Archive for the ‘the column’ Category

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You want to ensure your company and its data are secure, but you also don't want policies and protections that prevent employees from being able to easily do their jobs. How do you find the right balance? What are the most important issues to consider?


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Posted: February 25th, 2011
at 7:50pm by mnp

Categories: the column

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Kakonomics is the strange a yet widespread a preference for mediocre exchanges insofar as nobody complains about. Kakonomic worlds are worlds in which people not only live with each other’s laxness, but expect it: I trust you not to keep your promises in full because I want to be free not to keep mineAand not to feel bad about it.

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Posted: February 25th, 2011
at 4:33pm by mnp

Categories: the column

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Applying this to 2025, yes, there will be megacorps that automatically scour their part of the Internet for lewdness, profanity, or controversial opinions - people want that, and, more importantly, advertisers really want that. ABut equally, there will be vast stretches of the net that is the unregulated mess we know and love - enough people want that. Will there be age restrictions and a loss of privacy in the walled garden part of the Internet? ASure, but the age restrictions will work about as well as those on buying alcohol, and nobody will worry about the loss of privacy, just like they don't worry about it for credit cards.

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Posted: February 25th, 2011
at 4:31pm by mnp

Categories: the column

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Universities are essentially operating on the same model they were over a 100 years ago. I often wonder if these institutions are even able to change at this point, or would it make more sense to tear them down and start over from scratch.

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Posted: February 25th, 2011
at 2:15pm by mnp

Categories: the column

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There’s an unsustainable college tuition textbook bubble that makes the recent "housing bubble" almost unnoticeable by comparison.

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Posted: February 25th, 2011
at 2:12pm by mnp

Categories: the column

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That license allows truly free distribution, including commercial use, as long as the free license remains in place. ABut my experience is that most people see the words "Creative Commons" and simply assume the license is Non-Commercial - because the majority of Creative Commons licenses they've seen elsewhere have been Non-Commercial. AThis is a real problem.

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Posted: February 25th, 2011
at 2:11pm by mnp

Categories: the column

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So here is the scenario - you are smart, talented and ambitious. You abhor the corporate world. You have tons of creative ideas and obnoxious energy. You love tackling world-changing projects. You thrive in unstructured environments. Your risk tolerance is high and you handle uncertainty well. A You don't yet have your own world-changing idea, but you've figured out that you want to join a startup. ANow all you need to do is decide which startup to join.

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Posted: February 25th, 2011
at 10:16am by mnp

Categories: the column

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The culture in Silicon Valley accepts, dare I say celebrates, failure. Believe it or not, having "battle scars" is a good sign for VCs & Entrepreneurs alike. If you want to get funded, this is a good indicator. If you’re an employee, all the better. As long as you don’t make the same mistake twice, you’re well on your path to success.

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Posted: February 25th, 2011
at 10:13am by mnp

Categories: the column

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The conventional wisdom is that starting a web business is (at least) 10x less expensive today than it was 10-15 years ago. It's said that a decade ago, you needed millions of venture capital in order to launch an Internet startup whereas today, thanks to open-source software, cheap hardware and new ways to acquire users for free (in particular virally via Facebook/Twitter and with SEO via Google), you can do the same with a small fraction of that.

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Posted: February 25th, 2011
at 10:12am by mnp

Categories: the column

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