Archive for the ‘development’ Category

Informal Economics?

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Could the informal economy be the route to deliver the big sustainable development ideals such as the Green Economy, Millennium Development Goals and Poverty Reduction Strategies, given that its share is rapidly increasing and that the poor mostly operate here? (Source)

It’s unclear whether or not organizing informal economies would boost developing nations or takeaway…


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Informal Economics?

Could the informal economy be the route to deliver the big sustainable development ideals such as the Green Economy, Millennium Development Goals and Poverty Reduction Strategies, given that its share is rapidly increasing and that the poor mostly operate here? (Source)

It’s unclear whether or not organizing informal economies would boost developing nations or takeaway…

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Informal Economics?

Could the informal economy be the route to deliver the big sustainable development ideals such as the Green Economy, Millennium Development Goals and Poverty Reduction Strategies, given that its share is rapidly increasing and that the poor mostly operate here? (Source)

It’s unclear whether or not organizing informal economies would boost developing nations or takeaway…

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Informal Economics?

Could the informal economy be the route to deliver the big sustainable development ideals such as the Green Economy, Millennium Development Goals and Poverty Reduction Strategies, given that its share is rapidly increasing and that the poor mostly operate here? (Source)

It’s unclear whether or not organizing informal economies would boost developing nations or takeaway…

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Who is Fred Wilson?

Interview with Fred Wilson on how to raise money from his firm and thoughts about the NYC startup scene from MeetInnovators.

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Posted: November 17th, 2011
at 2:25pm by mnp

Categories: business,who is?,entrepreneurship,innovation

Comments: No comments

Who is Fred Wilson?

Interview with Fred Wilson on how to raise money from his firm and thoughts about the NYC startup scene from MeetInnovators.

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Posted: November 17th, 2011
at 2:25pm by mnp

Categories: business,who is?,entrepreneurship,innovation

Comments: No comments

2011 Global Student Entrepreneur Awards

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The 2011 Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA), the premier international competition for students taking a full course load while running a revenue-generating business, today announced the top 20 colleges and universities with the most student nominations to the competition. More than 1600 student business owners from 42 countries were nominated for the 2011 competition, a program of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO). (Read on)

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Posted: November 16th, 2011
at 10:39pm by mnp

Categories: competitions,education,entrepreneurship

Comments: No comments

2011 Global Student Entrepreneur Awards

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The 2011 Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA), the premier international competition for students taking a full course load while running a revenue-generating business, today announced the top 20 colleges and universities with the most student nominations to the competition. More than 1600 student business owners from 42 countries were nominated for the 2011 competition, a program of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO). (Read on)

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Posted: November 16th, 2011
at 10:39pm by mnp

Categories: competitions,education,entrepreneurship

Comments: No comments

Lucas Werthein’s SuperPong Remake

Up to eight participants can play by walking up to the table and taking control of custom knobs that move the players. The game is simple, elegant, and minimalist and demonstrates that high resolution graphics and complex shapes are not necessary to make people laugh, cheer, high-five or hug total strangers after a match. (Source)

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Posted: November 16th, 2011
at 9:44pm by mnp

Categories: games,open source

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