Archive for the ‘games’ Category

Coin Flip

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On Monday, you flip a coin all day. You start flipping it until you see the pattern Head, Tail, Head. You record the number of flips required to reach this pattern, and start flipping again (and counting up from 1 again) until you see that pattern again, you record the second number, and start again. At the end of the day you average all of the numbers you've recorded.
On Tuesday you do theAEXACTAsame thing except you flip until you see the pattern Head, Tail, Tail.

Will Monday's number be higher than Tuesday's, equal to Tuesday's, or lower than Tuesday's?

[if you're checking your answer, enter "higher", "lower", or "equal">


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Posted: October 5th, 2010
at 7:47am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: games

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Minecraft. At this point I am just going to assume everyone has heard something about this gaming sensation. One of the more recent bits of news is that the game is pulling in around $350,000 per day for its sole-developer. AIf there ever was an example of a game breaking all the rules and succeeding, this one is it. It's written in Java. It's not out on consoles or smartphone devices with app stores. It doesn't have amazing graphics. And, most importantly for this blog post, it's not even finished yet.>

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Posted: October 1st, 2010
at 8:09am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: too good to be true,games,business,development

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Pele as a Comedian

Pele doesn't strike me as a religious experience, then. He strikes me as a comedy, or better, as a comedian: not as a stand-up comic or a satirist, but as the opposite of a tragedian, the author of the kind of classical comedy that always ends with a wedding, the kind that revels in turning the order of things upside down so that it can give you the giddy satisfaction of seeing them turned right-side up again. This kind of comedy is in the business of reconciliation: The king turns out to be wise, the lovers love each other, and the villains reveal themselves to be failures, however things look for a while. When Titania is in the forest with Bottom, everything is wonderfully backwards: The queen of the ideal is enslaved to clumsiest physicality.66 A Midsummer Night's Dream is a little like soccer, come to think of it. Then Puck flies through, Pele scores his goal, and all the faculties go back to their right places. It has no effect on the real world, or on whatever moves in the dark, and if the real world is a place of despair, then the most it can do is to keep despair at bay. It's rigged, like all art, and it feels like a game because it is a game. But there are worse things than keeping despair at bay. The terrible thing about happiness is that it can't answer any questions. But when it comes, you don't need it to. And when it goes, well, what would you want it to say?>

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Posted: September 26th, 2010
at 10:12pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: games,9th dan

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Revis Island covered in Irish Moss

For the record, I know my guys lost this one - and I’m well-aware that we might have provoked the Jets by saying we hated them (ahem Brady).A Butttt…. Have you ever seen somebody talk SO much trash and then get their ankles (or rather, their whole leg) broke.A Dude needs to learn to respect his elders.

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And that’s what I call "old man strenf."

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Posted: September 20th, 2010
at 10:48am by Black Ock

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Categories: myninjaplease,too good to be true,games,ninjas are everyehere

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FarmVille vs. Real Farms>

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Posted: September 12th, 2010
at 1:36pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,games,grub,development

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The Reverse Geocache Puzzle

Early this summer, the friend who first introduced me toAArduino amazed us with the news that he was moving to France to get married. Once I recovered from the surprise, it occurred to me that putting together some sort of Arduino-based wedding present might be a uniquely fitting thanks for his years of friendship and for helping get me started in this delightful enterprise. And so after weighing several ideas a I didn't fancy adding some ugly techno-junk to the pretty collection of tea cozies and china sets a I finally settled on building the device I describe here: a puzzle box that won't open until it is taken to a certain location.

To better understand my conception, let's fast forward and imagine the gift opening. The new couple, freshly back from their honeymoon, remove the wrapping to reveal a book-sized wooden box elaborately carved with elephant images. (I didn't carve it; I bought it that way atAWorld Market.) Mounted into the lid, perhaps incongruously, are an illuminated button, a small display, and a mysterious module that sharp-eyed readers might recognize as a GPS. There's also some kind of connector tucked away on the box's left side. More about that later.

What do they make of all this? It's hard to guess, but naturally I imagine they might try to open it up and take a look inside. When they do, however, they find the lid stuck tight a it seems to be latched from the inside. Will they push the button? Pretty buttons are awfully hard to resist, so let's assume so.>

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Posted: September 6th, 2010
at 1:01pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: games,design,diy,internets,maps

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Can You Out-Predict Elo?

The Elo rating system has done good service for half a century. But can we devise a more accurate method for measuring chess strength and predicting results. Kaggle, an organisation that provides a platform for data-prediction competitions, is giving statisticians 65,000 games which they must use to predict the results 7,800 other games. There are prizes for the best new systems.>

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Posted: August 29th, 2010
at 8:01am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: games,competitions

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Academic Mumblespeak

This phenomenon is related to my recent post about why digital printing won’t save academic publishing. In that post I discussed the low costs of printing, and I suggested that instead of trying to reduce costs by marginal amounts, academic presses would be better off planning better catalogs and investing in editing and promotion to realize the sales potential of key titles.

Academic mumblespeak is a silent enemy that is destroying scholarly publishing from within. (Note that I didn’t say, "I want to suggest that academic mumblespeak is a silent enemy that is destroying scholarly publishing in many ways.")

Mumblespeak makes potentially interesting works unreadable, contributing to their esotericism. Good editing does not involve cutting material, but cutting chaff. I’d wager that the average scholarly book’s length could be reduced by 1/3 to 1/2 without removing any actual content. Such effort would do two things: first, it would reduce the size of books, making them more approachable, affordable, and legible to a broader readership. Second, it would incrementally reduce the costs of printing, since fewer pages costs less on a digital or an offset press.>

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Posted: August 28th, 2010
at 5:14pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: games,et cetera,education

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Non-transitive Dice

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We describe a set of very unusual dice, and a two player game where you will always have the advantage.

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Posted: August 27th, 2010
at 10:40pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: games

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