Archive for June, 2009

Using the Force… in real life

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Coincidentally, I hooked one of these up to yo’ mama and…AA No, but, seriously, this thing is crazy.AA Imagine when ninjas learn to use the force?AA Unstoppable.


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Posted: June 9th, 2009
at 7:48am by Black Ock

Categories: too good to be true,web,real life news,science

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Nixon Time Teller P


White on white on white. Pretty dope.

[also in black on black on black - and various other colors]

.:Time Teller P -> via Nixon

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Posted: June 9th, 2009
at 7:00am by orangemenace

Categories: gear,design

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Stitcher: Stream Radio to iPhone


I’m sure that many of you have heard of Stitcher before - but it was just brought to my attention, and I thought it was pretty dope. Essentially, it allows you to stream podcasts, radio shows, and news directly to your iPhone [or blackberry] - which is awesome.

.:get the app->

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Posted: June 9th, 2009
at 5:00am by orangemenace

Categories: computers,apple,cell phones,internets

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House of Cards - Documentary

The economic recession (Hulu-ized with commercials).

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Posted: June 8th, 2009
at 9:15am by Black Ock

Categories: business,real life news,documentary

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Merkel: I want you, Mr. President


President Obama signs the city’s visitor’s book in Dresden, Germany, Friday, while German Chancellor Angela Merkel looks on. (AP)

Really tho - look at this woman’s expression! She looks like a giddy teenager who just got to meet her favorite Backstreet Boy or something…

Get it together, Angela!

::photo courtesy of the AP, via WBUR‘s daily newsletter::

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Posted: June 8th, 2009
at 9:00am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,celebrity,politricks

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Breakfast Club: Rise & Grind


[image: Chaos men’s tee]

It doesn’t really seem as if these ninjas here need any help promoting their gear [note the Donny Wahlberg plug in the video below], but one of the company’s founders was like fam to me back in the day - and I’m always looking to support Beantown-based projects. Plus, their mission statement sounds like something you’d hear from MNP:

We’re not just a company…we’re a movement.

We pride ourselves on being part of a new generation of young adults who are natural-born legal-hustlers.

And when a person wakes up first and hits the ground running while the rest are fast asleep, they will always ‘Eat first," hence the name Breakfast Club. We make clothing for young, fly people who sit at the table of life and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Anyone who can determine their goal, take the steps to make it happen, and follow through with ambition and tenacity is worthy of wearing our brand.

Our clothing designs and colors are driven by ambition and new ideas and not just by what everyone else is doing.

Success comes in many shapes and forms. As for us -AA we don’t care in what shape or form it comes in, as long as when it comes it’s wearing our logo.

Breakfast Club Culture Brand…clothing for those who rise & grind!

To be honest I can’t get 100% behind the concept, but that’s only because the idea of ‘waking up first’ to ‘eat first’ seems ludicrous to me. I mean, I can’t speak for all the ninjas here at MNP - but I myself haven’t slept in over 4,000 years. Keep one eye tilted.

BTW - Donny has [hilariously] remained this kind of Boston townie hood, which is killin’ me. He’s just hangin’ tough, I suppose…

.:Breakfast Club: Clothing for hose Who Rise & Grind->

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Posted: June 8th, 2009
at 8:00am by orangemenace

Categories: celebrity,clothes

Comments: 1 comment

Clothing Optional

[Photo Link]

Ita€™s a big world out there, with plenty of private little nooks and crannies for getting naked in nature, as God originally intended.

If you want to be sure youa€™re not hassled, here are 10 popular beaches where bathing attire a€" actually, any attire at all a€" is optional…

Coincidentally, a nude beach is where I met your mama.

::[ Check out the list of top ten nude beaches via Matador ]::

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Posted: June 8th, 2009
at 7:47am by Black Ock

Categories: travel

Comments: 1 comment

Muzak Video Sundays [6/7/09]

YouTube Preview Image YouTube Preview Image YouTube Preview Image YouTube Preview Image YouTube Preview Image

Thanks to Curtis for help with this one!

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Posted: June 7th, 2009
at 8:19am by Black Ock

Categories: muzak video sundays

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Ninja Homes: Haus W


Now this is an interesting house. Designed by Kraus Schonberg Architects for a couple and their two children, Haus W is an attempt to create a home that feels like one interconnected space - while still providing a sense of ‘individual freedom’ to the family members. To achieve this goal, Kraus Schonberg essentially divided the project into two parts: the upper level, a series of volumes for more individuall functions [bedrooms, baths, etc], and a lower level for the family / living spaces.


The different spaces on the second level - each having different height and space requirements - then project downward, into he living space. This, in turn, pushes the living spaces on the first level to different elevations - distinguishing individual spaces by variations in floor height [see model below].

[Now, I’m not exactly sure why one bedroom would need to be taller or shorter than another - but it still seems like an interesting concept, and has made for a pretty sick house.]


While the lower level / living space consists of more-or-less one interconnected space, the upper levels can [obviously] be closed off from one-another for some privacy. To keep with the concept of interconnected internal spaces, the rooms are organized around a central atrium space [with a dope 2 storey bookcase] - and have windows looking both out into the garden and into this central atrium.


Moving on, the lower / ground level has been pushed below-grade, so that while inside an occupant is roughly eye-level with the garden outside. I can only imagine that this is pretty cool when moving around in the living spaces, as if you’re really embedded in the landscape - while providing a sense of privacy when sitting in any of these spaces.


And then they drop some sustainability on us:

The walls and floors of the individual upper rooms are built of sustainable CNC-cut timber panels. These do a variety of things: they constitute the finish; define spaces and functions; help insulate the building; are recyclable; create a comfortable internal environment; and offer a cost-effective building solution.


Now - here’s a question: how do you and your wife / husband enjoy any type of ‘personal time’, when there are windows looking into the kids’ room? Ninjas would probably need some curtains or something…


.:images + info via -> Kraus Schonberg Architects

::originally posted over at AMNP::

.::Check out our previous a€Ninja Homesa€ features->

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Posted: June 5th, 2009
at 10:00am by orangemenace

Categories: architecture,ninja homes

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