Archive for May, 2008

‘Bullet proof hoodie’ condemned by gun groups

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Gun control groups have condemned a new a€oebullet-proof hoodiea€A which claims to protect against street violence.

The A£300 Defender hoodie makes the wearera€™s upper body invincible to every bullet up to a high velocity rifle, its makers claim.

It was developed by Bladerunner, a London based company which also makes stab-proof tops.

Barry Samms, the owner, said that a mother from Walthamstow, East London, had asked for the Defender after her son had been mugged three times.

a€oeOur current customers range from undercover police officers to concerned parents,a€A he said.

But gun control groups said today that the company was practising a€oeexploitation at its most grotesquea€A. They predicted a rise in gang violence, saying children would buy the hoodie as a status symbol.

Raymond Stevenson, a spokesman for Dona€™t Trigger, an international anti-gun campaign based in Brixton, London, said: a€oeIta€™s not helping kids to provide them with bullet-proof armoury. These companies are just encouraging the escalation of the urban warfare.

a€oeIta€™ll give people the false impression that theya€™re protected and will encourage more aggressive behaviour.a€A

The hoodie weighs one kilo, only slightly more than a normal version. It can be bought with the Bladerunner logo a€" but without it there is no indication of its capabilities.

Mr Samms denied his firm was targeting teenage gang members with the invention. a€oeIta€™s only a hoodie because you cana€™t really put a zip across the front of something bullet-proof,a€A he said.

a€oeAdults wear hoodies too. My mum wears one and you dona€™t see her hanging out on street corners.a€A

But Adrian Davies, a partner in the company, admitted that the item could encourage people to become involved in crime.

a€oeWe dona€™t want to be arming gangs,a€A he told Times Online. a€oeBut we cana€™t investigate everyone who places an order.a€A

Mr Davies said that Bladerunner had received more than 100 emails this morning from people asking about the hoodie. a€oeOur websitea€™s had 3000 hits just on that product,a€A he said.

The hoodie is currently in the prototype stage, but will be on sale in the next four to six weeks, Mr Davies said.

Last week Gordon Brown was forced to defend Harriet Harman, the Deputy Labour Party Leader, after she wore body armour to tour her South London constituency. Ms Harman claimed she did so as "a matter of courtesy", and compared it to wearing a hard hat while visiting a building site or a hair net in a meat factory.



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Posted: May 21st, 2008
at 11:14am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,too good to be true,clothes,mnp is for the children,weaponry,walk the earf

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Nineteen-Ninety-Now #2

Yeah, you thought this feature was going to die didn’t you? Nope!

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People wonder why I seem to be one of those people who doesn’t really buy the new Busta Bust. Er… well, son, I remember nineteen-ninety-now!

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Posted: May 20th, 2008
at 9:51am by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,music

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Genius Chimp - Noodles!

Pan-kun is back on MNP, and this time he’s making noodles.AA Check out for more of Pan-kun if you can’t wait for the next segment.
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Anybody know where I can get a deal on a chimp? If he can make noodles he can clip toenails.

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Posted: May 20th, 2008
at 9:35am by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,grub,japanese video of the week,10th dan

Comments: 1 comment

Eff You CO2

The things I find on facebook boggle my mind. And then there are some things that are just plain hilarious. I just this group the other day called F*ck You CO2… not knowing it was a marketing plot for Izzy Gold. I guess it worked.


Check out Izzy Gold for this shirt and more hipster "art vintage" clothing. 50 bucks… jeebus! No wonder they need to use titties to sell these.

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Posted: May 20th, 2008
at 8:36am by Black Ock

Categories: too good to be true,clothes

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I found this surfing the world wide webz and thought it was interesting enough to post.


Povo is a wiki-based, collaborative guide to cities and neighborhoods, that aggregates collective local information, organizes it, maps it, and makes it available to everyone. Being a wiki, Povo depends on user collaboration to enter information, edit it to keep it current and correct, and interact to create a local community.

It seems like it’s just getting off the ground but I can see how something like this could take off fast. Especially if ninjas were involved.

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Posted: May 20th, 2008
at 7:19am by Black Ock

Categories: web

Comments: 2 comments

Giant NES controller/table

This is a… well you’re just going to have to watch the video.

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Just as a note, having a huge controller STILL won’t get you any closer to beating me in Dr. Mario. Check out dude’s blog for info on how he did this mod, and plenty more.

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Posted: May 19th, 2008
at 11:08am by Black Ock

Categories: too good to be true,weaponry,9th dan

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Cookin’ With Coolio #7

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It’s time for your unruly shrimp to walk the plank! Coolio is ’bout to teach you how to control your seafood. Shaka!

(Sorry, we had to post the youtube text. It was too hilarious.)

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Posted: May 19th, 2008
at 10:29am by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,grub

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Hacking Democracy - Documentary

I thought I posted this already, but I didn’t. This is an essential piece if you seek to have informed conversations.

Don’t say we didn’t tell you, now.

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Posted: May 19th, 2008
at 10:19am by Black Ock

Categories: life,not ninja-worthy,politricks,documentary

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O’Reilly Classic Moment

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In later years his antics would become ever so "played out."

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Posted: May 19th, 2008
at 10:18am by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,too good to be true

Comments: 1 comment