Archive for the ‘et cetera’ Category

Gandhi’s Invisible Hands

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On September 4, 1915, in the sticky heat of late summer, Mahadev Desai and Narahari Parikh walked without speaking along the Sabarmati River, on the outskirts of Ahmedabad, a city in northwestern India. Desai and Parikh were best friends who shared everything, so the silence between them was uncharacteristic. Their day, however, had been highly unusual, and they were both lost in reflection on what had transpired. When they reached the Ellis Bridge, which spanned the surging waters of the Sabarmati and supported a steady flow of carriage, mule, foot, and, occasionally, car traffic from the bustling city, they stopped and faced each other. They were both thinking about a meeting they had had a few hours earlier with a 46-year-old lawyer who had recently returned to India after living for two decades in South Africa.

Desai finally broke their prolonged silence: "Narahari, I have half a mind to go and sit at the feet of this man." This statement, in which Desai contemplated abandoning his nascent legal career in order to devote himself to the service of someone he had met for the first time that day, changed the course of his life. It also helped change the course of history for a colonized nation seeking freedom and its entrenched imperial rulers. With these words, the 23-year-old Desai began a journey that would produce one of the most important partnerships the modern world has known. The lawyer they had met had extraordinary ambitions that were growing by the day, and he had started to assemble a team of gifted individuals to help him achieve his visions. That lawyer's name was Mohandas Gandhi, and in Mahadev Desai the future Mahatma had found a crucial partner for his historic cause.

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Posted: November 19th, 2010
at 4:19pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: politricks,9th dan,et cetera,philosophy

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The Uselessness of Pundits and other Experts

It’s easy to pick on wine critics, as I certainly have in the past. Wine is a complex and intoxicating substance, and the tongue is a crude sensory muscle. While I’ve argued that the consistent inconsistency of oenophiles teaches us something interesting about the mind - expectations warp reality - they are merely part of a larger category of experts vastly overselling their predictive powers.

Look, for instance, at mutual fund managers. They take absurdly huge fees from our retirement savings, but theAvast majority of mutual funds in any given year willunderperform the S&P 500 and other passive benchmarks. (Between 1982 and 2003, there have only been three years in which more than 50 percent of mutual funds beat the market.) Even those funds that do manage to outperform the market rarely do so for long. Their models work haphazardly; their success is inconsistent.

Or look at political experts. In the early 1980s, Philip Tetlock at UC Berkeley picked two hundred and eighty-four people who made their living "commenting or offering advice on political and economic trends" and began asking them to make predictions about future events. He had a long list of pertinent questions. Would George Bush be re-elected? Would there be a peaceful end to apartheid in South Africa? Would Quebec secede from Canada? Would the dot-com bubble burst? In each case, the pundits were asked to rate the probability of several possible outcomes. Tetlock then interrogated the pundits about their thought process, so that he could better understand how they made up their minds. By the end of the study, Tetlock had quantified 82,361 different predictions.>

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Posted: November 18th, 2010
at 11:15pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: science,et cetera,blogs

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What is Chindgu ()?

Chindgu ()Ais the Japanese art of inventing ingenious everydayAgadgets that, on the face of it, seem like an ideal solution to a particular problem. However, chindgu has a distinctive feature: anyone actually attempting to use one of these inventions would find that it causes so many new problems, or such significant social embarrassment, that effectively it has noAutility whatsoever. Thus, chindgu are sometimes described as "unuseless" - that is, they cannot be regarded as ‘useless’ in an absolute sense, since they do actually solve a problem; however, in practical terms, they cannot positively be called "useful." via

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Posted: November 18th, 2010
at 2:45am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: gear,design,"ninja",et cetera

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EYEBEAM : Aram Bartholl

This a preview of "Dead Drops", a project by Aram Bartholl which he started off during his ongoing EYEBEAM residency in NYC. It is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space. Aram "injected" 5 USB flash drives into walls, buildings and curbs accessable to anybody. You are invited to go to these places to drop or find files on a dead drop. Plug your laptop to a wall, house or pole to share your files and date. Each dead drop contains a readme.txt file explaining the project. I guess the most prominent location is right next to the New Museum, the other 4 locations are listed on Aram's website.>

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Posted: November 17th, 2010
at 10:21pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: computers,art,web,weaponry,architecture,design,contemporary,et cetera

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Swinging to Nirvana: East Hits West

Are you looking to create golf asanas utilizing golf clubs?

Read an excerpt from the upcoming primer to building a golf swing fromASwinging to Nirvana: East hits West by Bobby Ram Das:

Ram Das: A little, so I like to follow this with trikonasana while holding a golf club in the ground level hypotenuse hand. With feet at ninety degrees and shoulder width apart, with the club in your left hand, rotate your shoulders and bend at the waist holding straight legs until your left hand is in the vicinity of your instep, and then allowing your right arm to extend vertically. Center your consciousness in your hand and arm, and try to understand the relation of the clubface to the striking line as you rotate your forearm.

Mary Jane: In trikonasana the left and right arms make up one leg of a right triangle, the line between the feet is the other leg, and the hypotenuse is the line between the upright hand and rear foot. Are you finished? I'm hungry. I want my beans.

Ram Das:A I'll explain more about the variations of trikonasana after dinner.

Ram Das: Rotating the niblick while in Trikonasana implants positive memories into the brain that can be drawn upon while hitting a ball.

Mary Jane: That's a sand wedge. What do you mean niblick?

Ram Das: Before Bobby Jones introduced numbers to irons; the most lofted iron was the niblick, now the nine iron. I like to use any short club in trikonasana. It allows me to see the face angle precisely. I think of all my wedges as niblicks to feel the history of the game.

Mary Jane: You're using the Karma of the golf club?

Ram Das: Indeed. Not only the karma of the club, but your golf skill, strength, and flexibility karma determine the particulars of your golf swing.

Mary Jane: Karma representing the universal law of cause and effect is present in all our actions.

Ram Das: It's really present when I hit that same pull hook when there is tension over the outcome of a shot.

Mary Jane: Trikonasana with niblick will produce good karma.

Ram Das: Watch how the two handed rotation keeps the clubface square by rotating the forearms. I am producing Akarma to guide the clubface through future shots. One-handed rotations will also build strength and flexibility. To then transfer this movement while in a golf posture is the next step.

warrior posture with niblick.combine with a kendo kata

: For more information on this book you can contact French Press - :

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Posted: November 17th, 2010
at 2:48am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: games,et cetera,philosophy

Comments: 1 comment

Food Revolution Fail

You’ve never seen a school lunch like this one, made with hydroponic vegetables and free-range chicken by a brash British superchef. Not that the elementary schoolchildren care. Most sing-song "Pizza!" when given a choice between the gourmet grub and the reheated factory-made frozen pizza. At the end of the lunch period, a mound of chicken sits untouched, and even more is dumped into the trash after a few wary nibbles.

That much we do know from watching Jamie Oliver’s "Food Revolution" reality TV series now airing on ABC. But we’re not supposed to know that Jamie is substituting high-end foodstuffs that normally grace three-star restaurants for the cheap, institutional fare dished out in public schools like West Virginia’s Central City Elementary School, the setting for the first two episodes.

At the end of one episode, we hear�Rhonda McCoy, director of food services for the local county, tell Jamie that he’s over budget and did not meet the fat content and calorie guidelines, but she’s going to let him continue with the "revolution" as long as he addresses these issues. What is not revealed is that the "meal cost at Central City Elementary during television production more than doubled with ABC Productions paying the excess expense," according to a�document obtained by AlterNet from the West Virginia Department of Education.

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Posted: November 14th, 2010
at 2:30am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: grub,et cetera,tele,health,fail

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The Atlantic’s Rules

-When in doubt, let a manuscript go back.
-Always remember that the fastidious element in the Atlantic audience is its permanent and valuable core.
-Don’t over-edit. You will often estrange an author by too elaborate a revision, and furthermore, take away from the magazine the variety of style that keeps it fresh.
-Avoid mistakes of fact. If a paper is statistical, question the author closely.
-The Atlantic has always been recognized as belonging to the Liberal wing. Be liberal, but be radical only as a challenge to be answered.
-Be careful about expenses. Calculate the cost of each number. Remember that our margin is always narrow.
-A sound editor never has a three-months’ full supply in his cupboard. When you over-buy, you narrow your future choice.
-Follow the news. Remember that timeliness means being on time, not before the time.
-Interesting papers on conscience, personal religion, theory of living, are always precious.AThe Atlantic has three dimensions — breadth of interest, height of interest, depth of interest. Individual personal philosophy always adds to the depth.
-Keep all suggestions in the Black Book, so that they can be followed up.
-Humor is precious and correspondingly hard to find. Most humor that reaches us is merely jocularity, and it is well to be jocular only when really funny.
-Quick decisions — except in poetry. Collect groups of verse and make a selection after several readings.>

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Posted: November 12th, 2010
at 3:39pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: fo' real?,et cetera

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The Great Pirates

Through the ingenious scheme of specialization and compartmentalization of knowledge, the Great Pirates were able to expand their business immensely. They were able to expand their influence into different lands through carefully chosen and educated front people. They would chose local strong men in different territories, supply them with what they needed to assume power, educate them to present a proper public facade, but never giving them the knowledge of all the pieces in the game. The local strong man might be maneuvered into a position of King, assumed by his people to be the utmost authority, but in essence simply being another of the specialized agents of the hidden Great Pirates. The Great Pirate would naturally also cultivate agents in the fields of religion, education, science, military, banking, and so forth, and would naturally be able to play them out against each other if any one of them ever got ambitious beyond his assigned role.<

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Posted: November 12th, 2010
at 3:32pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: weaponry,"ninja",et cetera,development,philosophy

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James Frey's Fiction Factory

The controversial author is hiring young writers to join him in a new publishing company. The goal is to produce the next Twilight. The contracts are brutal.>

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Posted: November 12th, 2010
at 1:43pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: et cetera

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