Archive for January, 2012

Foto del Dia 1.6.12

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Posted: January 6th, 2012
at 2:12pm by mnp

Categories: foto del dia

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Tom Patti

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Posted: January 6th, 2012
at 2:06pm by mnp

Categories: contemporary

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Posted: January 6th, 2012
at 2:04pm by mnp

Categories: art

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Contemporary 1.5.12

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Posted: January 5th, 2012
at 6:00pm by mnp

Categories: contemporary

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Isaac Newton, Financial Regulator

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Alongside the stock market boom of the 1690s was rampant inflation, caused by the fact  that much of the coin circulating in England had been clipped and there was widespread counterfeiting. :Continue reading:

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Posted: January 5th, 2012
at 5:53pm by mnp

Categories: science,trade

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Mind Crunch : The Attitude Asset

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: Read on :

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Posted: January 5th, 2012
at 4:55pm by mnp

Categories: life,mnp is for the children,"ninja",entrepreneurship,mind crunch,innovation

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Kickstarter : Skallops

They’re a construction toy that uses clever laser cut clips—Skallops—and regular playing cards to let you make anything that you can imagine. We’ve perfected the design so that it’s easy to connect playing cards in countless ways. The Skallops themselves are cut out of the highest-quality, sanded and finished birch plywood.

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Posted: January 5th, 2012
at 4:44pm by mnp

Categories: games

Comments: 1 comment

Syntectics : Max and Jason

Back with Syntectics, where features multi-perspective interviews from cooperatives around the globe, is happy to catch up with, Max and Jason, founding hosts of Current TV, the Emmy-winning TV network launched by Al Gore. With their philanthropic efforts (PANGEA Day) and "smartertainment" platform, which is bringing technology and psychology to the forefront, they are bettering the human condition. Check out the video below for some background on their work at Current TV and elsewhere, before this MNP interview:

What is the most meaningful catalyst that will be bring the Singularity into full swing?

Jason: These rapidly progressing technologies bootstrap on their own complexity, we use the latest technology to create the next, and increasingly we shrink the lag time between what we imagine and what we create. The singularity is a great metaphor: it attempts to create a picture of the indescribable—Just as indescribable as rich symbolic language would have been to those who lived before it was invented.

Max: Continuing to support these ideas, voting pro-science people into office, ensuring that the world continues its march forward. Also that the outer world is a reflection of the inner. I know a lot of techno-optimists who love the promise of immortality, but don’t exercise and live on pizza and beer in the interim.

How are you driving the message, that the understanding of meta is better?

Jason: Max and I both support content that is a catalyst for intelligent conversation. We love the term ‘smartertainment’. Outlets like TED have made it hip to watch intellectual content and care about big ideas. This is how we spread big messages: good branding.

Max: Interesting ideas need to be delivered interestingly. We both try to engage people in a way that isn’t typically stuffy or buttoned up. It’s also sort of built into our DNA, going behind the curtain.

When are we going to see the real benefits of nano health tech- 10 years, or is it already here?

Jason: According to exponentialprojections, we’re in for quite a ride in the next decade or two: in vitro meat, reprogramming biological processes, and the beginning of true nanotechnology, impregnating the universe with intelligence.

Is music consciousness as powerful as it seems?

Max: Totally. For example, one study showed how music helps reduce pain by activating sensory pathways that compete with pain pathways, stimulating emotional responses, engaging the mind, and taking the focus away from pain. I get crazy goosebumps from my favorite music and regularly reach states of transcendence just contemplating a beautiful lyric or vocal delivery.

How do you integrate film into grasping thoughts- is there a better medium?

Jason: I love the combination of image and sound. Films transmit ideas and emotions viscerally. Music can do this too, but I’m not the singer amongst us, so I pick short documentaries. :)

Max: I love film, it’s incredibly powerful. We were talking the other day about how people enter states of consciousness when engrossed in a film similar to dream states. That’s pretty cool. At the end of the day it’s all storytelling. You can tell the same kind of story in a 3 hour multi-million dollar Hollywood epic, or in a 2 and a half minute cry set to piano. It has the same effect on the mind.

Where do you think the space for ninjas is in the this emergence?

Jason: Ninja is a great term- one that can seemingly bend reality. I think we’re all creative ninjas. Creative ninjas will lead the future.

Max: Hell yeah… a ninja combines technique and grace. Science and art. The future will be a similarly transcendent convergence.

In the dojo, we talk of a coming Renaissance, how does this relate to how you read it?

Max: We’re all increasingly empowered to be Renaissance-people. We’re working on a book about this.

Jason: I like the term "new age of wonder’ that physicist Freeman Dyson talks about. We’re headed straight for it!

What types of art are going to be the best resistors to new found scientific expressions?

Max: Art needs technology to be amplified, sure, but some things, like a vocal and acoustic performance, are kinda timeless.

Ethics seems to be at the front of barriers to entry, how can these be accommodated for further innovation?

Jason: Disruptive advancements and radical progress has always been resisted. New innovations threaten the status quo so its natural for people to resist. Socrates resisted writing!! He said it was for simpletons!

Any ideas on the after-future?

Jason: Decentralized, democratized communications assure more freedom to more people around the world. The genie is out of the bottle and individuals are more empowered than ever.

Max: We still need to find a way to compensate artists fairly. On the one hand, the Internet is great because everyone can broadcast their creations. But typically the value of things is correlated to their scarcity, so with more artists in the marketplace, it becomes harder for each to earn a living. We’re going to need a new kind of value system, but I think we’re heading in the right direction for sure.

Who are some thought leaders that are making this movement possible that you look up to?

Jason: Elon Musk is rapidly making space travel a reality, Ray Kurzweil, X Prize Founder Peter Diamandis is creating conditions for innovation.

Max: Richard Branson, Chris Anderson, the Google guys, whoever came up with "Shit Girls Say"

:: All images and videos courtesy of Max and Jason ::

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Posted: January 5th, 2012
at 4:04pm by mnp

Categories: syntectics

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Megan McCabe

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Posted: January 5th, 2012
at 2:23pm by mnp

Categories: contemporary,et cetera

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