Archive for the ‘apple’ Category

take the Mindapples 2-minute test


If eating five fruit and veg a day is good for your body, then what’s the equivalent for your mind? Mindapples wants to find the five most popular activities that people do to keep themselves mentally well. This is an innovative campaign to promote awareness of mental health amongst the general public - even those who self-identify as a€oesanea€A - by asking a simple question: "What 5 things do you do regularly that help you feel more mentally healthy?"

Building off the 5-a-day campaign, Mindapples aims to be the biggest global survey "by the people, for the people" ever undertaken in mental health. It will put the concept of daily mental wellness firmly into the public consciousness, and encourage everyone to think about the impact their activities have on the state of their minds. Whether you dance around the house naked, or chase birds - Mindapples wants to know about it.

It’s not everyday someone asks you what you do to stay sane!

.:Via -> i-genius


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Posted: October 30th, 2008
at 2:05pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life,apple,grub,science

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Microsoft Ads Made on a Mac


This is old news, but still hilarious: the audio and video of the recent "I’m A PC" ads that Microsoft put out in response to Apple’s [getting tired] commercials with John Hodgman was DONE ON A MAC. Awesome.

After dumping its $10 million contract with Jerry Seinfeld after just three ads (only two of which even aired) Microsoft has created new ad copy where regular people and a few celebrities say, a€oeIa€™m a PC!a€A One problem with the campaigna€™s credibility: the ad work was created using Macs.

Flickr user LuisDS found that metadata on the creative copy of the a€oestereotyped PC usera€A and other photos appearing on Microsofta€™s a€oeIa€™m a PCa€A website revealed that they were produced using Macs running Adobe Creative Suite 3. One might expect that Microsoft would use Windows PCs running its own Microsoft Expression Studio software, which as the company advertises, a€oetakes your creative possibilities to a new level.a€A

Apparently, neither Windows PCs nor Expression Studio are up to the task of taking on Apple and destroying its globe enshrouding a€oeGet a Maca€A campaign. The image of John Hodgman as a troubled PC struggling with Vista-related problems has pushed Microsoft to defend itself with a $300 million campaign to take control of the a€oeconversation about Windows,a€A using Macs as needed to get the message produced.

.:Microsofta€™s a€Ia€™m a PCa€™ Ads Created On Macs -> via

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Posted: October 28th, 2008
at 2:00pm by orangemenace

Categories: computers,too good to be true,apple,not ninja-worthy,fo' real?,real life news

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I left in the 7th! I still hold that my attendance was the determining factor. Damn you 1913 grandstand seats! Go Red Sox!

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Posted: October 17th, 2008
at 9:25am by Black Ock

Categories: apple

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Ny Pogodi! (Goblin)

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Posted: October 7th, 2008
at 3:00pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,apple

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Quick Draw McGraw

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Posted: August 22nd, 2008
at 5:28am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,apple,mnp is for the children,design

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Hybrid Animals

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Posted: August 14th, 2008
at 1:56pm by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,apple,10th dan

Comments: 1 comment

colbert for pres


Is Steven Colbert - one of the few journalists who are also ninjas, as ridiculous as that may sound - running for president? We here at MNP thought he had dropped out of the race months ago, but the good people at Marvel Comics apparently decided otherwise.



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Posted: August 8th, 2008
at 8:39am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,apple,politricks,fo' real?,real life news

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Ninja Roundup

So, we don’t really do this often… but format being the elusive beast, sometimes we just have to face the Jabberwocky head-on. Here’s what’s going on in the ninja universe right now.

  • THE MURDER, the Boston punk band whose members include some of our favorite collaborators and associates have released their long awaited debut record after months of ripping up the Boston scene. They’re having their CD release party this coming Saturday. Go purchase their CD and check out the release party flyer below.
  • Jessie is still M.I.A. for the most part, but GreenMNP’s eco-system continues to thrive. Check out the recent post on the new episode of Battleground Earth.
  • Trizlam has got some major interviews coming down the pipeline for MusicMNP any day now. Check out his quick synopsis on the Johnny Osbourne re-release.
  • Amara’s blog, Daily Bread is still the best new food blog out there. Besides providing what looks like a delicious zucchini salad with yogurt recipe, she lets us know what she’s reading for her Saturday Roundup (inline)
What Ia€™m reading right now:

And I mean… if all that isn’t enough for you, you can watch the videos below and lament the iPhone’s effect on society as we know it - and the consequent loss of honeybees worldwide.

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Check out the show!
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That last bit is, I think, sponsored by Hagen-Dazs ice cream which has a pretty cool flash interactive help the honey bee campaign. Maybe you should also check this out:

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Posted: August 5th, 2008
at 10:00am by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,apple,green,web,cell phones,home,grub,architecture

Comments: 1 comment

iPhone 3(G’s!!)

Just in case you were considering bricking your new iPhone, take a gander at what these joints are doing on eBay at this current moment:

OK, you can’t see it, we know, but, click the picture.AA Kind of makes you want to sell, right? Read the hype here.

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Posted: July 23rd, 2008
at 1:29pm by Black Ock

Categories: apple

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