Edwin Zwakman
Posted: May 2nd, 2007
at 9:24am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,art,architecture,photo,design
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Almost everyone backing the kid Saigon was let down when his first single, "Pain in My Life," was swagger jacked and overshadowed by Ludacris’ fake, out-of-place "Runaway Love." Looking for Saigitty’s take on the whole ordeal? I got it right here. Gitty’s debut The Greatest Story Never Told better than Nas’ debut Illmatic? That’s exactly what he said. Shout out to the kid Mikey Fresh putting in work at The Source, who sat down with Saigon in the office and got this exclusive interview, available on TheIndustryCosign:
"I’m guaranteeing the best hip-hop album in the last twenty years. Guaranteed to change the game, but it’s gonna do more then change the game, it’s going to change life; the state of life for a lot of people in America because it’s the unadulterated truth. I mean like actual truth, the things people think about everyday, hear about, but don’t wanna say because they scared of the repercussions or what’s going to happen. It’s the same things I been spitting but it’s me a lil bit more advanced. Just Blaze and Kanye pretty much did my whole album, so you can imagine what the production is like anda€¦ Greatest Story Never Told, July thirty-first. "I will say that there’s not been an album in the past 20 years that is going to better then mine. My shit is better than Illmatic. "I’m not insinuating Ludacris stole my shit, but we met for the first time in August when my record was out and his wasn’t, and he told me that he loved my record and he didn’t mention about the one he had. He didn’t say ‘yo I got one just like it.’ He didn’t say nothing. See what I’m sayin and my record goes ‘Young Felcia was only four when she learned how to ride a bikea€¦’ His record goes ‘Little Erica is only five years old, she tryinga€¦’ Come on doggy, I call a spade, a spade something smells fishy [laughs]. And you know what’s funny I’m glad that he came out with it because it gave my me power at my label. My label didn’t want to put a dime behind my record. They were like ‘you can’t dance to this in the club.’ Every [ch]uckin record doesn’t have to be club song."
Questions answered. And that goes to show what kind of bullsh these foolish record labels be on nowadays: ‘You can’t dance to this in the club.’ GTFOH. This attitude is why just about everyone’s catching a flop left and right. And for the record, I doubt Saigon’s album will be out by that given date. But… good luck.