Archive for the ‘et cetera’ Category

Journalists are People

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Posted: August 31st, 2011
at 7:01am by mnp

Categories: et cetera

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Kickstarter : Computer Book

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Posted: August 12th, 2011
at 5:26pm by mnp

Categories: computers,et cetera

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Late Capitalist Youth

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Posted: August 12th, 2011
at 5:11pm by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,business,et cetera,blogs,philosophy,kilobytes

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Who is Ken Bautista?

"Everyone always talks about entrepreneurship like a marathon, that it is a long haul that you have to push through. I say it’s more like ‘parkour’ where you jump from one building top to another. You always need to shift and adapt; and if you do it enough, you begin to anticipate different situations. It’s never going to be a straight path to something and you need to know when something is not working. There is a difference between being stubborn, and knowing when its not working in order to approach it differently." (Source)

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Posted: August 7th, 2011
at 5:30pm by mnp

Categories: web,business,et cetera,who is?,entrepreneurship

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Despresso Coffee Shop

The owner, Eugene Kagansky, decided to have fun with the 500 square feet that he had on Madison Avenue and 42nd Street. He wanted to create a memorable, unusual, creative place for people to grab their morning and afternoon coffee. He gave the designers at Nema Workshop a budget of $500,000 (for only 500 square feet!) and asked them to create a library inspired sideways coffee shop. The designers took pictures at the library and printed them on glazed tiles, which cover the ceiling, wall and floor. It all looks like flip-flopped library shelves. (Source)

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Posted: July 23rd, 2011
at 9:33pm by mnp

Categories: architecture,et cetera

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How To Play In Traffic

Penn Jillette and Teller on comedy and the space shuttle:

The countdown gets close. We get down into double digits. It’s dawn and you can see the shuttle artificially lit, glowing brilliantly five miles away. Mankind’s lights are kicking dawn’s ass in the candlepower department, and NASA hasn’t really started yet. The countdown gets to single digits, and you can see the engine start. They’re on their way to space. The old guy in Bermuda shorts next to me was ready; he had his handkerchief out. None of us punks were ready.

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Posted: July 23rd, 2011
at 11:53am by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,et cetera,space

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Agreeing to e-Books?

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Posted: July 6th, 2011
at 5:30pm by mnp

Categories: et cetera

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WiFi at Cafes

Getting a cable connection and sharing over wifi with your customers is a great way to not only have customers all day long but repeat customers. But the real reason why every pub and cafe should today install free wifi is because in a few years they won’t need it and they need to learn how to sell to the customers who can "work from anywhere".

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Posted: June 29th, 2011
at 10:47am by mnp

Categories: business,et cetera,internets

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Oklahoma Libraries Lending Out Netbooks

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Posted: June 28th, 2011
at 6:16pm by mnp

Categories: computers,et cetera,internets,innovation

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