Eclipse Floating Lamp
The Eclipse Floating Lamp uses an integrated levitation technology that consists out of electromagnetic components. (Source)
My Ninja, Please! 1.5.12: Puke, I am your father
A picture is worth a thousand WTFs. Mon Ninja, Si Vous Plait!
In what is sure to be the wackiest food marketing campaign yet, the French fast food chain Quick have released their Force burgers, to promote the release of The Phantom Menace in 3d.
This bold, and absolutely disgusting looking, burger features a bun that is dyed black, ensuring that only a true Sith Lord will want to have anything to do with it! :: link ::
Posted: January 5th, 2012
at 1:49pm by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,grub
Comments: No comments
Reinventing the Shipping Container Part 19
Yong Ho Ji isn’t using shipping containers for his art yet, but his tire sculptures, outside of the container, allow for new recycling pieces.