Archive for the ‘music’ Category

Evisceration (in full)

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SO if you’re the last person to watch O’Reilly get murdered by Jon Stewart, well then I feel bad for you. Basically, the "selective outrage machine" that is FOX news - and O’Reilly in particular - decided that it had a problem with Common being a performer at a poetry slam at the White House. O’Reilly seems to suggest that he’s a dodgy character with whom the president should be ashamed to associate. In the clip below, Jon explains to O’Reilly why he’s wrong, basically doing to him what Obama did to Trump, except to his face (and complete with a "BOOYA").

I both love Common and also find myself in position to be artistically aware of almost the entire breadth of his portfolio (meaning that I listened to him before ‘Like Water For Chocolate,’ and way before Kanye single-handedly made him a commercial emcee). Especially in the old school, Common (Sense) had some really raw lyrics. I mean, the guy was a pimp, supposedly, before being a musician.

Interestingly, you can see how Common changes throughout his musical career, eventually releasing some of the more heartfelt and poetic (read: soft) verses in the rap game to date. Don’t get it twisted, he will eat 99% of y’all still. Anyway, to me this raises larger, more important questions. In my opinion those questions are: how much artistic freedom should we give rappers credit for? How closely associated do you have to be to a public figure to be considered lending them credibility? How could somebody watch this clip and still believe any of Bill’s bullcrap?


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Posted: May 24th, 2011
at 7:42am by Black Ock

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Categories: music,too good to be true,politricks,fo' real?,real life news,boredom killer,ninjas are everyehere

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Hooray for Earth!

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Posted: April 29th, 2011
at 3:21pm by mnp

Categories: music

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My Ninja, Please! 4.24.11 : Mini Van Highway

Wicked vocoder. Nuff respect.

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Posted: April 24th, 2011
at 12:14pm by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,music

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Wine in the Woods 2011>

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Posted: April 1st, 2011
at 6:30pm by mnp

Categories: music,art,green,grub,events,drinks

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The Industry : Soul Clap

It’s been a while since we interviewed anybody, so it’s our pleasure to talk with Soul Clap, from Boston. Be sure to check out their first mix CD, Social Experiment 002 and Wolf + Lamb vs. Soul Clap - DJ Kicks CD. They are bringing the 90’s back in case you didn’t read the interview. Follow their story as they blast through the his and lows- the Great White Hope is here.

Lonely C ft. Charles Levine by Soul Clap

Please tell the shogunate a little about how Soul Clap got started and how you got to where you are today?

If somebody were shopping for Soul Clap in the local supermarket, where would we find it?

Feminine products / family planning section

What type of fruit or vegetable would you compare to the listeners of the music?

Granadillas. Because you can hold them like a popsicle, crack them open and they’re full of gooey shit, but they taste amazing. Big up Morph crew!

I once requested Bridgette by NWA at a sorority shindig, what’s been the craziest request for you as DJs?

When girls ask for put it in your mouth by akinelye

The Adventures of Soul Clap podcast series is awesome and really gives much needed exposure to globally lost musics, what is the science behind this branch of your tree?

We’re really trying to capture music and djs we discover along our travels. The only rule is that mixes have tell a story or have a theme.

If the duo was walking a straight line would there be a way to magnetically move people thousands of miles away?

Yeh of course. We use the schwartz.

I’ve been making some ringtones on a prepaid Samsung flip phone that sound better than some songs on pop radio garbagio, what advice would yall give to creative types trying to separate themselves from the masses, while also trying to make the mass something else and think in a new way?

We learned a lot from mr miyagi. He taught us:"Karate not here (points to head). Karate here (points heart)."

I feel like Soul Clap helps fill a large void, is this space occupied by aliens?

The real question is how did that vag get so large. Hot dog in a hallway? Oh wait you said void. Go ask ya momma. Most of these answers, just like us, end up in ya moms.

To earn a monthly minimum wage of $1,160, artists must sell 143 self-pressed CDs or have 1,546,667 plays per month on, what on god’s green earth is the balance point between the high number of fully capable indie artists, the few signed acts, revenue and technology in "the industry"?

Pretty sure its 43.68. Although last year its was 41.3.

What year and place would you go back to feel a certain era, or are yall futurists?

Obviously we’re pretty nostalgic about the 90’s. But there are definitely things about the disco 70’s and the crackrock 80’s that we’re pissed we missed. And don’t get us started about the high renaissance. Definitely wish we had a delorian.

Somebody once told me that a woman’s nectar comes from her voice, what’s up with the lack of female MCs nowadays?

Your right. There’s no one sexier than fran drescher. About the mcs, niki minaj is actually pretty dope, but the real problem is that hip-hop has been taken over by trance music.

Your web portal has real good design, I’m especially feeling the "Title" mini browser in the center of the front page, what challenges have you had in terms of getting the site and e-presence to where you can sit back and say ‘that’s exactly how we want it’

One thing has been trying to avoid grinding our teeth and of course the gurn face is always a challenge. Seriously though, big thanks to g-notorious and mr butterworth for designing our site.

:: all images courtesy of Soul Clap ::

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Posted: March 17th, 2011
at 4:08pm by mnp

Categories: music,the industry

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Antenna Radio on Adobe AIR

While it took me a while to connect to a station that was working, this Adobe AIR application is great. Antenna is a directory of streaming radio stations from around the world visualized in a nice interface- if your work music just isn’t cutting it, first download Adobe AIR, then the app. Fantastic what the web could be.>

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Posted: March 7th, 2011
at 11:55pm by mnp

Categories: music,internets

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The Star Wars Effect

From ILM to Pixar to Photoshop and back to Finding Nemo (don’t forget Willow!), in 1971 Lucas Film inspired generations…

Click to enlarge

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Posted: February 28th, 2011
at 7:58am by mnp

Categories: music,art,too good to be true,games,robots,film,weaponry,design,science,development,internets,americana

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Solar-Powered Art - Craig Colorusso

A solar-powered art exhibit?  It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve covered something of that sort on the vaunted pages of mnp, but it could be the coolest.

Creating the effect of an enchanted forest of singing trees, Craig Colorusso’s "Sun Boxes" installation can be walked through in a leisurely manner, or run through at full speed in a last ditch and extremely risky move to avoid the approaching enemy.

Sun Boxes is a solar powered sound installation. It’s comprised of twenty speakers operating independently, each powered by the sun via solar panels. Inside each Sun Box is a PC board that has a recorded guitar note loaded and programmed to play continuously in a loop. These guitar notes collectively make a Bb chord. Because the loops are different in length, once the piece begins they continually overlap and the piece slowly evolves over time.

Basically, I imagine this to be one harmonious but constantly changing, amplifying, and diminishing barrage of sound that keeps on rocking (God forbid it’s cloudy out).  Although not billed as such, I find this to be a potentially very interesting and mesmerizing marriage of sound and mathematics.  Plus, this ninja is from Beantown!

Craig will be at the IMA from March 18-20, for what we hope are 3 beautiful days.  We recommend you wander amongst the enchanted sound-forest, put don’t pick the flowers!

We are all reliant on the sun. It is refreshing to be reminded of this. Our lives have filledup with technology. But we still need the sun and so does Sun Boxes. Karlheinze Stockhausen once said "using Short-wave radios in pieces was like improvising with the world." Similarly, Sun Boxes is collaborating with the planet and its relation to the sun.

More Info Here

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Posted: February 28th, 2011
at 6:34am by Black Ock

Categories: music,green,contemporary

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Catalina Music Video

Made with Kinect + Processing + Cinema 4D + After Effects. (Source)

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Posted: February 12th, 2011
at 5:24pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music

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