Archive for January, 2011

Mauritius: MNP’s Sister Island

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We first connected with Mauritius a couple of years ago because of their educational facilities and MNP is proud to be their sister island - for further reading from the Mises Institute:

Without a doubt, the nation of Mauritius is the freest country that you’ve never heard of a indeed, it is the freest country in all of Africa.

Located far off the east coast of Africa, just east of Madagascar, Mauritius is an island that rests on the west side of the Indian Ocean.

With a population of about 1.3 million people living on a little more than 2,000 square kilometers, Mauritius’s citizens enjoy a temperate climate, beautiful scenery, and a life in one of Africa’s least corrupt countries, according to Transparency International. Most of Mauritius’s citizens work primarily in sugar, tourism, textiles, and the growing financial sector. Nobel laureate and writer J.M.G. Le Clezio even calls Mauritius home.

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Posted: January 28th, 2011
at 2:45pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: ir

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Krishnamurti and David Bohm - The Future of Humanity

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Posted: January 28th, 2011
at 2:17pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life

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Polishing vs. Sanding

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A lot of people talk about polishing their site/app/product. Usually referred to in the sense of working on the little details and improving the overall user experience. I think that's great, and something everyone should spend a lot of time doing, but I want to propose that people spend more time "sanding". Sure, it's not quite as sexy of a term, and both polishing and sanding both have the end result of making a thing smooth, but they take different paths to get there. Polishing will make theAsurface smooth and shiny, but sometimes that is justAputting lipstick on a pig. You now have a high-gloss shine, but did you really make it better, or just make it sparkle?

Sanding on the other hand has a different connotation. When you say you're going to sand something, there is a clear idea about what action you're taking, and what the desired result is. Sanding is a reductive process, you're actively removing material. You're smoothing down the corners and getting rid of the rough edges, and I think that should be the goal. Where is this app standing in the user's way? If you look, you'll always find a corner that can be sanded down.

It's really just semantics, but I think you need to do both. If you only have time for one, I'd say sand. I don't care how nice the surface of the desk is if it wobbles because the legs are uneven.>

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Posted: January 28th, 2011
at 7:58am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: development,blogs

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Empires beget empires- they can not only change the lives of others, but also fuel the success of future entrepreneurs. Inspiring people to not just believe in your vision, but to take ownership of it themselves and beginAempire thinking, instilling a future generation of entrepreneurs with the motivation to do more. There's a reason so many awesome entrepreneurs came from PayPal and eBay, and Microsoft. In today's world, it's Facebook's Chris HughesAfounding charity-focusedAJumo. So there's definitely upside, but there are downsides, too. Empires can go bad. And Empires can fail. The Roman Empire did it- and The AOL Empire sure is trying its darnedest to do it, too. But hey, The Roman Empire gave us democracy- and the AOL Empire gave usAYou've Got Mail, so it's hard to complain.

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Posted: January 28th, 2011
at 7:16am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: the column

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Obama's 1 Million Electric Vehicles

In Tuesday night’s State of the Union, President Obama reiterated his goal of being the first country to put 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2015, a plan he first put forth in 2008. And in the day since, the Obama administration started to expand on how it proposes to reach that goal.

Announcing more details of the plan Wednesday was Vice President Joe Biden who visitedAEner1, Inc., a manufacturer of advanced batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage in Greenfield, Indiana. Ener1 added 120 employees in 2010 after receiving a $118-million Department of Energy grant, made possible by the $2.4 billion Recovery Act investment in electric vehicles.

Although likely to receive pushback from some congressional Republicans, Obama’s proposal on how the program would be paid for will undoubtedly incite some populist support, perhaps even from newly-elected Tea Party-istas.>

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Posted: January 27th, 2011
at 8:55pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,whips,politricks

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Map of Scientific Collaboration>

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Posted: January 27th, 2011
at 8:51pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: maps

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U.S. Manufacturing: Output vs. Jobs

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This week, Veronique de Rugy examines changes in employment and productivity in the American manufacturing sector.A Since 1975, manufacturing output has more than doubled, while employment in the sector hasA decreased by 31%. While these American job losses are indeed sobering, they are not an indication of declining U.S. competitiveness.A In fact, these statistics reveal that the average American manufacturer is over three times more productive today than they were in 1975 - a sure sign of economic progress.

The true cause of dwindling American competitiveness is a tax code that puts domestic firms at a clear disadvantage - not a lack of skill or innovation on the part of the American worker.>

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Posted: January 27th, 2011
at 7:20am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: development,education

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Engineering is hard and takes a resource that is in relatively short supply. Engineering brains are different from other human brains. If you see a good piece of software, and good people that built it with their hands, you are a fool not to join the party. If you see an awesome business model that lacks a recipe for cooking and baking it, who cares (unless you’re the engineering talent to provide that recipe)? I always use the teleporter example to make this point. I have the most incredible business model you have ever heard. It is one that will make more money than any business in civilization’s history. The product will change the world. Here it is; let’s charge people for a teleportation service that allows them to move between any two points on Earth (we can expand to other planets later) in a split-second. Everyone will buy it; bottom line. Unfortunately, there’s a complete lack of engineering support for this product.

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Posted: January 27th, 2011
at 7:09am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: the column

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Foto del Dia 1.26.11

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Posted: January 26th, 2011
at 1:49pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: foto del dia

Comments: 1 comment