Archive for the ‘science’ Category


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The Web-based application found on this site has been designed for exploring algorithms in an interdisciplinary environment. The Web site contains interactive tools, which provide a unique learning experience for users, regardless of their musical training. Students of music composition can explore algorithmic composition, while others can create musical representations of models for the purpose of aural interpretation and analysis. Here, the algorithmic process is used in a creative context so that users can convert sequences of numbers into sounds. For example, the Web-based application at this site can provide aural representations of Pi, DNA sequences, or Dow Jones Industrial averages. This learning environment allows users a hands-on approach to creating music by means of conceptualization.


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Posted: October 11th, 2007
at 2:00pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music,life,web,games,robots,weaponry,fo' real?,science,boredom killer

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Percussa AudioCube and reacTable building block musical interfaces

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percussa via labs.det3

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performances by interactive sonic system team and BjAArk

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Posted: October 2nd, 2007
at 4:02pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: computers,music,art,too good to be true,games,robots,weaponry,gear,design,fo' real?,science

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Solar Panel Concrete

solar panels on phones have been around for a while now, and a company claims to have developed printable/paintable panels : solar panels have also been officially placed on the wheels of bicycles, so why are there not sidewalks made of solar panel concrete?

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Posted: October 2nd, 2007
at 2:00pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: too good to be true,green,cell phones,business,whips,design,science

Comments: 1 comment

LAYERING: outside in casa cultura


This is a manifesto of sorts. It proposes juxtaposing the high-tech with the low-tech, intertwining, weaving, stitching and carving the ideas and ethos of one cultural fabric onto another. A matrix created from combining and superimposing layers of cultural image. The vast canvas of landscape is the natural place to undertake this task. This project seeks to integrate multiple cultures and landscapes by layering from the outside in. This notion of layering, outside in, is also used as the primary methodology for this thesis. It is believed that the layering is the way in which we live now. This is unconscious to most but evidence for this strengthens with each passing day. Layering as a method allows independence, letting each layer work on its own and in concert with the others. It provides a mechanism for fluctuation in programmatic and formal inventions. In both plan and elevation, the layers are evident formally as facades, superimposing on each other within the whole. Programmatically, layering occurs between the boundaries of architecture, entertainment and information. On the landscape, layers are shaped to make space more useful and to provide provocation.


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Posted: October 2nd, 2007
at 8:00am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life,green,weaponry,architecture,design,science

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ART! - Collaborations of Kin and Kind


We have to admit that at times we here at mnp can be somewhat constrained by tradition and our ideas of the world as it is. For instance, a tradition around here is ART DAY! and, on Fridays, you can pretty much expect it, regardless of what it is you really want to see. It is in that same sentiment that we apologize for having not yet brought you a piece of collaborative art. However fear not, for that ends today. Next week we will focus on collaborative art projects between people and other people. Today’s feature, one might say, is a sort of collaboration, but one between people and nature, man and insect.

What with all the creepy crawly activity around the mnp network this week: namely vermicomposting with red worms over at green.mnp, it seems only appropriate to bring you these awesome little jewels, by Hubert Duprat and some little insects.


The images above illustrate the results of an unusual artistic collaboration between the French artist Hubert Duprat and a group of caddis fly larvae. A small winged insect belonging to the order Trichoptera and closely related to the butterfly, caddis flies live near streams and ponds and produce aquatic larvae that protect their developing bodies by manufacturing sheaths, or cases, spun from silk and incorporating substancesa€"grains of sand, particles of mineral or plant material, bits of fish bone or crustacean shella€"readily available in their benthic ecosystem. The larvae are remarkably adaptable: if other suitable materials are introduced into their environment, they will often incorporate those as well. via

We first found out about this project at a cool blog, so we’ll give them the link love they expect and deserve. Below you can watch a video of these art-loving insects in action.

Collaboration between human being and nature is obviously the norm, and it’s funny that we think of ourselves as being somehow ‘outside’ of nature in relation to anything we do - even art. But working within the bounds of nature is no strange concept to our ninjas over at architecture.mnp

Keep scrolling down for more ART DAY! goodness you crave.


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Posted: September 28th, 2007
at 7:59am by black octagons

Categories: life,art,contemporary,fo' real?,science,art fridays

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A Strat House in the Hood?


Where are you?a€A
a€oeIa€™m in the Prince Vultan Suite at the Hochstetlera€A
a€oeIs that Queen I hear playing?a€A
a€oeUm, yeah!a€A
a€oeYoua€™re with your Delta Strat brothers again, arena€™t you Tony?a€A
a€oeUm, yeah, I guess so.a€A

Lloyd Alter1, Treehugger from Toronto, assures us that there is no cause for alarm. Strat-Houses will be supported by nacelles filled with helium, rather than carried aloft by explosive hydrogen like the zeppelins of old.

the dreams of the people zapped!! no more airships you say? daaang…. check out this humour at jcwinnie

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Super Adobe

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Posted: September 25th, 2007
at 2:30pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,weaponry,architecture,science

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Are Urban Heat Islands Global Warming?

administrators are feeling the heat to mandate energy efficient design in chicago and phoenix due to a real "type" of global warming. "urban heat islands" have somehow cemented that ice glaciers are in fact melting….

….the observed behavior has to be modeled on the basis of physical principles - not simply empirical observation. It takes a while to develop such models - but wherever we notice that models appear to be doing a poor job, that is where we focus on developing the appropriate models. Clouds were one of the weakest links in the past, the carbon cycle another and so is the behavior of ice.

But we are working on all three fronts, and have made a great deal of progress on the first, somewhat less on the second and clearly need to do more work on the third. At the same time, this also leaves the first question unanswered, and it would appear that we may be underestimating the rate at which the system as a whole evolves given that all subsystems are coupled, either directly or indirectly, with stronger or weaker coupling between the subsystems. If we underestimate the rate at which one subsystem evolves, it would seem that we are underestimating how all evolve, to one extent or another. [realclimate]

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Posted: September 23rd, 2007
at 9:35pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,politricks,design,science

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A pioneer in tethered flight sailing, KiteShip seems to have created an industry without competition. While developing technologies for use within industrial, commercial and recreational sectors, KiteShip finds itself in a unique position. They are under contract with NASA and other small countries and have the ability to remotely move distinct quantities of materials at the will of the wind.


The coming exploration of Mars and other planets and moons demands ever larger energy sources in order to extend exploration radii in a timely fashion. Just as Earth’s peoples first did, scientists are turning to wind-powered solutions to the challenges of speedy autonomous travel. One obvious problem relates to control of a sailing craft 50 to 200 million miles away. Autonomous control of a tippy land sailor is a daunting engineering challenge and "tumbleweed" type explorers offer extremely limited performance. Again, scientists are looking to tethered flight technology for help. The ability to create a craft which does not heel simplifies the design challenge; a Mars rover which can sail right-side up or upside down can cover the gamut of potential situations, making high speed sailing the preferred mode for extraterrestrial ground exploration.


from kiteship

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Posted: September 20th, 2007
at 3:04pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,whips,design,fo' real?,science

Comments: 1 comment