Archive for the ‘apple’ Category

Happy Turkey Day

However, find synthroid without prescription people with the condition should speak with a doctor about flagyl no prescription how to safely engage in exercise. However, because drugs affect low price cialis each person differently, we cannot guarantee that this list includes compazine in malaysia all possible dosages. A doctor can help pinpoint the reason buy cheapest flovent alternative behind the pain and suggest workouts, strengthening exercises, or prescribe nexium medication that can help minimize or eliminate the pain. Doctors buy cheap cafergot online may treat AML in a pregnant person differently from how zoloft online they would typically treat the disease in someone who is approved artane pharmacy not pregnant. "Yes, it causes a classic irregular heart sound," online aldactone said Dr. Briana Costello, a cardiologist at The Texas Heart Institute.




Thanks to Erin for these!


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Posted: November 22nd, 2007
at 2:12pm by Black Ock

Categories: apple

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iPhone Gelaskins

pre-order at urbanretro.blogspot

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Posted: November 14th, 2007
at 6:00am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: apple,cell phones

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food.mnp: the hare krishna edition

no people, this is not just an excuse to post this picture of the rarely seen hare krishna thizz face…


instead i want to highlight the fact that these people (who i always used to think just walked around in a line through city streets ringing bells and whatnot) actually give away free food, and its proper! yea i know what youre thinking… free food? there must be something wrong with it. thats normally my thinking too my ninjas, but having recently moved to the most expensive place on earth, i decided it might be worth it to try some of the grub that these people were offering. to my surprise, it was actually bombs!


today i had the orange stuff, which came with rice and a little piece of vegan-desert that i gave away to my p’n’c. the orange stuff was good, but the other day i sampled the brownish-yellow stuff, and that was sheeerious! really though, this was some quality vegetarian food, well spiced, veggies cooked to an ideal tenderness, perfect rice to curry ratio-it was so good actually that i fell asleep in the library within a half an hour of eating (i generally dont condone eating food unless it makes me sleep within forty-five minutes of consumption). the other nice thing about it was that i didnt feel like i was being proselytized, there was no members-only rules, no brainwashed eye-glazing, no weird literature being given out, none of that feckray found at places like common ground (my favorite cult-dining locale), this was just plain commitment-free food-gratis! so if anyone else is too cheap to eat food that you gotta buy, head over to SOAS around lunchtime and stand in line with all the trendsters for a plate of goodness. it sure beats eating at places like this—


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Posted: October 23rd, 2007
at 2:00pm by trizlam

Categories: life,too good to be true,apple,grub,fo' real?

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Quote of the Day


Wise man say, never pay full price for an operating system that you don’t even know how to use in shell mode - Old Hacker Proverb

OSX 10.5 (code name: Leopard) comes out soon and is available for preorder to the disgruntlement of many.

Apple is once again offering an "Mac OS X Up-to-Date" program for recent Mac purchasers. The offer enables customers who purchased a new system after October 1 to upgrade to Leopard for just $9.95. After October 26, Apple and its resellers will include "flat-pack" versions of Leopard, containing just the installer DVD, for systems that aren’t already pre-installed with Leopard.

Ok, well, I would be a bit heated if I buy a system and ten minutes later the new OS comes out and I have to buy it too, but, hey, it’s only 10 bucks. [You can read about leopard-man here]

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Posted: October 19th, 2007
at 12:38am by Black Ock

Categories: computers,apple,fo' real?,quote of the day

Comments: 2 comments

The iCar


Apple and Volkswagen are in talks about a compact car that could come loaded with Apple products - could the iCar be on the horizon?

I bet that its made entirely of aluminum and glass, has no corners, and a touch screen steering wheel…

Head on over to NPR for the September 3rd Morning Edition radio show to learn more.

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Posted: September 11th, 2007
at 11:36pm by orangemenace

Categories: apple,whips,fo' real?

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sample reading at ammpublishingllc

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Posted: July 25th, 2007
at 9:53pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: apple

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jaxtr - link your phone

I was on hold for about 10-15 seconds before I was connected to the sound of a phone ringing (it was actually more like "beeping" but that is just because I was calling a polish phone). After the 3rd ring, my friend answered his Polish cell phone in Warsaw and we were talking…for free.


Essentially, friends can call eachother via cellphone or landline through the Jaxtr service. The service currently works in 43 countries:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Guam, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States and U.S. Virgin Islands

digitalinteractif.typepad and jajah for your iphone

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Posted: July 18th, 2007
at 9:34am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: apple,web,cell phones,business

Comments: 11 comments

How Should We Think About Economics Today ?

Note that the scientific approach (like the aristocratic one) is a quest for power for its own sake; in other words, it is the practice of black magic. Science transforms white magic into black when it turns the young childa€™s paranoid fantasy for total control into the real world. The bounds of the expanse of total power (and of black magic) is the economic requirement of performing a valuable service for others. This is the humility that the capitalist market expects of us so that the white magic of economics might deploy its beneficial effects.

Contrary to customary opinion, money is not an idol, it is instead the tempest that upsets idols. Unpredictable and uncontrollable, money is on the side of liberty because it does not recognise borders and it threatens all governments. It is spiritual because it tears us away from materialism.

To sum up, the subject matter of economy is simply the Soul of the world.

read the complete analysis at liberalia

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a€oeThe Monkey’s Pawa€A

Y2K plugs into the fears that have haunted Science Fiction since its inception, confirming anxieties that, as technological integration increases, human control lessens, and the possibility of something crashing the entire system grows. Here, SF disintegrates into cyberpunk. Where Science Fiction can be defined as the implementation of the project of Progressive Technology a€" a vision of uninhibited technological growth spreading out into a far future that has been speculatively planned a€" cyberpunk lurks in the near future, building itself out of the unanticipated consequences of technical development. It is essentially improvisational, feeding on glitches, interference and coincidences: as the runaway AI Wintermute tells Case in Gibson’s Neuromancer, a€oeplanning’s not my thing.a€A


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