Beard Championship Update
In 2006, we learned of a competition of beards in a land far away. This is that update.

Posted: April 24th, 2011
at 11:58am by mnp
Categories: myninjaplease,mnp is for the children,weaponry,"ninja",competitions,events
Comments: 1 comment
The Lettuce Principle
Over a several-year period, the U.S. per capita consumption of Romaine lettuce increased 162%, to the point now where lettuce consumption is at a record high. Why? Largely because we are too damn lazy to even wash our own lettuce anymore.
The convenience of pre-washed, bagged lettuce outweighs the cost. At least in my grocery store, a bag of lettuce is easily three times more expensive than a raw head. Yet we buy the bag anyway, because you can just grab a handful and throw it on your plate. (Source)
Posted: April 23rd, 2011
at 6:25pm by mnp
Categories: business,grub,fo' real?,blogs
Comments: No comments
Active People Vote More?
Despite that people "run" for office, many would believe that physical activity and political activity are two separate interests. Not so, argues a study that finds that people who get out and move are the same people who get out the vote. Evidently, those who exercise are more likely to be engaged politically.
A year ago, a massive oil spill began in the Gulf. The entire country was glued to the news until the well was capped, and then we forgot about it.
The High Heel Bubble?
I sincerely hope education is a bubble. If it is a bubble, it will eventually pop, and we will find our way to a global maxima. But I don’t see much reason for optimism. I expect that rather than popping, the education industry will level off at a high level and the world will be stuck in a Nash Equilibrium which is less optimal than where we are now. Our children will all waste 4 years of their life and $100k of our money and educators will become wealthier. It would be great if this could be prevented, but I see little mechanism by which that would occur. (Source)
Posted: April 23rd, 2011
at 3:41pm by mnp
Categories: myninjaplease,too good to be true,business,"ninja",development,education
Comments: No comments
Organic Container Gardening
No space or time? Try container gardening…a 101 that covers info on soil, containers, vegetables, watering and insects…
One of the biggest mistakes organic gardeners can make is using treated wood for containers. Chemicals that the wood has been treated with can leach into the soil and into your vegetables. Choose raw, natural wood instead. Ceramic or clay pots are also available, and of course, the cheapest option is plastic. Make sure all the containers have areas for drainage. Most store-bought containers have a hole in the bottom already, but if you’re making your own, be sure to add one. (Source)
Posted: April 23rd, 2011
at 10:48am by mnp
Categories: green,grub,diy,development,blogs
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