Archive for September, 2007

Are Urban Heat Islands Global Warming?

administrators are feeling the heat to mandate energy efficient design in chicago and phoenix due to a real "type" of global warming. "urban heat islands" have somehow cemented that ice glaciers are in fact melting….

….the observed behavior has to be modeled on the basis of physical principles - not simply empirical observation. It takes a while to develop such models - but wherever we notice that models appear to be doing a poor job, that is where we focus on developing the appropriate models. Clouds were one of the weakest links in the past, the carbon cycle another and so is the behavior of ice.

But we are working on all three fronts, and have made a great deal of progress on the first, somewhat less on the second and clearly need to do more work on the third. At the same time, this also leaves the first question unanswered, and it would appear that we may be underestimating the rate at which the system as a whole evolves given that all subsystems are coupled, either directly or indirectly, with stronger or weaker coupling between the subsystems. If we underestimate the rate at which one subsystem evolves, it would seem that we are underestimating how all evolve, to one extent or another. [realclimate]


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Posted: September 23rd, 2007
at 9:35pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,politricks,design,science

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Ninja Math VI (El Ninja Calcula)

Our main ninja, Cesar, is killin’ us with his hilarious series of architectural ‘ninja math’. You can check it out on the architecture page or on its Spanish sister page, which Cesar runs.

Ustedes sabian que tenemos una pagina en espanol, verdad?

Just checkin’…

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Posted: September 21st, 2007
at 12:19pm by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,too good to be true,architecture

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ART! - Catalunya


What’s amazing about FridaysAA is that the vast majority of people don’t have to work on Saturday (at least not for their corporate overlords).AA That is part of the reason why we have ART DAY! on Fridays, sort of to help you decompress and slide into your weekend.


Today’s featured artist didn’t even start painting until he was well into retirement years.AA Imagine that, a talent like this undeveloped until you’re 73 years old.AA LluAAs MassAA i Garriga (RIP), a Catalan artist, really waited that long before painting all the wonderful work you see before you.AA Exceptionally stunning are his floral paintings and landscapes.AA His photo-realistic style will have you transfixed for extended periods of time.


Apparently, up until his death in 2003 he refused to sell any of his work.AA However, he did permit the inheritor of his estate to sell the works, making them currently available to the public, sold by his grandson.AA Check it out.


I know that last week our featured artist was also an artspan featured artist, and in the future that may not be the case, but right now it’s sort of a tradition around here.AA Scroll up and down to check out the rest of ART DAY!

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Posted: September 21st, 2007
at 10:45am by black octagons

Categories: art,contemporary,art fridays

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Fight for Freedom


This is another cool daily deviation from our peoples over at deviant art.AA This particular one is a mock WWII poster done with acrylic and watercolor by user KaceyM, a very talented artist.

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Posted: September 21st, 2007
at 10:21am by black octagons

Categories: art,contemporary

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Joey Potts


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Posted: September 21st, 2007
at 9:56am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: art

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flickr via digital-photography-school

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Posted: September 21st, 2007
at 9:55am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: photo

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AUDI TT "R8" & 8J




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Posted: September 21st, 2007
at 2:45am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: whips,design

Comments: 1 comment

Leap Frogging Transportation

Networks like the tube in London moved its citizens to places that they did not necessarily want to go- these electrical layouts and images laid the footprint for all new rail transportation networks thereafter. Two-dimensional circuits could not make reversible transitions when available land diminished and led engineers to devise new methods of bringing people to places that they were not naturally associated within their spectrum.

Without a formidable agreement between the necessity of a journey and the travel time saved by utilizing more efficient means of transportation, it seems as though unless we are building a new city up from the marshes, it is useless to create new, vast layers of automation. People should not have to be moved as to satisfy their means for unique exploration or research park exchange. Why not create walkable highways with sidewalk exits in existing cities where rooftop gardens and terraces threaten?

Building on where most populations will live, are busses the only present compromise that we can make to ensure that the citizens are mobile and our circuits efficient?

Dongtan, China, the new home of the public transport ideal

"Design was very trial-and-error," Gutierrez says. "The only thing we knew was that we wanted to connect things, to create virtuous cycles." [wired]

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Posted: September 20th, 2007
at 10:27pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,whips,architecture,design

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A pioneer in tethered flight sailing, KiteShip seems to have created an industry without competition. While developing technologies for use within industrial, commercial and recreational sectors, KiteShip finds itself in a unique position. They are under contract with NASA and other small countries and have the ability to remotely move distinct quantities of materials at the will of the wind.


The coming exploration of Mars and other planets and moons demands ever larger energy sources in order to extend exploration radii in a timely fashion. Just as Earth’s peoples first did, scientists are turning to wind-powered solutions to the challenges of speedy autonomous travel. One obvious problem relates to control of a sailing craft 50 to 200 million miles away. Autonomous control of a tippy land sailor is a daunting engineering challenge and "tumbleweed" type explorers offer extremely limited performance. Again, scientists are looking to tethered flight technology for help. The ability to create a craft which does not heel simplifies the design challenge; a Mars rover which can sail right-side up or upside down can cover the gamut of potential situations, making high speed sailing the preferred mode for extraterrestrial ground exploration.


from kiteship

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Posted: September 20th, 2007
at 3:04pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,whips,design,fo' real?,science

Comments: 1 comment