Archive for the ‘business’ Category

Railroad Accounting

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Posted: July 22nd, 2011
at 2:16pm by mnp

Categories: business,education

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Bill Clinton on the Economy

Banks still have more than $2 trillion in cash uncommitted to loans. ……. I suggested that the federal government set aside—not spend—$15 billion of the TARP money and create a loan-guarantee program that would work exactly the way the Small Business Administration does. Basically, the bank lends money to a business after the federal government guarantees 75 percent of it. Let’s say that the SBA fund has about a 20-to-1 loan-to-capital ratio, and it’s never come anywhere near bankruptcy. If we capitalized this more conservatively at 10-to-1, we could guarantee $150 billion in loans and create more than a million jobs. (Source)

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Posted: July 22nd, 2011
at 2:14pm by mnp

Categories: business

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More Jobs for the Auto Industry

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Posted: July 7th, 2011
at 4:31pm by mnp

Categories: business,jobs

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The Seasonal Business

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Posted: July 7th, 2011
at 3:14pm by mnp

Categories: business

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Airlines Upgrade in Efficiency

: Engines and materials are being upgraded :

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Posted: July 6th, 2011
at 5:53pm by mnp

Categories: business

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Faulty Products

: Got an issue about a product?

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Posted: July 6th, 2011
at 3:45pm by mnp

Categories: business

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DIY : The Hobby Business

: Read this if you have a maker business :

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Posted: July 6th, 2011
at 12:39pm by mnp

Categories: business,weaponry,diy,blogs,internets,jobs,lists

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CEO Salaries Rose 23 Percent in 2010

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Posted: July 6th, 2011
at 9:32am by mnp

Categories: business,blogs

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Indians aren’t Shopping Online

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Posted: July 6th, 2011
at 9:10am by mnp

Categories: web,business

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