Archive for June, 2009

Rusty DePass = Racist Jackass

Like the idea of an ignorant, racist Republican is shocking in any way. And also, for a racist-ish comment of my own: could this guy be an uglier, chubbier rich-white-guy? Damn.

In a comment on his Facebook page [you’re too old for facebook, asshole] South Carolina GOP activist and former chairman of the state elections commission Rusty DePass made the following comment about a gorilla that had escaped from a local zoo: "I’m sure it’s just one of Michelle’s ancestors - probably harmless."

He’s admitted he was referring to Michelle Obama, saying, "I am as sorry as I can be if I offended anyone. The comment was clearly in jest."

Offended anyone? "In jest"? Dude - WTF is your deal? Of course that’s offensive - what kind of idiot could even pretend to suggest he didn’t realize how people would take that kind of comment?

You’re a racist, and an asshole - and I hope the next time we hear about you it’s because someone’s smacked the bigot out of you [I’m available for said bigot-smacking all week - hit me on my cell].

Does anyone know how the GOP reacted to this? I don’t suppose the party as a whole had the sense to denounce his comments.

Seriously - if you can’t help but say ignorant things about the skin-tone of the first family: at least have the cajones to stand by your comments. People will still hate you for saying it, and you’ll look like an antiquated clown - but at least you won’t come off as a p@$$y.

Also, please, PLEASE, don’t go arguing some nonsense about evolution - we all know what the deal is when some white guy starts comparing gorillas to African Americans. I’ve already read some comments on other sites by some fool Repubs who are claiming this is a creationism vs evolution thing - which is complete and utter BS.

.:via->The Huffington Post


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Posted: June 15th, 2009
at 5:35am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,celebrity,not ninja-worthy,politricks,fo' real?,real life news

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Muzak Video Sunday [6/14/09]

Not one person has commented on my repetition of Bebel… so… enjoy!

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The Flaming Lips - She don’t use jelly

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Thanks to Evan for helping with this one! If you have videos that you think should show up on Muzak Video Sundays, well, feckin’ holler at us (

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Posted: June 14th, 2009
at 7:57am by Black Ock

Categories: muzak video sundays

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Microsoft Project Natal: The Future, Now

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Posted: June 13th, 2009
at 4:10pm by orangemenace

Categories: youtube,too good to be true,games,fo' real?

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Glue Society: a€oeIt wasna€™t meant to end like thisa€A


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Posted: June 12th, 2009
at 9:06am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: photo,art fridays

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Ninja Homes: b4Architects Europan 9


[Image: Proposed harbor plan]

Winners of an international call-for-entries for harbor-front redevelopment in Kotka, Finland, b4Architects [along with Matteo Rossetti and our ninja Luigi Valente] create a new urban interface between land and sea with their proposal for the Europan 9 competition.


[Image: Rendering of proposed harbor residences]

Kotka is a harbor town born from the local wood + paper industries - which brought business and shipping traffic to the harbor while causing a disconnect between the residents and the waterfront, much like other port-cities around the world. Now that these industries have different shipping/harbo-front needs, the city is left with a large expanse of empty waterfront to reshape - envisioning a realization of a ‘contemporary idea of living’.

The proposed plan seems to pick up a number of existing roads, while emphasizing one as a type of urban spine leading to the water - off of which a grid is formed to contain the proposed inland housing. MNP’s interest, however, lies in these floating homes which are being proposed - which look pretty siiick.


[Image: Axon of proposed ‘floating’ harbor residences]

Connected through a number of ‘pedestrian + mooring wharfs’, the homes appear to be elegant wooden structures [3 types: terrcae, one level and two level] that most definitely do the local wood industry justice. Their location [ON the water] is interesting/provocative while being culturally + locally relevant, speaking to Kotka’s history as a harbor city.


[Image: Sections + plans of proposed harbor residences]

The entire project is concentrated on this dialectic concepta€™s reality of the limit between land and water: the coast line is a contemporary start and end point of the citya€™s territory.

It is the place where the limit of the vastness of Nature and the sense of the anthropologya€™s made up order imposes itself. This citya€™s part marks a mediation between the naturea€™s infinity and the that basic human will of building a€insidea€™ spaces [translated description of the project from Luigi, via his site].


[Image: Rendering of additional proposed inland housing]


[Image: Rendering of proposed public harbor-front space]

For more images - and plans + sections for the other parts of the project - head on over to Luigi’s site.

::originally posted over at AMNP::

.::Check out our previous a€Ninja Homesa€ features->

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Posted: June 12th, 2009
at 8:06am by orangemenace

Categories: architecture,ninja homes

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Musical Tesla Coils at Burning Flipside

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Robotron at Robot Ninja introduced to the masses the tesla coil; here they go again with a not-as gangsterish DJ tesla coil sound system..

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Posted: June 12th, 2009
at 6:38am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,music,too good to be true,robots,weaponry,fo' real?,art fridays

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Hiroaki Umeda at Japan Society

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The work of the Japanese soloist is part hip-hop, part Butoh, which means that his expert, staccato undulations build very slowly. The integration of multimediaa€"flashes of light, cracklings of electronic noise, blackouts, silence, all precisely timeda€"is highly sophisticated. In one dance, Umeda inhabits a computerized environment, its bright-lined geometry reminiscent of a€oeTron.a€A His very movements are full of special effects, live manipulations that suggest a DVD image skipping.a€A a€" The New Yorker

.:: Culture Bot ->

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Posted: June 12th, 2009
at 5:00am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,music,art,art fridays

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Even FOX News is Scared

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Well, some of FOX News, anyways. But still - the fact that even these ninjas here are getting worried about the vitriolic nonsense people are spitting is a testament to how out of control people are getting.

.:via Huffington Post->

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Posted: June 12th, 2009
at 4:28am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,life,politricks,fo' real?,real life news

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Escalade on the C Train


These photos are just killin’ me - they HAD to be on myninjaplease!



My favorite part? This little girl isn’t even happy that she’s driving her SUV through the subway. I mean, if I had a car that nice I’d be happier…

.:via -> 12ozPROPHET

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Posted: June 11th, 2009
at 10:13am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,too good to be true,whips,mnp is for the children,photo,fo' real?,real life news,"ninja"

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