Archive for January, 2011

A new polymer material that can repeatedly heal itself at room temperature when exposed to ultraviolet light presents the tantalizing possibility of products that can repair themselves when damaged. Possibilities include self-healing medical implants, cars, or even airplane parts.


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Posted: January 21st, 2011
at 12:35pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: the column

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Auckland’s Public Transport Network>

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Posted: January 21st, 2011
at 7:03am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: maps

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Software Developer’s Obsession with Ninjas and Rockstars

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We software developers are so obsessed with trying to be cool that we forget who we are. I am sure many of you have seen phrases likeAjavascript ninja/C# ninja/ php rockstar developer (with a silhouette of a rockstar) on various websites.

Think about what these phrases mean for a second.

Why the hell would I call myself a javascript ninja, instead of a javascript developer?

Is it because javascriptAninja sounds cooler?>

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Posted: January 20th, 2011
at 7:02pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,computers,mnp is for the children,"ninja",development

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The Gourmet Ice Entrepreneur

Michel Dozois is pinning the success of his two-year old company on the dubious thrills of watching ice melt.

When courting new clients, Dozois, the owner of Los Angeles’s Neve Luxury Ice Company, sits them down for a simple experiment. He fills two Old Fashioned glasses with iceathe first with conventional cubes, the second with his company’s "ice rock," a single large cube, which takes up about 50 percent of the glassaand tops them with a dram of good whisky (his spirit of choice is Laphroig). Dozois then asks the potential clients to sit back and wait, allowing nature to take its course.

About every seven minutes, he asks the client to take a sipafirst of the conventional drink where the ice is rapidly melting, then of the drink made with the sturdy opaque brick of Neve ice. The second shows minimal dilution; it’s essentially whisky served neat, but much, much colder.

: Continue reading the article :

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Posted: January 20th, 2011
at 6:52pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: drinks,entrepreneurship

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Master Chess Players Use Hidden Brain Parts

Professional chess players have long stumped fans with how they make killer moves so swiftly and intuitively, and aAJapanese study published on Friday may have unlocked their secret.

Tracking blood flow in the brain to detect spikes of activity, researchers found that master players of shogi — a Japanese game similar to chess — use two regions of the brain to make critical moves.

Unlike amateur players, who use the precuneus area of the parietal lobe, professionals use the caudate nucleus in the center of the brain, said Keiji Tanaka at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute’s Cognitive Brain Mapping Laboratory.

"Professionals are trained extensively for a long time, over 10 years, hours every day. This extensive training (may have) shifted the activity from the cerebral cortex to the caudate nucleus," the study’s lead author Tanaka said.

"Amateurs use the precuneus only a third of the time (that professionals do)," Tanaka said.

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Posted: January 20th, 2011
at 6:50pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: games,science

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How Bloggers Beat Wall Street

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Wednesday was a great day. The so-called "amateurs" beat Wall Street's finest by correctly predicting Apple's (AAPL) reported earnings for their most recent quarter. And people are starting to take notice.

In aACNN Money list of the best (and worst) Apple earnings predictions, the bottom 20 spots (out of 41) were firmly occupied by the "professionals". In fact, barring two bloggers, the bottom 30 were all analysts. The top 9 were individual investors.

Naturally, many people will be surprised by this and rightly so. It's common sense to think that handsomely paid professionals who spend countless hours evaluating companies and who have the best investing tools in the world available to them would easily beat a few guys with a laptop and an internet connection.>

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Posted: January 20th, 2011
at 6:39pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: apple,blogs,trade

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Primary Sources : China Tech News

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China's internet does not receive as much coverage as it deserves, particularly in English. Here is a list of top news sources, in English and Chinese, that our team reads to stay sharp.>

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Posted: January 20th, 2011
at 2:14pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: primary sources,lists

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Taylor says the results of his model should provide ammunition for some boards that are under pressure from irate shareholders and from populist anger over CEO pay. In particular, boards of larger firms — where the entrenchment cost has been shown to be close to zero — can argue they have been more aggressive than many others in dumping underperforming leaders. Members of such boards "could defend [themselves] against this rage by saying, ‘Here’s a paper that shows that our CEO firing rate is optimal for shareholders,'" says Taylor. "They could argue that the reason they don’t fire CEOs more often is that it takes time to learn about a CEO’s ability, and there are real costs to shareholders from the firing."

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Posted: January 20th, 2011
at 2:01pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: the column

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My Ninja, Please! 1.20.11: Chinese Traffic

Some of you probably know about the 60 mile traffic jam in China that made the news late last year.A Then you probably also know that at certain points in the jam, experts (ha) forecast that it could take weeks to make it out.A Well, my good and loyal ninjas, never fear, for Chinese businessman have figured out the answer.A Instead of waiting in the traffic yourself, you can a motorcycle escort to come pick you up, leaving a service associate to safely comport your vehicle to its final destination.A I don’t believe this doesn’t exist everywhere already!A My Ninjas, Please (bring this to Boston)!

The service is for "those with urgent dates or business meetings to go to, and those who have flights to catch and can’t afford to wait in a traffic jam for too long," Huang Xizhong, whose company offers the service in the central city of Wuhan, was quoted as saying.

Huang said he began offering the service last year after receiving a number of calls from desperate motorists, the report said.

The service is also available in the eastern city of Jinan, where drivers can pay more than 400 yuan ($60) to escape a traffic jam, the report said. (Source)

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Posted: January 20th, 2011
at 12:53pm by Black Ock

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Categories: myninjaplease,whips

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