Archive for the ‘events’ Category

Wine in the Woods 2011

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Posted: April 1st, 2011
at 6:30pm by mnp

Categories: music,art,green,grub,events,drinks

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TechWeek Chicago

Happening July 22-29 in Chicago, TechWeek put on by MidVentures, is a week-long festival of 60 events and workshops. Host an event, sponsor or inquire about speaker opportunities here.

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Posted: March 22nd, 2011
at 1:53pm by mnp

Categories: web,business,design,development,events,entrepreneurship

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Tufts Fail

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A couple of weeks ago we had Entrepreneur Fail, so to get going this new feature ‘fail’ we’re writing about the school Tufts University located outside of Boston- they canceled their naked quad run after years of tradition and exploits. Sources say the police were "uncomfortable" about the event.

Fair compromise: drunk Tufts kids can run drunk and naked through the quad while cops compete to see who can hit the most students with a Taser. Everyone wins.


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Posted: March 16th, 2011
at 7:49am by mnp

Categories: events,drinks,education,fail

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Symposium on Freedom of Expression

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An International Symposium on Freedom of Expression, sponsored by the Swedish National Commission, will be organized by UNESCO at its Headquarters on 26 January 2011.

Based on the premises that freedom of expression is a cornerstone of the human rights edifice, and that open and participatory communication is vital for successful development, the debates will focus on the status of press freedom worldwide, the safety of media professionals as well as the changes of the media landscape in the digital age.

This one-day event is aligned with UNESCO's mission to foster the free flow of ideas by word and image, and its promotion of the value of information and communication for "advancing the mutual knowledge and understanding of peoples". UNESCO has long highlighted the links between the free flow of ideas and the broader objective of preventing wars and constructing the defences of peace.>

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Posted: January 23rd, 2011
at 2:32pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: development,events,education

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Team Art! Huge Success in Miami

Team Art! hits the big time at Art Basel Miami.

Allen Vandever says it was every thing he dreamed of and more, an artist wonderland.

To find out more about Team Art! click here.

Pictured: Armando Perez, Mike Reynolds, Nunu Deng, Allen Vandever and Rachel Slotnick

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Posted: December 13th, 2010
at 3:23pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: celebrity,art,contemporary,et cetera,events

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Team Art! at Verge 2010

Armando Perez and Allen Vandever who were featured in the first episode ofAthe DOJO have teamed up with Mike Reynolds and Rachel Slotnick for this year’sAMiami’s Verge Art Fair, a part of Art Basel to formATeam Art! You can see more of Vandever’s art and listen to some of Perez’s music (the Single Helix) at myninjaplease.

You can follow and contact the teamAhere!

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Posted: December 5th, 2010
at 8:43pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music,contemporary,events

Comments: 1 comment

The Introduction at Megumi Ogita Gallery

22 - 26 December 2010 (Opens everyday from 11am - 19pm)

Reception: 22 December 2010 19pm -21pm

Special exhibit of Banksy "Tesco Value Soup Can" oil on canvas, on 22 - 23 December only.

Megumi Ogita GalleryAB1 2-16-12 Ginza, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo>

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Posted: November 26th, 2010
at 2:36pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: contemporary,events

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Emerging Technology: Virtual Events

Virtual conferences and virtual trade shows are on rise for a very sound reason - virtual tradeshows typically cost much less than traditional trade shows. Since virtual trade shows can be conducted from a person's desk, the cost of travel, lodging, and trade show displays is virtually eliminated.

A virtual trade show, often called a virtual trade fair, or a virtual event, or a virtual conference is an online 3D environment, that goes live and stays live online for a limited period of time, often with the expectation that several like-minded participants will be available online for brief spells of time, allowing them to connect with one another without travel, via the Internet, no matter where they are located geographically, to exchange valuable information.

The worldwide virtual conference market is forecasted to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 56% between the period of 2010 and 2015. This prediction has been made by Market Research Media Ltd, a leading market and technology research company, in its recent research report "Virtual Conference & Trade Show Market Forecast 2010-2015". In the estimates made by the report the worldwide virtual conference and trade show market is predicted to reach $18.6 Billion over the period 2010 - 2015.>

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Posted: November 14th, 2010
at 2:24pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: events,internets

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Allen Vandever on Turks Friends TV

At my opening at Smart Gallery on Clark in Chicago, I met Turk who invited me to be on his podcast- check out Turk’s Friends on Arts Entertainment TV here… - Allen Vandever

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Posted: October 21st, 2010
at 2:44pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,contemporary,events

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