Archive for the ‘politricks’ Category

Wildman at Work

Ultimately, in the argument about work and how it should be done, one has only one's pleasures to offer. It is possible … to be in one's place, in such company, wild or domestic, and with such pleasure, that one cannot think of another place that one would prefer to bea€" or of another place at all. One does not miss or regret the past, or fear or long for the future. Being there is simply all, and is enough. Such times give one the chief standard and the chief reason for one's work. -AWendell Berry, "Economy and Pleasure" (Continue reading the article by clicking the link below)>


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Posted: July 14th, 2010
at 7:45pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: art,green,web,politricks,et cetera,philosophy,ethics

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Information Overload

How to deal with information overload? Consume information consciously, practice attention fitness and breathe.

"As long as the centuries continue to unfold, the number of books will grow continually, and one can predict that a time will come when it will be almost as difficult to learn anything from books as from the direct study of the whole universe. It will be almost as convenient to search for some bit of truth concealed in nature as it will be to find it hidden away in an immense multitude of bound volumes." - Denis Diderot>

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National Civil Discourse Day

MNP will be celebrating this September! (help Preemptive Karma by spreading the word about this day!)

The goal of National Civil Discourse Day is for everyone in all forms of media, from Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow on the Left to Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck on the Right on down to the most anonymous members of the politicosphere, to commit to a day of respectful and substantive discourse.

Hopefully, the NCDD will raise awareness and show people that America will be better and stronger if we can have respectful debate about our differences in ways that foster consensus (even if that means just agreeing to disagree) and produce beneficial solutions.>

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Posted: June 28th, 2010
at 11:38pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: mnp is for the children,politricks,et cetera,internets,today in history

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What’s New? : Digital Afterlife?

What's New? covering what's new in tech…… we ask….

There are well defined legal, social, and religious traditions that come into play when our physical lives end that help decide how people remember us, and what happens to our property. Yet we also have digital lives, and their fates are much less understood and controlled. Facebook pages, Google, Twitter - all of these services exist in a legal murky ground after you die as most of these companies maintain rights to any public information you share through their sites. That can prove hectic to loved ones trying to tie up loose ends after someone has passed, but it also highlights a curious condition of the modern age: we may continue to live long after we die thanks to our online records. Are we creating a digital afterlife?>

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Web Services as Governments

Some call them eco-systems, networks, or communities, but this guy calls them governments. Read along here.

As I thought about it, it became clear that web platforms really don’t make much. Instead, they create the conditions that encourage others to invest their time and energy to create useful services…in the end, the big networks on the web will all have to find a balance between state power and private initiative.>

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Posted: June 10th, 2010
at 4:11pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: computers,web,business,politricks,internets

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Are Cameras the New Guns?

The move to stop recording of police misconduct:

In response to a flood of Facebook and YouTube videos that depict police abuse, a new trend in law enforcement is gaining popularity. In at least three states (Illinois, Massachusetts, and Maryland), it is now illegal to record an on-duty police officer even if the encounter involves you and may be necessary to your defense, and even if the recording is on a public street where no expectation of privacy exists.>

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Winston Smith: Requiem for an Armchair

One charity has to decide whether or not to get rid of a historical chair in their client involvement meetings:

"Well, I mean we do need a new armchair and that's great, but like I said we need to say goodbye to the one we have had for so long. I suggest we put up several memos around the building informing the other clients the final date that the chair will be here. Then I think we should get to burn it and have a few drinks around it and say goodbye."

Comedy if you ask me.>

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Posted: May 31st, 2010
at 4:04pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life,home,politricks,design,9th dan

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Primary Sources: No Secrets

WikiLeaks front man Julian Paul Assange and his Icelandic transformation- how did his wish to under-serve those who hold "power without accountability" lead to the disintegration of his own orchestrated press club release? This New Yorker article by Raffi Khatchadourian due out next week explores his undoings in and out of the Bunker.

"If it feels a little bit like we're amateurs, it is because we are. Everyone is an amateur in this business.">

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Ten Maps that Changed the World

USSR’s Be On Guard! 1921

The Waldseemuller world map named and envisaged America as a separate continent for the first time.

Read the complete list over at

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Posted: May 27th, 2010
at 3:01pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: art,web,politricks,weaponry,design,science,"ninja",travel,development,philosophy,ir,maps

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