Archive for the ‘crime’ Category

Australia Gets Back To Its Roots

Citing the need to control their fishing waters, Australia has embarked on the development of a new floating prison. Keeping it off the mainlaind is key in this operation. Officials stated that, "We need a vessel that will be able to hold illegal fishers out at sea so we can round up even more of the boats."

"Australia already operates a detention-supply ship, the Oceanic Viking, in its cold southern waters. It is used to hold illegal fishermen caught with valuable Patagonian Toothfish."

Article via YahooNews


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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 2:52pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,life,crime,business

Comments: 1 comment

Not a Ninja: Smugglin Gone Terribly Wrong…

ganj--i mean butterfly smuggling

And you thought the stakes were high in the drug game! Who knew that the insect blackmarket was a thriving industry? This dude is the world’s most wanted butterfly smuggler… He got pinched in Los Angeles International Airport with over $300,000 in butterflies that are protected by global treaties.

The feds spent three years conducting an undercover operation to get this guy (He would be a ninja, but ninjas don’t get caught)! Can you believe what our tax-dollars go to?

article via 3Yen

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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 4:40am by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,bling,crime,too good to be true,business

Comments: 1 comment

9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon

For all you ninjas that are one of the 1/3 of Americans who suspect some sort of government conspiracy in the 9-11 attacks (poll), or just think the official investigation overlooked some things, the Washington Post is reporting today that the 9/11 Panel suspected deception by the Pentagon, and even mulled criminal charges!

This comes on the heels of the American Scholars Symposium on the attacks that was actually aired by C-SPAN last week. You can watch the conference here - note however that Alex Jones, the guy who put on the conference, runs a website called "Prison Planet," and is not always assumed to be the most credible source.

The government yesterday did release video of the plane hitting the Pentagon - the refusal to release this evidence is often cited by members of the 9/11 Truth Movement - the video was part of evidence that was introduced in the sentencing phase of the trial of Zacarias Mossaui - it can be viewed here, though the link is being bombarded, so it takes a lot of retries to actually get it. A lower quality version of both video clips are up on YouTube, here and here.

(ed: truthfully still don’t see too much evidence of a plane, per se, though I still haven’t been able to get the real video. I’ll leave it up to the readers to decide)
For all of you ninjas who are interested in this, read a bit about ‘Operation Northwoods’ if you haven’t already - it was a plan written by the Joint Chiefs of Staff from back in the Kennedy administration to launch terror attacks against Americans to rally public support for a war with cuba - you can read the now declassified documents here.

article in the Washinton Post

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Posted: August 2nd, 2006
at 2:39pm by Pheezatron

Categories: myninjaplease,life,crime,politricks

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Real Ninjas keep their ish on the DL

indoor garden, courtesy of the DEA site

Now I’m sad to say this is the second post on this site about people getting in trouble because they had to brag about their illicit activities online. This one goes right up there with the genius on "America’s Stupidest Criminals" who rappelled (ninja-style) into the atrium of a bank in hopes of robbing it, while it was still open (not ninja-style)…

Some young ninja-ette in Minnessota apparently put enough information about her horticultural activities up on an unnamed social networking site (read MySpace), that local police were able to get a warrant to search her residence. When local police and DEA agents showed up, they found 2000 ganja plants, which they subsequently destroyed.

This chick clearly needs some ninja lessons on how to keep her ish off the radar. However, the fact that 2000 marijuana plants were burned, and not for the purposes of enlightenment, surely robs her of her otherwise well-earned ninjadom. Ninjas of the world, learn from this youngin’s mistakes - Stop Snitching [on yourself]!
Surely there was a DEA agent who is a secret-toker and sat by that 2000 plant bonfire breathing deeply - he is a ninja for sure…
Read the article for yourself

Disclaimer: myninjaplease does not support witness intimidation, despite the aforementioned ‘Stop Snitching’ reference - if some thug on your block accidentally blasted a 2-year-old in a drive by, rat his punk ass out. However, if some chick is growing 2000 herb plants in her parents crib, marry her and have her move in!

Posted: August 2nd, 2006
at 1:21am by Pheezatron

Categories: myninjaplease,bling,crime,web,drogas,business

Comments: 2 comments

Paris Hilton…Celebrity Ninja?

paris hilton, elite ninja hacker?

OK, so some famous people are obviously ninjas… Think Bill Clinton or Wesley Snipes Rick James, bitch.

But the newest trashy gossip says that there may be more than meets the eye with Paris Hilton. I know it’s unbelievable, but reliable sources indicate that Miss Paris may be shedding her "dumb blonde" act in order to show her true skills as an elite hacker.
It’s reported that she "hacked into Lindsay Lohan’s Blackberry and sent offensive messages to her friends from it."

Lohan’s spokeswoman says that whoever did it sent "disgusting and very mean messages that everyone thought were coming from Lindsay. They weren’t. We now have lawyers looking into it. Some people think Paris may have been involved because the wording of the messages sounds very familiar."

(ed: don’t be mistaken, she still gets no respect)

scoop from KNX1070 Newsradio

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Posted: July 31st, 2006
at 2:52pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,celebrity,crime,too good to be true

Comments: 1 comment


Now homeless and writing at a shelter, Eric Monte, creator of Good Times and Cooley High, filed a suit in the 1970s against a major studio and never saw work again…

listen to the interview on NPR

Thanks Ian.

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Posted: July 31st, 2006
at 12:50pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life,celebrity,crime,business

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YouTube joins Flickr and Boing Boing on the "banned in Dubai" list.

Popular video sharing site YouTube is now banned in Dubai. Boing Boing has been banned in several countries including Dubai and the United Arab Emirates for several months. One anonymous Boing Boing reader in the UAE sent Boing Boing this letter:

"And its finally happened… I knew the day was not far…. :(The sole ISP in this country, which happens to be owned by the government has blocked Apparently boingboing is disseminating information that is " inconsistent with the religious, cultural, political and moral values of the United Arab Emirates. " See attached/hotlinked screenshot.

Please email me so if you post this on boingboing, so I can VPN to the office back home and read about this on boingboing… Till then I guess am stuck with which am sure is next. :(

PS - Please remove all personally identifiable information from the screenshot, cause I don’t want to end up in jail. Yes they do put people in jail for attempting/bypassing their proxy."

When you try to visit one of these sites, you see the message below or something similar:

Article on BoingBoing

Article on

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Posted: July 28th, 2006
at 7:19pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,life,crime

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Mothballs are the new "hillbilly heroin"? Ninja what?!

Flippin' dem mothballs ninja...

Some crazy-ass ninjas in France (yeah, sadly, I guess that’s how they roll there) got caught "baggin." Uh-huh. Right. Yeah, they were breathing the air from a bag of mothballs for ten minutes a day to get high. One of them was even chewing on them…
A young woman was "hospitalized with scaly skin on her legs and hands appearing unsteady and mentally sluggish."

Read the article on CNN (yeah, I know you thought we was frontin, ninja)

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Posted: July 27th, 2006
at 6:02pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,crime,drogas,not ninja-worthy

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A Shout Out to the Feds! My Ninjas!


This is a quote from the story about a relatively unintelligent ninja who just got bagged for his CD. I guess the feds were running a drug case and used his lyrics to find who they needed to find. I wonder how much they paid the analysts…

I also wonder how many dudes named "pookie" got fingered in the investigation. Here’s a quizzle:

Terrence "Big Chef" Jones and 20 others were arrested last week, bringing an end to a 16-month narcotics investigation of the Bushwick Houses, called "Operation Bushwhack". Big Chef referred to himself as "the 500-gram cooker" and the "bag twister" in his lyrics, and listed the names of his drug-dealing crew in the liner notes of his CD.

"It’s like the confessions of a rap star/drug dealer," Inspector Steven Powers of the Brooklyn North Narcotics Unit told The NY Daily News. "We looked at it and said, ‘Wow, he’s giving a lot of details about his life".

Article from

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Posted: July 27th, 2006
at 2:46pm by black octagons

Categories: hood status,crime,drogas

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