Archive for August, 2008

Watch your shoes

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Posted: August 12th, 2008
at 5:24am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,life,gear,10th dan

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Global Oneness : Temple Dance

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The Global Oneness Commitment is an eight-year project with the goal of uniting people around the globe to mutual actions in order to not only save what we have, but to transform the planet thru an increase in spiritual awareness - a new consciousness creating a joyful home for all its inhabitants and sincere respect for all forms of life. The project is synchronised with the twin Venus Transits of 2004 and 2012. It starts with the first Venus transit of June 8th 2004 and ends with the second Transit June 6th 2012. The eight-year project is initiated by the Global Oneness Foundation based in Stockholm, Sweden, in association with the Times Foundation based in Delhi, India.


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Posted: August 11th, 2008
at 3:32pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,architecture,fo' real?

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Tomma Abts - LAAbbe



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Posted: August 11th, 2008
at 5:31am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: art

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Alternative 2008 Olympic Coverage


"Tired of traditional media broadcasting the humdrum, sanitized, ‘G’ rated media coverage of the Olympics? If so, then here is the Unofficial Smart Mobs A-List of ‘8’ alternative ways to experience Olympic coverage.AA This list which should please your appetite and curiosity for understanding what is really happening in Beijing right now." via smartmobs

1.) is probably the only user-generated platform that is offering an unprecedented perspective on what is happening live and uncensored from Beijing. No other platform offers real-time, instantaneous, people driven mediated coverage of the Olympics. There are about 18 individuals roaming around Beijing with QIK enabled phones live streaming to the the world what is happening at the Olympics in Beijing. The QIK Olympic channel can be found here:

2.) Dailymotion offers an eclectic range of sources which easily rivals YouTube in substance.AA Think of Dailymotion as the a€oeEuropeana€A non-Googlian alternative which attracts quality sources from all points of the globe.

3.) YouTube China /Taiwan offers an official Olympic Channel which is only available to countries which do not have official Olympic coverage.AA Check out BeijingOlympics2008 for coverage of one man and his camera via YouTube.

4.) currently offers about 9 channels with approximately 2 dozen shows covering issues ranging from Falun Gong, Tibet and the Olympics.

5.) The Pirate Olympics isAA what Janko Roettgers asserts will arise when a€oecountless [Olympic] sports fans will look for video coverage of the Olympic games online while trapped [at work] in their cubiclesa€¦ and chances are at least some of them wona€™t head to NBCa€™s official web site but will try their luck elsewhere.a€A Read: Pirate Olympics: 5 Alternative Ways to Watch the Olympics Online for a list of alternative ways to experience the Olympics.

6.) Flickr is an unyielding source of first-person accounts highlighting a plethora of visual perspectives in Beijing.AA A picture may be worth a thousand words, but flickr delivers thousands of pictures related to just one word: Olympics

7.) Twitter is another unique way to keep abreast of what people are doing in Beijing. You can track what is happening in the twittersphere with the following hash# tag #080808 There are over 2 dozen individual twitter feeds spewing micro-content of what is happening, although only a few are really worth tracking.AA Sadly the only twitter feeds worth tracking are: NBCOlympics (for an American mainstream perspective) 080808news for an a€oeOfficial Olympic Games Data Streama€A.AA You need to dig around on twitter to find those individuals who are broadcasting micro-content via twitter.

8.) Last but not leastAA you can experience the Beijing Olympics from an Eastern perspective with, the official a€oewindow on China and the world. Also, check out Al Jazeeraa€™s coverage which is a clear counterbalance to CNN.

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Posted: August 9th, 2008
at 11:21pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,weaponry,et cetera

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Foto del Dia 8.9


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Posted: August 9th, 2008
at 2:16pm by Black Ock

Categories: foto del dia

Comments: 3 comments

colbert for pres


Is Steven Colbert - one of the few journalists who are also ninjas, as ridiculous as that may sound - running for president? We here at MNP thought he had dropped out of the race months ago, but the good people at Marvel Comics apparently decided otherwise.



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Posted: August 8th, 2008
at 8:39am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,apple,politricks,fo' real?,real life news

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Western Style Philanthropy


Michele Fugiel poses some great questions about the private quality of "western" style philanthropy.

Why do we separate how money is injected to non-profits and profits from a role that quite often elsewhere is closely associated with the priorities of the government?

Foundation resources are money that would otherwise be added to federal and state treasuries, money otherwise taxed and used for public benefit. For this reason alone, the public should know more about how foundations are managed. (mitpress looks into "deep diversity")

Is there room for change? Big ups to Pierre and Pam Omidyar for "unleashing human potential" (among the other most generous 49 philanthropists) and Jeff Skoll for initiating Social Edge.

Could an Amazon share algorithms with a Pandora? An Amazon branched with a Pandora couldn’t happen because Amazon is Amazon, however to think that there couldn’t be an Panazon is ridiculous. How can market data be shared to promote social entrepreneurialism?


Knowing how the art business revolves one could go out on another limb and wonder why types of "museums" are the beginning and end recipients of "arts benefaction"… who’s in the middle you ask? Thousands if not millions of well-trained artists who do not know that they are artists…..

When given a theoretical $100 billion and asked how hea€™d spend it, Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales offers the profound a€" and controversial a€" idea of distributing funds widely and letting people decide what they need on their own, even if ita€™s another Jack Daniels. via

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Jedi Gym

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Posted: August 7th, 2008
at 2:43pm by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,weaponry,fo' real?

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Paris for Pres

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

Worst thing is, her energy plan is actually better than McCain’s…

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Posted: August 7th, 2008
at 11:37am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,celebrity,politricks,fo' real?,real life news

Comments: 1 comment