Archive for the ‘too good to be true’ Category

Profoundly Hilarious and Disturbing

Maybe the best thing I did with myself yesterday was to discover this silly ass tumblr blog, Chicks with Steve Busceme Eyes.

It will change your life, although I’d hate to speculate on how.



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Posted: April 15th, 2011
at 11:21am by Black Ock

Categories: too good to be true,photo

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My Ninja, Please! 4.13.11 : Coffee Shrooms

A couple of students learn about social entrepreneurship and mushroom farming on coffee grounds and share at TEDxPresidio:

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Tremendous Finish

The announcer makes it all worthwhile…

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Posted: March 21st, 2011
at 2:23pm by mnp

Categories: too good to be true,games

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My Ninja, Please! 3/15/2011: Kissing Russian Police

I don’t even know what to say…

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Except, My Ninja, Please! I would love to see somebody try this on Boston’s finest - might lose a lip.

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Posted: March 15th, 2011
at 9:25am by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,crime,too good to be true

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Atlantis Found?

Image source

Atlantis, which was destroyed by a tsunami, may have been found by archeologists and geologists…

Tsunamis in the region have been documented for centuries, Freund says. One of the largest was a reported 10-story tidal wave that slammed Lisbon in November, 1755.

Debate about whether Atlantis truly existed has lasted for thousands of years. Plato’s "dialogues" from around 360 B.C. are the only known historical sources of information about the iconic city. Plato said the island he called Atlantis "in a single day and night… disappeared into the depths of the sea." (Source)

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Posted: March 14th, 2011
at 11:47am by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,too good to be true,science,travel

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Get Vaccinated!

Is this in poor taste?

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Posted: March 9th, 2011
at 8:56am by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,too good to be true

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Cultural References

The video below is both humorous and curious in its stage-y, daytime TV’d out way. If you don’t speak Spanish, well, first of all, you should probably learn Spanish. But, if’n you don’t, they’re basically saying that they took the little girl seen in the video, put her in a white camisole, brushed her hair, and stationed her creepily in a hotel lobby. They stress that they did nothing else to the girl, sans makeup or special effects. Watch how people react at the slightest allusion to "The Shining." Again, humorous and curious.

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I would also like to point out that the cleaning lady’s reaction is perfectly priceless. The three or four different scenarios I can imagine for her are absolutely blowing my mind. This hearkens back to our Japanese Video of the Week days, eh?

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Posted: March 8th, 2011
at 9:15am by Black Ock

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Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,too good to be true,games,mnp is for the children,fo' real?

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The Strange Powers of the Placebo Effect

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Posted: March 4th, 2011
at 8:37am by mnp

Categories: too good to be true,science,health

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The Global Consciousness Project

The Global Consciousness Project is an international collaboration of scientists, engineers, and artists. We maintain a global network that has been collecting data continuously since 1998 from sensitive instruments which produce random sequences. Our purpose is to examine subtle correlations and structure in the data that seem to reflect the presence and activity of consciousness in the world. Looking at major global events including both tragedies and celebrations, we have learned that when millions of us share thoughts and emotions the GCP network shows correlations. We interpret this as evidence for interconnections at a deep, unconscious level. An implication is that we are part of a growing global consciousness or oneness.

From a CBS2 news item recorded by Brian Keefe in July 2005. For more information on the GCP, go to

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Posted: March 3rd, 2011
at 4:59pm by mnp

Categories: art,too good to be true,science,"ninja",philosophy

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