace St.], as it has features for story boarding and camera/set layouts and such. Remember how Goodnight and Good Luck won a set design Oscar? Yep, SketchUp at work.


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Posted: October 11th, 2006
at 3:11pm by orangemenace

Categories: computers,web,film,architecture,design

Comments: 2 comments

From All Angles

Make your own kaleidoscope.

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Posted: October 11th, 2006
at 3:02pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,games

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Around The Corner

Social bookmarking South African style.

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Posted: October 9th, 2006
at 7:26am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web

Comments: No comments

If The Internet Could Have an Evil Laugh

Other upcoming search engines:

searchmash technorati topix shopzilla

article at louisgray

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Posted: October 5th, 2006
at 4:32pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web

Comments: No comments

Black Market? Haahahahahah

A British man gets a kidney from a Chinese prisoner and then frys it up.

story at dailygut

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Posted: October 5th, 2006
at 9:35am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,fo' real?

Comments: No comments

Mr. Sparkle

One more globalized version played by Homer to save all that we know as being Japanese culture!?

Commercial from flixya

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Posted: October 5th, 2006
at 9:33am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,mnp is for the children

Comments: No comments

9 Reasons to Become an Evil Villain

1. You will have more friends
Peter Parker was a social outcast. Norman Osborne was the popular kid. Reed Richards was a dorky scientist. Victor Von doom was a rich socialite. Anyone else sensing a pattern here? Everyone wants to get a little piece of the evil. It is like Starburst.

2. You get to laugh maniacally
Good guys dona€™t get to do this. No one has ever heard Superman or Batman laughing like a maniac and no one ever will. Trust me, this is something everyone wants to do. It is strangely liberating. While you may pass chances to do this every once in a while during your civilian life, you will never get the quantity of opportunities that come with a career in villainy.

3. All of a sudden, you will have the budget for all kinds of toys
Super bad guys are never broke. Not only are they never broke but they always have more resources than the hero could ever hope for. Apparently the villain racket pays very well. It also seems to be recession-proof. I hear the tax breaks are good too.

4. Hot chicks dig evil guys
You never see an evil villain with a busted ass woman. Sure, they may be dirty, rotten, and out to steal your empire, but you can always kill them if they get out of hand. Studies show that breasts of women who hang out with evil guys are an average of two cups bigger than the nice dudes chicks. Studies dona€™t ever lie.

5. You will be safe from everyday accidents
Evil villains are never killed in car accidents. It just doesna€™t happen. You wona€™t slip in the shower, get smashed by a falling piano, or die of food poisoning. The only way you can be killed is in an explosion created by the hero by exposing the one flaw in your plan that no one could ever possibly foresee. Even thena€¦

6. You dona€™t have to worry about anyone killing you
Evil Villains simply can not be killed. People may think you are dead but you will secretly be lounging in an easy chair on your secret desert island hideout planning your next caper. The only way you can be taken out is by another villain eviler than yourself who will subsequently take over your identity and continue upon your path of world domination.

7. You can kill anyone you want
You wona€™t go to jail. For some strange reason, cops never come to bust Evil villains at their homes even when the evidence is overwhelming. You could kill Superman on a live video feed in front of the entire planet and not one cop would try to arrest you. They cana€™t even arrest you for the stash of plutonium you have in your shed. It is in the charter when you join the union.

8. You get to dress how you want
You never have to wear a suit and tie again. You can even dress in the most outrageous outfits while demanding the world bow to your demands and no one will even make the slightest of snide comment. This could have something to do with the fact that you can kill anyone you want and cana€™t be killed back. Remember, no one ever made fun of Magnetos helmeta€¦

9. No matter how weak you are, you will be more than a match for any hero facing you
a€oeBut zero, Batman would kick my ass in two shakes of a strippera€™s assa€¦a€A None of that matters. The sheer newness of your evil plot will confuse the hell out of any good guy. As long as you arena€™t doing something that has been done to death (ie goblin themed villains) you should have no problem getting your plans off the ground.

originally from shoutwire via sandstorming

thanks go to zero!

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Posted: October 4th, 2006
at 3:53pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web

Comments: 2 comments

South Park, CO, USA

Create your own South Park character.

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Posted: October 4th, 2006
at 11:12am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,games,mnp is for the children

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The Soouuuund of Sciiiiiiiiiiiiiiience

"Whatever the relative merits of space-based music (Rush’s 2112, anyone?), STEREO may hold promise both for sonification and for space science. Peticolas says she looks forward ‘to find[ing] out if we discover anything new in the solar wind from listening to the data rather than looking at it.'"

The translation of non-audible space data into sound.
article at seedmagazine

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Posted: October 4th, 2006
at 10:14am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music,web

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