Archive for the ‘fo’ real?’ Category

Golf in Mumbai

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Posted: May 3rd, 2011
at 8:48am by mnp

Categories: youtube,games,fo' real?,"ninja"

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Can Falcons Save Dubai?

We mentioned it before, but pigeons must go!

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Posted: April 28th, 2011
at 8:35am by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,fo' real?,10th dan

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Fire Ants Build Waterproof Rafts

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When they are about to drown, they form an ant raft:

The ant raft provides cohesion, buoyancy and water repellency to its passengers. Even more remarkable, it is self-assembled quickly, in less than 100 seconds. It is also self-healing, meaning if one ant is removed from the raft, others move in to fill the void. (Source)

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Posted: April 27th, 2011
at 7:29am by mnp

Categories: fo' real?,10th dan

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How was UPS Founded?

Today I found out UPS was started by two teenagers with one bicycle and $100 borrowed from a friend.

The date was August 28, 1907 and the two kids were 18 year old Claude Ryan and 19 year old Jim Casey.  The two had one bike between them and $100 borrowed from a friend to found the "American Messenger Company" in Seattle, Washington.  The company was initially run in a hotel basement at Second Avenue and Main Street in Seattle.>

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Posted: April 25th, 2011
at 11:55am by mnp

Categories: business,fo' real?

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After 20 years in a wheelchair…

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Posted: April 25th, 2011
at 7:58am by mnp

Categories: design,fo' real?

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The Lettuce Principle

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Over a several-year period, the U.S. per capita consumption of Romaine lettuce increased 162%, to the point now where lettuce consumption is at a record high. Why? Largely because we are too damn lazy to even wash our own lettuce anymore.

The convenience of pre-washed, bagged lettuce outweighs the cost. At least in my grocery store, a bag of lettuce is easily three times more expensive than a raw head. Yet we buy the bag anyway, because you can just grab a handful and throw it on your plate. (Source)

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Posted: April 23rd, 2011
at 6:25pm by mnp

Categories: business,grub,fo' real?,blogs

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Is your iPhone tracking your movements?

Washington DC to New York from Alasdair Allan on Vimeo.

Apparently yes, the iPhone keeps a file with some pretty scarily detailed location information. Click here to read about the project to publicize that info, and how to see what’s being tracked on your device.

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Posted: April 20th, 2011
at 3:56pm by Black Ock

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Categories: apple,not ninja-worthy,cell phones,fo' real?,real life news

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My Ninja, Please! 4.13.11 : Coffee Shrooms

A couple of students learn about social entrepreneurship and mushroom farming on coffee grounds and share at TEDxPresidio:

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No Credibility with Engineers

Apart from the fact that some people just don’t know when to shut up, it can be very difficult to get engineers to do what people ask. Cindy Alvarez talks about the correct way to talk with engineers.

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Posted: April 8th, 2011
at 11:27am by mnp

Categories: life,weaponry,fo' real?,science,development,jobs

Comments: 1 comment