Archive for the ‘mnp features’ Category

Foto Del Dia 12.5

and others at modelalive


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Posted: December 5th, 2006
at 12:54pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: foto del dia

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What is Dark Energy?

article at aip

hi-res image from esamultimedia.esa

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Posted: December 4th, 2006
at 5:12am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: what is?

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My Ninja, Please! 12/1/06: ART! - ARF!

People, at, every day is a milestone, ya dig? Today, as you know, is ART DAY! Some of you already know the drill, which is that if you want to check out further art, there are several ways to do it within this site.

You can click on the ‘art‘ category, which encompasses the categories of design, architecture, contemporary art, film, music, and photo. Or, seeing as anybody with common sense already knows that, you can click on any friday in our ninja calendar over there on the sidebar (dating back over 1,000 posts, which is 9,000 posts in dog-posts). Or you can click the ART DAY! link in this post, which automatically searches myninjaplease for the term ‘ART!’ That will bring up all the ART DAY! main posts.

Also, some of you more diehard followers have noted the absence of the My Ninja, Please! posts. This is the triumphant return.

That being said [and beaten like a dead horse], today is a special ART DAY! because our in house ninjas have cooked up quite the eclectic treat for you, the masses. I’ll let you scroll down and find out. Also, our first microsite, arch.mnp, has opened for business! You can check it out my going to or clicking on the link in ‘the dojo’ over yonder to the right. Now without further ado…

Tillie the canine artist!

So it’s not like we usually watch late night with Conan O’Brien [aka big-headed ninja], but for some reason the ninja fam found ourselves sitting around at the correct time. And who do we see? Tillamook Cheddar, the canine artist. She has been described as:

"The most successful living animal painter."
-The Art Newspaper

"A masterpiece of conceptualism."
-Time Out New York

"A sham."
-Jerry Saltz, Village Voice

"When possessed by an artistic vision, Tillie is fearless."
-AKC Gazette

"[Because of tillie] I have had to rethink two of my most basic assumptions about art and life: first, the notion that animals cannot have an aesthetic sense; second, the core conviction that no sentient being could possibly paint anything worse than what Julian Schnabel recently showed at the Gagosian Gallery."
-James Gardner, New York Post (May, 2002)

Damn near all I can say is, My Ninja, Please! Check out a national geopraphic article on Tillie, and her artist bio. I’m not gonna link to him here, but you can also check out the webpage for that big-headed Conan. She also has a book out. Don’t laugh too hard: "Portrait of a Dog as a Young Artist"

The artist’s primary process is a dynamic color transfer technique. In preparation for each of Tillie’s works, her assistants assemble a touch-sensitive recording device by affixing pigment-coated vellum to a sheet of lithograph paper backed by mat board. The artist takes the prepared "canvas" in her mouth and brings it to her workspace. Working on the outside surface, she applies pressure with teeth and claws in a methodic ritual marked by dramatic shifts in tempo and intensity. The resultant sharp and sweeping intersecting lines complement the artist’s delicate paw prints and subtle tongue impressions, composing an expressionistic image that is revealed on the paper beneath when she is finished. She works with shocking intensity, sometimes to the point of destroying her creations.

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Posted: December 1st, 2006
at 3:49pm by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,art,too good to be true,art fridays

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Foto Del Dia 11.9

from photo

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Posted: December 1st, 2006
at 2:20am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: foto del dia

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Foto del dia 11.28


These remarkable photos were taken in the 1980s, when a liner company called Unicom operated a service to Moroni, Comoros Islands. At the time, this was the only means of getting the containers ashore‘.

Personal Container Management, from Bricoleurbanism

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Posted: November 28th, 2006
at 8:52am by orangemenace

Categories: foto del dia

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Foto del dia 11.27


image from photo essayViolent Hawaii‘ from PBS

[Ed: sick!]

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Posted: November 27th, 2006
at 8:38am by orangemenace

Categories: foto del dia

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Foto Del Dia 11.24

featured at dailycolonial

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Posted: November 24th, 2006
at 11:09am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: foto del dia

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Foto Del Dia 11.22

So, uh… how’s your Wednesday?

"Yo, chilllll, I’m sorry! You don’t really look like Dan Akroyd! But that Nicole Ritchie comment wasn’t particularly sensitive either!"

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Posted: November 22nd, 2006
at 11:53am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: foto del dia

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Foto Del Dia 11.21

Harvest moon at stargazing

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Posted: November 21st, 2006
at 12:18pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: foto del dia

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