Archive for the ‘myninjaplease’ Category

Tech Ninjas Beware!

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keyboard katcha

Holding down your windows installation isn’t enough anymore. Forget viruses and spyware. The threat is no longer in your computer. Now, we know these devices have been around for a while, but this is the first hardware keylogger that’s easily available to consumers.

The Key Katcher (Yes, that’s their spelling and no, we didn’t know they were ninjas, either) plugs in between your keyboard and the computer and can log up to 160 pages in its memory and is undetectable (except with your ninja eyes of course). You know what that means, ninjas, just make sure to check behind the computer before you use it. And for you evil ninjas, I don’t even need to explain what this entails…

via productdose


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Posted: August 3rd, 2006
at 10:47pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,computers

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Cell Phone Disco Fever!

cell phone tango

Cell Phone Disco is an installation of light-up cells, with a series of sensors and LEDs in each cell.AA The sensors detect electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and respond accordingly. No, they don’t cop bluetooth headsets, they light up in one of two manners:

Part one of the installation senses the electromagnetic waves and lights up an "aura" around the phone. Part two is a wall of LEDs that are slightly less sensitive. When a cellAA phone is held clos to the wall, the LEDs near it light up, officially becoming the world’s first cell phone drawing board.

cell phone disco


via make money not art

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Posted: August 3rd, 2006
at 9:57pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,art,cell phones

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Look Mama, No Wheels…


So we’ve got the next big craze in ninja transportation ready to hit. This hovercraft/airplane is selling on eBay for just $26,000. It can reach outrageous altitudes of 5 ft. Yes, you heard right! 5 ft! I know it would be a bit scary to go that high, but if you’re a true ninja, I think you can hang.

eBay ad

via High T3ch

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Posted: August 3rd, 2006
at 9:46pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,bling

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Yes You Can

Check your city, ATCQ is coming back together for the NBA2K7 tour.

From Remix Magazine

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Posted: August 3rd, 2006
at 2:09pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,music,celebrity,art

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The Amazing Machine

‘Le Grand RA©pertoire’ (The Big Repository) shows how good that Nutella really is- the French made a machine just to spread it on bread for the masses. See the video of this and other fantastic machines here.


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Posted: August 3rd, 2006
at 1:30pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,computers,web,robots

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Keep your radioactive animals to yourself!

radioactive animals ahead!

Darren Barefoot has a Hall of Technical Documentation Weirdness with a gallery of ridiculous but real signs.

Peem ’em

via neatorama

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Posted: August 2nd, 2006
at 5:04pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease

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Yes, the Segway looks extra-dorky…

segway centaur

but check out the new Segway Centaur, a four-wheeled version of the gyroscope-powered beast.

This thing looks ill! Check out the video.

via HighT3ch

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Posted: August 2nd, 2006
at 4:52pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,bling,life,whips

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Enter: The World’s Smallest Bike

It is super-light and folds. It also actually rides like a bike. Watch the video here.

Buy it here.


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Posted: August 2nd, 2006
at 3:45pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,life

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Build? Grow Your House!!!

MIT is up to trouble again. People build furniture and other art out of live trees, so why not build some houses?
"The concept of a living house is really incredibly exciting when you think that people in tropical and semitropical locations have fast-growing trees available," said Richard Reames, an Oregon-based "arborsculptor" who uses grafting techniques to grow living furniture.

Read about the vision of Mitchell Joachim of the Media Lab’s Smart Cities group here via

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Posted: August 2nd, 2006
at 3:42pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,green,home

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