Homeless are who you want to sue
…lets be realistic
A high-end antique dealer on the Upper East Side is suing four unnamed homeless people for $1 million on the grounds that they’ve driven away customers by loitering on the sidewalk in "old, warn, and unsanitary clothing and cardboard boxes and old blankets which they convert into sleeping accommodations."
In addition to money, Karl Kemp & Associates Antiques, located near 69th Street at 833 Madison Ave. near Gucci, Chanel, and Prada, is asking a Manhattan Supreme Court judge to force the homeless defendants to stay at least 100 feet away from the store, according to legal papers filed yesterday.
muwuhahaaa myninjapleeeeeeeeeeease
article at nysun
Posted: January 19th, 2007
at 12:18am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,art
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but Hamburg in 3D
Most cityscapes on Google Earth are flat — simple satellite photographs in two-dimensional space. In a few cases, like New York or San Francisco, a user can soar through a forest of blocky white skyscrapers with no detail on the facades; only major landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge have been filled in. But soon — in the next few days or weeks — downtown Hamburg will take a bow as Google’s first viable three-dimensional city.
"With the textured facades, Hamburg is the first city worldwide that can be seen in such detail," Google spokesman Stefan Keuchel said in Hamburg on Wednesday, without mentioning exactly when hundreds of buildings in Hamburg’s downtown were due to go live in 3D.
at spiegel
Posted: January 19th, 2007
at 12:15am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: web,architecture
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"Premeditated Merger"
"As bad as this North American Union plan is," said WND founder and Editor Joseph Farah, "it does succeed in making much more understandable exactly why our government isn’t stopping illegal immigration. It doesn’t really want to."
article via whistleblower at wnd
Posted: January 19th, 2007
at 12:15am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: politricks,fo' real?
Comments: No comments
Ninja Crepes
Restaurant workers in the United States make more than twenty-five billion dollars a year in tips, so ita€™s natural that people think of the custom as quintessentially American. But it wasna€™t always. Tipping didna€™t take hold here until after the Civil War, and even as it spread it met with fervent public opposition from people who considered it a toxic vestige of Old World patronage. Anti-tipping associations were formed; newspapersa€"including the Timesa€"regularly denounced the custom. Tipping, the activists held, fostered a masterservant relationship that was ill suited to a nation in which people were meant to be social equals. William R. Scott, in his 1916 polemic a€oeThe Itching Palm,a€A described the tip as the price that a€oeone American is willing to pay to induce another American to acknowledge inferioritya€A; Guntona€™s Magazine labelled the custom a€oeoffensively un-American,a€A arguing that workers here should seek honest wages a€oeinstead of fawning for favors.a€A The anti-tipping campaigns were so effective that six states actually banned the practice.
rest of the article at newyorker
‘Revolutionary’ or ‘Evolutionary’ - How Original is the iPhone?
OpenMoko and its ("multi-touch" interface?)
more (from Nokia)
As dope as the content is today, and as much as you should be clicking on each and every link, I figured I’d let you in on a little secret that we’ve been keeping for no good reason.
Click away:
fratastic.myninjaplease.com is brought to you by the lazier portion of mnp.
Posted: January 18th, 2007
at 12:21pm by black octagons
Categories: myninjaplease,life
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When Snoozed, Runs Away
buy at nandahome
Foto Del Dia 1.18
Posted: January 18th, 2007
at 12:24am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: foto del dia
Comments: No comments
KFC tries to buy a PETA owned building
story at consumerist
Posted: January 18th, 2007
at 12:14am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,business,grub
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