Archive for June, 2011

The Web has Lost it’s Friendliness

Examples cheapest pyrantel pamoate include to help prevent organ rejection after a transplant and buy generic zoloft for the treatment of certain cancers. This is because Cialis order xalatan cheap online can be used to treat both ED and BPH symptoms, buy free clomid no prescription dosage while Levitra is only approved to treat ED. A meta-analysis order aldactone may also conclude, for example, that antibiotics are effective in flagyl no rx treating a disease, but they are unlikely to specify the get remeron type, dosage, or how a specific antibiotic will affect an glyburide prescription individual. According to experts, ivermectin reduces inflammation and treats the buy griseofulvin without prescription Demodex mites that play a role in rosacea. Menopause itself find cialis without prescription increases the chance of developing heart disease, so following a arcoxia generic order keto diet while going through menopause may compound the risk. synthroid sale A person could also reach out to any friends or lumigan family they have recently been in contact with to ask norvasc alternative if they, or others they know, currently have infections. To order flovent begin this therapy, doctors will first collect stem cells either from.

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Posted: June 22nd, 2011
at 1:08pm by mnp

Categories: web,mnp is for the children

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Top 10 Supercomputers

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Posted: June 22nd, 2011
at 1:08pm by mnp

Categories: computers,lists

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Mind Crunch : 6.22.11 : Comfort?

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All of the driving force in my life has been to move myself from one uncomfortable position to a more comfortable one.  That’s why we, as humans, will put forth that extra energy needed to get a raise, sit farther away from homeless people on the bus, or deal with Comcast for any reason ever.  When we reach that comfort zone, we become attached to it, not wanting to enhance our lives by exploring new paths. We’re at the point to where we can either keep our minds focused, or let them soften to the great wave of entertainment flowing by.

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Posted: June 22nd, 2011
at 8:02am by mnp

Categories: life,development,mind crunch

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Car Accidents and Alcohol

In the United States, the blood-alcohol limit may be 0.08 percent, but no amount of alcohol seems to be safe for driving, according to a University of California, San Diego sociologist. A study led by David Phillips and published in the journal Addiction finds that blood-alcohol levels well below the U.S. legal limit are associated with incapacitating injury and death. (Source)

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Posted: June 22nd, 2011
at 8:01am by mnp

Categories: not ninja-worthy,whips,science,drinks

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Growing Human Organs… in pigs

I read this article this morning, and it kinda bugged me out:

Scientists have found they can create chimeric animals that have organs belonging to another species by injecting stem cells into the embryo of another species.

The researchers say the technique could allow pigs to grow human organs from patient’s stem cells for use as transplants.

By using a patient’s own stem cells it could help to reduce the risk of the transplanted organ being rejected while also providing a plentiful supply of donor organs.

Current organ shortages mean that patients must endure long waiting lists for transplants.  (Click here to read the full article on this research)

Now, this is all well and good for people on transplant waiting lists, but I wonder about whether or not I’d want this pig grown organ.  Besides ethical issues, it just sounds kinda nasty.  All in all, this could be a major breakthrough, years in the making.  Now, just wait til the church gets a hold of this.

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Posted: June 21st, 2011
at 8:41am by Black Ock

Categories: grub,fo' real?,science,10th dan,health

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MNP Search Fail Part II

We continue to look for suggestions about how to get better in the search area…

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Posted: June 20th, 2011
at 5:42pm by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,web,fail

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On the Singularity…

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Posted: June 20th, 2011
at 3:54pm by mnp

Categories: science,development,philosophy,education

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Posted: June 20th, 2011
at 10:07am by mnp

Categories: computers,design

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Ford to Produce More Electric and Hybrids

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It currently sells about 35,000 electrified vehicles a year and plans to boost that to more than 100,000 vehicles annually by 2013.>

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Posted: June 19th, 2011
at 12:00pm by mnp

Categories: green,business,whips

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