Why Your Electric Bill is So High
From light bulbs to hair dryers to central air, nearly everything in a home uses energy, and nearly everything costs money. And you know things have gotten a little out of hand when your energy bill comes and you feel the need to unplug everything, pack up the family and move to a farm deep in the country. But this kind of extreme isn’t necessary, so slow down, cowboy, all that needs to be done is a simple cutback. Whether it be minor, or an all-out purge, it may help to reduce bills and conserve a little energy. (Source)
Throwback Thursdays : DIY Green Car

Posted: April 28th, 2011
at 6:07pm by mnp
Categories: myninjaplease,green,whips,diy
Comments: No comments
Corporate Ecosystem Valuation at WRI
Business and environmental leaders are participating in an event at the World Resources Institute to discuss the new Guide to Corporate Ecosystem Valuation (CEV) and how businesses can incorporate ecosystem valuation into their planning and financial analysis. The event is being hosted by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on Tuesday, May 3 from 10:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Posted: April 28th, 2011
at 5:34pm by mnp
Categories: green,business,development,events
Comments: No comments
New Wave Gardening
To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.- Mohandas K. Gandhi
Learn about the new wave of permacultural polyculture organic edible forest gardens here. Or check out this post on how to grow $700 of food in 100 square feet!
Waterbiking with Dolphins

Posted: April 26th, 2011
at 11:03am by mnp
Categories: green,10th dan,ninjas are everyehere
Comments: No comments
Innovation : Baking a Cake for America
David Muchow, the President and CEO of SkyBuilt Power, shared an article of his with me in which he lays out his vision of how the U.S. can foster green innovation.
Entitled "How to Bake the Green Technology Cake: The Missing Key to Technology Innovation," the article analogizes the process of getting an invention from conception to marketplace to that of baking a cake.
For small inventors, in particular, Muchow observes that the necessary ingredients are scattered, the cook takes too long, and oftentimes there’s no oven. So he lays out three steps for baking the "innovation cake."
The Ingredients: According to the article, the necessary ingredients - funding, legal advice, business advice, industry knowledge, customers - have to be collected from many different sources.
: Continue reading the article :
Posted: April 25th, 2011
at 1:01pm by mnp
Categories: green,business,mnp is for the children,weaponry,development,blogs,internets,entrepreneurship,innovation
Comments: No comments
Yogurt Cups Made of Plants?
Is this really happening?