Lebowski Fest
The 10th Annual is happening in Louisville, July 15-16.
Posted: June 10th, 2011
at 11:14am by mnp
Categories: myninjaplease,film,events
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Skydiving on Saturn
Daredevils regularly bail out at high altitude to skydive through Earth’s atmosphere but what would it be like to skydive on Saturn?
Would you jump in summer into an atmosphere shrouded in a yellow-ochre haze, aim for winter when the planet is tinged blue, or maybe leap into the shadow of those famous rings?
These thoughts were prompted by new research from an international team led by Oxford University scientists into a powerful storm on Saturn first spotted in December 2010.
‘What we see when we look at Saturn in visible light is the top of the cloud decks - that’s near the top of the troposphere or ‘weather zone’ - made up of ammonia clouds and other hazy materials,’ Leigh Fletcher of Oxford University’s Department of Physics, who led the work, tells us.
‘This top layer of cloud is a bit like the skin of an apple, it stops us seeing the body and ‘core’ of the planet underneath.’ What lies beneath is a mystery, but Saturn sometimes shows its true colours in spectacular fashion.
Paleo Sweet Tooth
When you’re eating the paleo way, you should keep your sugar intake at a minimum. So all of the delicious sweets above are out. If you want to be really strict, you shouldn’t even have very much fruit, because fruits are high in sugars.
Geese Clear Himalayas
Bar-headed geese fly up and over breathtakingly high passes in the Himalayas in just eight hours without rest or the help of tailwinds, satellite tracking shows.
Researchers had previously known that the geese undertake one of the highest-altitude migrations in the world, flapping their way over snowy peaks through thin mountain air that leaves human adventurers gasping for breath and struggling to walk. But they didn’t know how fast the birds could climb over 6,000-metre ridges from their breeding grounds in Mongolia to their winter refuges in India. (Source)
Solar Powered Laptop
The needs to go green, be mobile, and be productive collide in Andrea Ponti’s concept design for solar powered laptop, one that does not require a peripheral attachment to harness the power of the sun. Designed with a solar panel behind the monitor and one beneath the touch keyboard, it would be the first completely-solar laptop ever… if it gets produced. (Source)