* New Year - January 1
* Memory Day - January 12
* Ramadan - January 30
* National Flag Day - February 19
* International Women’s Day - March 8
* Novruz-Bairam (religious) - March 21
* Drop of Water is a Grain of Gold Holiday - April 6
* Horse Day - April 27
* Victory Day - May 9
* Revival and Unity Day - May 18
* Holiday of Poetry of Magtymguli - May 19
* Carpet Day - May 25
* Kurban-Bairam (religious) - one day a year (refer to Muslim calendar)
* Ramadan-Bairam (religious) - one day a year (refer to Muslim calendar)
* Day of election of first President - June 21
* Turkmen Melon Holiday - July 10
* Turkmen Bakhsi Holiday - July 14
* Remembrance Day - October 6
* Independence Day - October 27-28
* Student Youth Day - November 17
* Harvest Holiday/Bread Day - November 30
* Good Neighborliness - December 7
* Day of Neutrality - December 1
Danish ‘artist’ Marco Evaristti spray painted an iceberg red. It’s "art", you see. You don’t? Me, either.
Marco and minions took two icebreakers from Ilullissat, Greenland, looked for 30 minutes to find the perfect iceberg, then sprayed it red using 780 gallons of the type of dye used to color meat.
"We all have a need to decorate Mother Nature because it belongs to all us," Marco said. "This is my iceberg; it belongs to me." Yeah, whatever. Some would call it "polluting".
Evaristti, who was born in Chile, sadly got attention for another work of "art", shown in a Danish gallery in 2000. He filled 10 blenders with water and live goldfish, then invited guests to turn them on and chop up the live fish. Of course some idiot did. Don’t see that as "art"? Me, either. The gallery director was tried on charges of animal cruelty, but acquitted. It doesn’t sound like Mr. Evaristti gets tried on any charges, like polluting a pristine ecosystem, or not being a very creative "artist".
Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that people can follow a scent surprisingly well, as long as they do not mind abandoning all dignity, putting their nose right to the ground and crawling along with their bottoms in the air.
"Float like a butterfly/ Sting like a bee/ Your hands can’t hit/ What your eyes can’t see."
Muhammad Ali’s rhymes, taunts, provocations and exclamations were an endlessly entertaining and insightful facet of his larger-than-life persona. As he once said, "I outwit them and then I outhit them."
A new book, "Ali Rap: Muhammad Ali the First Heavyweight Champion of Rap," proclaims Ali’s verbal barrage was more than self-promotion, but that it sowed the seeds of hip-hop, which was born in the early `70s.
We started the library as way to gather, look at, and catalog a groundswell of optimistic and visionary activities in the late 1960s and early 1970s. We had discussions about the similarities between a handful of books we knew of, and the culture of Mess Hall, an experimental cultural center in Chicago that we have both been active in for over three years. Mess Hall is organized around an \"economy of generosity,? freely sharing information and materials. The books are important precursors to Mess Hall, embracing the grass roots exchange of information and themes of self and community empowerment. These books are written from the counter-culture. Their authors were interested in communicating their direct experience as it related to their experiments for living in harmony with the natural landscape, building sustainable communities, and so on. We were excited to read about practical applications of optimistic ideas for radical change, and to continue putting our own ideas into this tradition.
Bright and beautiful in some places. In other places, it will be cloudy and raining. #there
This speaks of the tangible concerns of particular human beings #incompleteness?
The latest is, if nothing else, a monument to the fact that #art is
What am I to do with feelings like these? Useless feelings in a world in which everything must be made useful. #a step
Toast to warm weather with this cool and fruity beverage featuring a potent strawberry syrup mixed into water or club soda. #strawberry cup
And on the finish, a slightest bitterness that reminds you of juniper berries. It's a flavor you sit with after each bite, and there are about five of them with each fruit. #apricot
He insisted that he was only creating "well-drawn clean humor." But something else was surfacing in his work. #little nemo
Businesspeople with good hearts looking to make a difference usually start with three questions: "How can I give back?" "How do I pick a good cause?" and "What skills should I contribute?" But the businesspeople I've met who have made the biggest contribution usually started with a different question: "What can I get?" As a result, they engage more deeply, contribute more of their skills, and do so for longer duration. #cause
It is thus flawed, a weightless, overly romantic attempt at economic analysis, special only in that it is not an entirely boring read. #weightless
Are nature and spirituality compatible, are they aloof colleagues, indifferent and incurious about what the other is saying? #physics
I'm not entirely sure what literary fiction is "supposed" to be...but it is something that we can recognize when we read it, and in terms of speculative stories, it's a suggestion of internal struggle. #weird
A blogger, twitter, and a million dollar suit. #defamation?
As 2012 begins, what will the year bring about? #leap year
Scientists published their work in journals that only scientists read, classicists in volumes that only classicists read, and engineers in blue books that no one read. So the reference book was born---the compendium of facts, the chrestomathy of passages, and the anthology of extracts---by which the rest of us could learn and use the information that print technology was producing, filling bookshelves that could be measured by the mile. #wikipedia