Archive for the ‘et cetera’ Category

Digital Subscription Prices

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Posted: March 22nd, 2011
at 1:33pm by mnp

Categories: web,business,et cetera

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Info Lifecycle

Peter Armstrong, founder of Ruboss Technology Corporation with a few of his drawings.

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Posted: March 22nd, 2011
at 11:52am by mnp

Categories: et cetera,blogs,internets

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Publishing 101

This is an "internet" ongoing conversation by Barry Eisler and Joe Konrath.

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Posted: March 21st, 2011
at 3:00pm by mnp

Categories: et cetera,blogs,internets

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Tim O’Reilly on the Happiness Bus

Talking about the future of healthcare and how he got started.

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Posted: March 16th, 2011
at 11:42pm by mnp

Categories: web,business,weaponry,et cetera,development,health,entrepreneurship,open source

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Journalism Reborn

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Jason Shoup concites that what you really want is your 15 minutes of journalism, not your 15 minutes of fame:

But in 2011, who needs the evening news?  Who needs an anchor?  Who needs a reporter or a news crew?  They’ve become unnecessary middlemen in the era of direct, instant communication of citizen-reporters around the world, showing you what is happening in their lives.

People have been saying that the internet is the death of newspapers, and clearly it’s true. But if it’s the death of newspapers and traditional journalism, will it’ll also  destroy televised news as we know it?

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Posted: March 16th, 2011
at 7:48am by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,et cetera,blogs,tele

Comments: 1 comment

The Future of (un)Consumption

A new wave of Collaborative Consumption is making sense across the world:

"While it may continue to be necessary to buy certain things ‘new,'" Anderson said, "Collaborative Consumption has the potential to be an equal counterpart to other more traditional forms of consumption."

Anderson added that businesses that stick doggedly to the practices of wasteful consumption are likely to go the way of Blockbuster and Borders.

"Some industries might be slower than others in recognizing the importance of a Collaborative Consumption model," Anderson conceded. "[But] those who don’t catch up will certainly be left behind the newcomers.">

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Posted: March 4th, 2011
at 8:25am by mnp

Categories: web,business,weaponry,real life news,"ninja",et cetera,diy,development,internets,philosophy,trade

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The book "Traumgedanken" ("Thoughts about dreams") contains a collection of literary, philosophical, psychological and scientifical texts which provide an insight into different dream theories.

To ease the access to the elusive topic, the book is designed as a model of a dream about dreaming. Analogue to a dream, where pieces of reality are assembled to build a story, it brings different text excerpts together. They are connected by threads which tie in with certain key words. The threads visualise the confusion and fragileness of dreams.

On five pages there are illustrations made out of thread. Their shape and colour relies on the key words on the opposite page. This way an abstract image of the dream about dreaming is generated.

In addition there are five pages where a significant excerpt from a text of the opposite page is stitched into the paper. It is not legible because the type's actual surface is inside the folded page. This expresses the mysteriousness of dreams and the aspect of dream interpretation.>

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Posted: December 29th, 2010
at 2:00pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: art,design,et cetera

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Team Art! Huge Success in Miami

Team Art! hits the big time at Art Basel Miami.

Allen Vandever says it was every thing he dreamed of and more, an artist wonderland.

To find out more about Team Art! click here.

Pictured: Armando Perez, Mike Reynolds, Nunu Deng, Allen Vandever and Rachel Slotnick

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Posted: December 13th, 2010
at 3:23pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: celebrity,art,contemporary,et cetera,events

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Aloe Blacc

Thursday night, Aloe Blacc played at the Trabendo. He had projectors, he had a mic on one foot, a platform for the battery. The sound was good, the audience riled up, guys filming with their iPhones in the first row. All for a show, and a show was had. Aloe was wearing a vintage leather vest, bellbottoms, a small cap. He stepped up his dancing, teased the crowd, improvised medleys at the end of songs, danced, shouted, and the crowd responded. All confirming what we had stated two Sundays before: Aloe Blacc playsAfor the audience. He needs them. We'd had a different Aloe. Still classy, but of a silent class.

It was a grey Sunday, but we had recorded a beautiful, stripped down version of his song 'I Need a Dollar', accompanied by finger snaps and growls, in the restaurant of the Comptoir General. Up to this point, Aloe had barely said a word, standing tall and silent, scanning what was happening around him like a general silently counting his fortune and his conquests. And when he sang, he sang for himself. No showboating, just a smile to show his happiness. Two songs, a brunch, and we left.

In the metro, we asked him to play a song. He refused: there weren't enough people. We were on line 5 and we had to find a place with a guaranteed audience, on a nasty Sunday. This ended up being the corridor in the St-Michel station.

Aloe still wasn't speaking, and, without saying anything to anyone, he distanced himself from his musicians, leaving them looking like buskers with a guitar case at their feet. He was on the other side. Hands in his pockets, leaning against a corner of the wall, he sang without drawing attention to it, like he had picked up an overheard tune and carried it along. A few tourists took the time to understand that they'd heard this song before, on the street and in the garden. Once the song was finished, his hands stayed in his pocket, he said nothing. And a few levels up, outside, in front of a closed bookstore, he played the same game to an audience of passerby wishing for the end of the downpour - the man who>

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Posted: December 11th, 2010
at 3:23pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music,film,et cetera,blogs

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