Archive for December, 2011

IBM Innovation Predictions for 2016

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In this installment: you will be able to power your home with the energy you create yourself; you will never need a password again; mind reading is no longer science fiction; the digital divide will cease to exist; and junk mail will become priority mail.

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The Art of R by Norman Matloff

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Free download from the Three-Toed Sloth, buy the current book, here.

R is the world’s most popular programming language for statistical computing. Drug developers use it to evaluate clinical trials and determine which medications are safe and effective; archaeologists use it to sift through mounds of artifacts and track the spread of ancient civilizations; and actuaries use it to assess financial risks and keep economies running smoothly. In The Art of R Programming, veteran author Norman Matloff takes readers on a guided tour of this powerful language, from basic object types and data structures to graphing, parallel processing, and much more. Along the way, readers learn about topics including functional and object-oriented programming, low-level code optimization, and interfacing R with C++ and Python. Whether readers are doing academic research, designing aircraft, or forecasting the weather, R is the tool of choice for statistical application development, and The Art of R Programming is the definitive guide to learning R.

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My Ninja, Please! 12.20.11: MPAA Pirating Music

This clip familiar to you? Me too, but there is something more amiss here.

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Netherlands composer Melchior Rietveldt composed that ominous techno tune for a local film festival after being asked by anti-piracy group BREIN, who are funded by Hollywood. A few years later, he got himself a copy of Harry Potter on DVD and noticed his music was suddenly being used for much wider use than he had originally agreed to in contract. Which essentially means that when they say ‘you wouldn’t steal a television’, that doesn’t quite extend to intellectual property. [Read the rest]

Yes, the very same advert that you are forced to watch at the beginning of every DVD, the one telling you what a hurtful, unethical crime pirating would be, is using music that is PIRATED. My. Ninja. Please.

There are a lot of questions that could be asked here, but the author of the original piece asks the most important one for me:

After all, if they can’t even look after their own ads, how can they expect anybody else to abide by the law?

Excuse us, we’re just going out to steal a handbag. [Link]

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Posted: December 20th, 2011
at 5:04am by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,crime,politricks,fo' real?

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Jedi Ninjas

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‘Jedi Ninjas’ a Team2X production. Directed by James Mark and Justin Lovell. Concept & produced by James Mark and Yung Lee (GakAttack). Action Designed by and Featuring Team2x. Visual FX by Yung Lee (GakAttack)

Jedi Ninjas was developed as a passion project to recreate the current style of Star Wars action seen in video games into live action. This style often combines elements of Force powers with the use lightsaber combat. As there are no upcoming live action Star Wars movies to this date, this was a project to make many of the fans’ dreams into a reality.

Team 2X is a professional martial arts performance consisting of members with experience in Hollywood films and television. With their unique talent in creating mind blowing fight sequences and GakAttack’s passion for combining Visual FX with Martial Arts action. Jedi Ninjas became the result of this collaboration.

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Posted: December 20th, 2011
at 1:26am by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,film

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Ninja Kore

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Posted: December 19th, 2011
at 6:41pm by mnp

Categories: music,art,fo' real?

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Realia Trailer

The term ‘realia’ is the plural of ‘Real’ and means "real issues". This generally refers to things in real life and / or objects of a particular culture .

Realia is an unique digital / cinematic / photographic experiment. Never in the history of mankind have so many images been produced and shared as today. The photo website Flickr for example, has received 3000 pictures per minute, 30 Million per week, 130 Million per month on average in 2010. It’s easy to imagine the Internet as the visual equivalent of "the library of Babel" a short story by Jorge Luis Borges about an endless library. All the images on the net are potential frames for an movie. For this movie to construct, the frames should be put in the ‘right’ order. Image analyses software analyses millions of images and puts them ‘in order’ so that each frame differs slightly compared to the previous frame: the very principle of a movie. These computer generated ‘scenes’ will be the raw material for the movie: a monumental animation using millions of images from the Internet.

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Posted: December 19th, 2011
at 6:35pm by mnp

Categories: web,film,photo

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Spice Farming

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Posted: December 19th, 2011
at 6:31pm by mnp

Categories: film

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Foto del Dia 12.19.11

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Posted: December 19th, 2011
at 6:22pm by mnp

Categories: foto del dia

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The Call for a Richter Scale

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: Continue reading the article here :

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Posted: December 19th, 2011
at 6:12pm by mnp

Categories: science,trade

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