Archive for the ‘bikes’ Category

The Riderless Bike

There find discount spiriva online is no cure for keratosis pilaris, so people may need allopurinol no online prescription to use home treatments a few times each week to buy cialis low cheap price maintain results. He added that while previous studies confirm the cialis online validity of adenine levels as a biomarker, they don't necessarily bentyl online stores present a causative link between adenine and CKD. Treatments for celexa for sale ASUC, such as immunosuppressant medications, reduce remission rates in the buy discount spiriva without prescription info short term. If a person needs treatment, experts usually recommend glucophage that this treatment be conservative and reversible. But if you get cheapest dexamethasone low price canada have health insurance, you'll need to talk with your insurance viagra no rx provider to learn the actual cost you would pay for Zeposia..>


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Posted: June 24th, 2011
at 7:09pm by mnp

Categories: science,bikes

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Elliptical Bike

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Posted: May 8th, 2011
at 9:06am by mnp

Categories: bikes

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Printed Bike

So far, the Airbike is just a technology demonstrator-there are no plans for commercial production. But the bike’s technology has uses far beyond the cycling industry. Now that EADS can manipulate nylon, metals, and carbon-reinforced plastics at the molecular level, the organization envisions building lighter airplanes that save fuel and reduce CO2 emissions. (Source)

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Posted: March 18th, 2011
at 10:01pm by mnp

Categories: bikes

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Cycling Around the World

A biker named Jeremie is blogging about his cycling around the world trip at - Blaisingsaddles

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Posted: January 24th, 2011
at 5:44pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: blogs,bikes

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Nulla Bicycle>

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Posted: January 1st, 2011
at 9:14pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: design,bikes

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Day in the Life of A Bicycle

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Posted: December 23rd, 2010
at 1:50pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: film,bikes

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Daniel Dhers

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Posted: December 14th, 2010
at 1:14pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: film,bikes

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LGM - End Montage

Mutiny Bikes final part of the 2009 film, "Let’s Get Mystical" - Directed, Filmed and Edited by Joe Simon.

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Posted: December 5th, 2010
at 11:25pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: film,bikes

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What’s New? : Ecodrive

Unlike motorcycles, there are no signal lights for bicycle.ASince dangers occur all the time when bicycle is turning left or right in the middle of the crossroad, many countries are advising riders to send hand signs when take make turns.AIt’s because getting hands off the bicycle can cause risk on the traffic road.ATo prevent this, they are trying to get rid of the risk of hand signs by mounting signal lamps on the bicycle.

As commute with bicycle attracts many people, traffic road and environment for bicycle are showing improvement.ABy mounting smartphone on the bicycle, riding distance could be measured and navigation is possible through GPS. ABy mounting a battery inside the aluminum frame of the bicycle, it provides electricity to mounted smartphone and signal lamps.>

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Posted: November 16th, 2010
at 6:08pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,cell phones,design,bikes,what's new?

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