Archive for June, 2009

Body Art!

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::[ photo link ]::

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Posted: June 5th, 2009
at 9:11am by Black Ock

Categories: art,art fridays

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Takashi Murakami in Frankfurt

[Photo Link]

This is just a repost from a usual suspect.

::[ for more info, check here or here ]::

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Posted: June 5th, 2009
at 7:46am by Black Ock

Categories: contemporary,art fridays

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Simian-Cephalopod : Air Kraken


A steampunk fantasy work of an elusive species produced for Air Kraken Day (March 17)- a little late but you know how it goes my ninjas..

- Air Kraken is a photo-illustration composed from images submitted to the world’s largest stock photo site (stock.xchng) by Simian-Cephalopod

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Posted: June 5th, 2009
at 5:30am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,photo,art fridays

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Eyeglass Display + Wearable Tech


German researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems have created a head-mounted microdisplay - embedded in a pair of glasses. The setup will allow users to access and manipulate data with simple eye movements.

The [CMOS] chip measuring 19.3 by 17 millimeters is fitted on the prototype eyeglasses behind the hinge on the temple. From the temple the image on the microdisplay is projected onto the retina of the user so that it appears to be viewed from a distance of about one meter. The image has to outshine the ambient light to ensure that it can be seen clearly against changing and highly contrasting backgrounds. For this reason the research scientists use OLEDs, organic light-emitting diodes, to produce microdisplays of particularly high luminance.

Scroll around and manipulate menus and data with a flick of the eye, by focusing on a word or image? Sounds siiick to me…


Now, imagine something like the glasses, combined somehow with the wearable gestural interface being developed by MIT’s Media Lab [shown in video, below].

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More on this technology being developed by MIT - SixthSense: Wearable Gestural Interface at AMNP.

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Posted: June 4th, 2009
at 2:30pm by orangemenace

Categories: youtube,computers,life,too good to be true,gear,design,fo' real?,real life news,internets

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Is Justin Masterson Really Billy Corgan?

Just checking.

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Posted: June 4th, 2009
at 2:00pm by Black Ock

Categories: too good to be true

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The Mikiphone: Precursor to the i-pod?

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a€oeThe Swiss Mikiphone, circa 1930, is probably the best of all the miniature gramophones produced in the first half of the twentieth century. The folding pocket gramophone when closed resembles a large pocket watch. All the parts apart from the winding handle are stored inside the case which when closed has a diameter of just 4.5a€A (11.5 cm) by under 2a€A thick (4.7 cm). The turntable is only just over 4a€A in diameter (10.4 cm) and the records are held in place with a push on clamp. The celluloid a€horna€™ is in two parts and is also stored within the case.a€A

.::Brass Goggles ->

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Posted: June 4th, 2009
at 1:33pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,music,apple,gear

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Female Umps/Refs

In case you were pondering what we were pondering…

Ria Cortesio, a woman umpire, called Thursday’s spring training game between the Arizona Diamondbacks and Chicago Cubs in Mesa, Ariz.a€"the first time in almost 20 years that a female umpire made it to a major league exhibition game. Why doesn’t baseball have more female umpires?

Little League baseball is still a boys’ game. Young girls tend to play softball or another sport, so they rarely join baseball teams in high school or college. And since many prospective umpires are former baseball players, there’s an especially small pool of women who have a passion for umpiring. Each year, just a handful of women enroll at one of the country’s two umpire schools. No wonder there have been just six women umpires in the history of minor league baseball, and none in the major leagues.

To become an umpire, men and women alike must fork over $2,000 to $3,000 in tuition and spend a few weeks working on their stance, calls, strike zone, field positioning, and voice control. (After that, getting to the major leagues is a long shot no matter what gender you are…

::[ Read the rest of "Women in Black" ]::

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Posted: June 4th, 2009
at 11:00am by Black Ock

Categories: games,fo' real?

Comments: 1 comment

David Carradine: Death of a Ninja


Sad ninja news to report today - actor and 9th dan ninja master David Carradine has been found dead in a hotel in Bangkok. There are apparently no details, and the death is still being investigated.

I suspect Pai Mei’s Five-Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique, as it’s the only thing gangster enough to take out a true ninja like Carradine.

Rest in peace Sir.


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Posted: June 4th, 2009
at 10:44am by orangemenace

Categories: life,celebrity,film,fo' real?,real life news,"ninja"

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Slightly more than just semi-re-re:

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First of all, did McDonald’s really do an ad with turds running around as detectives?AA And why does Ronald have to always look so scary.AA If this wasn’t enough to deter you… what’s that turd doing with that big twizzler around 00:17?AA SRMDAotW strikes again!

::[ video found via ToplessRobot ]::

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Posted: June 3rd, 2009
at 8:02am by Black Ock

Categories: web,srmdaotw

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