Archive for the ‘9th dan’ Category

Science Historian Cracks The Plato Code

Plato was the Einstein of Greece's Golden Age and his work founded Western culture and science. Dr Jay Kennedy's findings are set to revolutionise the history of the origins of Western thought.

Dr Kennedy, whose findings are published in the leading US journalAApeiron, reveals that Plato used a regular pattern of symbols, inherited from the ancient followers of Pythagoras, to give his books a musical structure. A century earlier, Pythagoras had declared that the planets and stars made an inaudible music, a 'harmony of the spheres'. Plato imitated this hidden music in his books.

The hidden codes show that Plato anticipated the Scientific Revolution 2,000 years before Isaac Newton, discovering its most important idea - the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics. The decoded messages also open up a surprising way to unite science and religion. The awe and beauty we feel in nature, Plato says, shows that it is divine; discovering the scientific order of nature is getting closer to God. This could transform today's culture wars between science and religion.

"Plato's books played a major role in founding Western culture but they are mysterious and end in riddles," Dr Kennedy, at Manchester's Faculty of Life Sciences explains.

"In antiquity, many of his followers said the books contained hidden layers of meaning and secret codes, but this was rejected by modern scholars.

"It is a long and exciting story, but basically I cracked the code. I have shown rigorously that the books do contain codes and symbols and that unraveling them reveals the hidden philosophy of Plato.

"This is a true discovery, not simply reinterpretation."

This will transform the early history of Western thought, and especially the histories of ancient science, mathematics, music, and philosophy.

Dr Kennedy spent five years studying Plato's writing and found that in his best-known work theARepublic he placed clusters of words related to music after each twelfth of the text - at one-twelfth, two-twelfths, etc. This regular pattern represented the twelve notes of a Greek musical scale. Some notes were harmonic, others dissonant. At the locations of the harmonic notes he described sounds associated with love or laughter, while the locations of dissonant notes were marked with screeching sounds or war or death. This musical code was key to cracking Plato's entire symbolic system.

Dr Kennedy, a researcher in the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, says: "As we read his books, our emotions follow the ups and downs of a musical scale. Plato plays his readers like musical instruments.">


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Posted: June 29th, 2010
at 2:35pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,music,9th dan,science,philosophy,security,language

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Zen, Skill Development, and The Inner Game Of Tennis

Zachary Burt’s analysis of The Inner Game of Tennis by W. Timothy Gallwey- his post isn’t about tennis!>

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Posted: June 16th, 2010
at 9:52pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life,games,9th dan,development

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What’s New? : Digital Afterlife?

What's New? covering what's new in tech…… we ask….

There are well defined legal, social, and religious traditions that come into play when our physical lives end that help decide how people remember us, and what happens to our property. Yet we also have digital lives, and their fates are much less understood and controlled. Facebook pages, Google, Twitter - all of these services exist in a legal murky ground after you die as most of these companies maintain rights to any public information you share through their sites. That can prove hectic to loved ones trying to tie up loose ends after someone has passed, but it also highlights a curious condition of the modern age: we may continue to live long after we die thanks to our online records. Are we creating a digital afterlife?>

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How to Afford Anything

Extensive guide from Ken Rockwell (2008)>

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Will We Ever Be a Galactic Civilization?

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Asked the biggest question that he would like answered, Physicist Michio Kaku answers:AWill we survive long enough as a species to evolve into an advanced "type 1" civilization?

"Choose your president wisely if you want to be around to join Star Fleet."

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Posted: June 9th, 2010
at 7:01pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: robots,weaponry,9th dan,science

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What Is Intelligence, Anyway?

Isaac Asimov on the blind intelligence, and deaf society.

My intelligence, then, is not absolute but is a function of the society I live in and of the fact that a small subsection of that society has managed to foist itself on the rest as an arbiter of such matters.>

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Posted: June 1st, 2010
at 2:50pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,life,too good to be true,weaponry,fo' real?,9th dan,science,boredom killer,"ninja",philosophy,education

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Winston Smith: Requiem for an Armchair

One charity has to decide whether or not to get rid of a historical chair in their client involvement meetings:

"Well, I mean we do need a new armchair and that's great, but like I said we need to say goodbye to the one we have had for so long. I suggest we put up several memos around the building informing the other clients the final date that the chair will be here. Then I think we should get to burn it and have a few drinks around it and say goodbye."

Comedy if you ask me.>

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Posted: May 31st, 2010
at 4:04pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life,home,politricks,design,9th dan

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The War of Art: Steven Pressfield

Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art, on virtue, resistance, going pro, slaying the dragon and Anti-tribes.

"The power is in your hands.">

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Posted: May 23rd, 2010
at 1:31pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,life,art,mnp is for the children,politricks,weaponry,9th dan,"ninja",et cetera,diy,development,blogs,internets,philosophy,ir

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The Three Types Of Education

Why do we measure people’s level of success on where they went to school? AIsn’t it about the person and their unique happiness? AWhile it may seem not, that is because most people assume that there is only one type of education in the world. AWe begin to believe that intelligence is defined by education. AOf course, this is not true. AIn fact, we believe that there are three levels of education:

1. Formal Education

2. Self-Taught Education

3. "The School of Hard Knocks">

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Posted: May 17th, 2010
at 9:21pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,life,mnp is for the children,9th dan,science,development,blogs,philosophy

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