Archive for the ‘film’ Category

Jedi Ninjas

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‘Jedi Ninjas’ a Team2X production. Directed by James Mark and Justin Lovell. Concept & produced by James Mark and Yung Lee (GakAttack). Action Designed by and Featuring Team2x. Visual FX by Yung Lee (GakAttack)

Jedi Ninjas was developed as a passion project to recreate the current style of Star Wars action seen in video games into live action. This style often combines elements of Force powers with the use lightsaber combat. As there are no upcoming live action Star Wars movies to this date, this was a project to make many of the fans’ dreams into a reality.

Team 2X is a professional martial arts performance consisting of members with experience in Hollywood films and television. With their unique talent in creating mind blowing fight sequences and GakAttack’s passion for combining Visual FX with Martial Arts action. Jedi Ninjas became the result of this collaboration.


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Posted: December 20th, 2011
at 1:26am by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,film

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Realia Trailer

The term ‘realia’ is the plural of ‘Real’ and means "real issues". This generally refers to things in real life and / or objects of a particular culture .

Realia is an unique digital / cinematic / photographic experiment. Never in the history of mankind have so many images been produced and shared as today. The photo website Flickr for example, has received 3000 pictures per minute, 30 Million per week, 130 Million per month on average in 2010. It’s easy to imagine the Internet as the visual equivalent of "the library of Babel" a short story by Jorge Luis Borges about an endless library. All the images on the net are potential frames for an movie. For this movie to construct, the frames should be put in the ‘right’ order. Image analyses software analyses millions of images and puts them ‘in order’ so that each frame differs slightly compared to the previous frame: the very principle of a movie. These computer generated ‘scenes’ will be the raw material for the movie: a monumental animation using millions of images from the Internet.

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Posted: December 19th, 2011
at 6:35pm by mnp

Categories: web,film,photo

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Spice Farming

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Posted: December 19th, 2011
at 6:31pm by mnp

Categories: film

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Photo-realistic Tattoo Adventures

One of our faithful ninjas, Shannon, who mostly lurks in the background like the rest of you, submitted to us the work of Joshua Frankel.

KA-BAR "Blizzard" from Joshua Frankel on Vimeo.

These works consist of photo-realistic/animated retelling of stories submitted by owners of Ka-Bar knives. They’re kinda sick. If you navigate to the website you can see a few more shorts - including a making-of for the curious. Good lookin’ out, Shannon.

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Posted: December 19th, 2011
at 9:58am by Black Ock

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Categories: art,film

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What is a Portrait? Randall Okita Edition

What is a truly realistic portrait? This question inspired a project about going beyond physical appearances and attempting to render the interior world of a human being, through memories, emotions, relationships and personal story. All of it organized around a portrait painting metaphor: brushes loaded with meanings instead of paint would render a portrait using my "generative video painting" technique.

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Posted: December 19th, 2011
at 2:34am by mnp

Categories: too good to be true,film,contemporary,"ninja",what is?

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A Life in Film and Design

"Saul Bass. Before I ever met him, before we worked together, he was a legend in my eyes." As introductions go, that’s a humdinger and a half, but coming from Martin Scorsese? It doesn’t get much better than that, and the iconic director goes on to say that his designs, "found and distilled the poetry of the modern, industrialized world." Saul Bass is such a significant figure it would be hard to begin to do him justice in book form, but this mouthwatering 440-page opus by Saul’s daughter Jennifer and Patrick Kirkham is a worthy tribute to both the man and the legend. :Continue reading:

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Posted: December 19th, 2011
at 2:25am by mnp

Categories: life,business,film,design,et cetera

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Imagine Science Film Festival

: Read more here :

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Posted: December 17th, 2011
at 5:58pm by mnp

Categories: film,science,events

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Moving Windmills Documentary Trailer

In late 2006, a Malawian newspaper wrote about William Kamkwmamba, a remarkable young man from a remote rural village north of the capital city. Forced to drop out of high school for lack of money, William saw a picture of a windmill in a textbook and decided to build one to power his family’s home. Using found materials and scrapyard parts such as a broken bicycle, tractor fan, melted plastic pipes, bamboo and used copper wires, he built a series of windmills which would change his and his family’s life. A visit to America reinforces his dreams to complete his education and bring power to his country. : Pangea Day :

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Posted: December 17th, 2011
at 5:42pm by mnp

Categories: green,film,documentary

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Baptman Presents…

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Posted: December 2nd, 2011
at 4:10pm by mnp

Categories: music,film

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