They knew how to get down in 1932!
The ad below is from an actual 1932 issue of Modern Mechanix.
There’s no excuse for a headache when you’re held captive as a sex slave!
Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 5:31am by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,home,robots,weaponry
Comments: No comments
You Just Copped the Watur, Now What’s Next?
Maybe a little fiyur watur? OK, bad puns aside, I figure this would make a perfect addition to the watur and kind of give the site a Frank Lloyd Wright-esque falling-water theme.
The Hearthfalls are systems that you can set up inside the fireplace, but in front of the flames, that create a waterfall…that’s right folks, a waterfall, in your fireplace. Alright, I know it sounds a little silly, but what ninja doesn’t have a waterfall in their fireplace? I mean a waterfall door is so two or three days ago.
cop it
via ohgizmo!
Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 5:06am by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,bling,home
Comments: No comments
Suck that Buddha…
That’s not what I meant, you herb-heads. These molds can be used to make popsicles, pudding or jello in the shape of your favorite enlightened being.
via mocoloco
cop it at nobody and co
Posted: August 3rd, 2006
at 10:53pm by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,home
Comments: No comments
Strictly for my skate-ninjas…
For all you ninjas that choose to "skate or die", we’ve found a chair that will bring your life into your house.
Now, you can be close to your beloved deck even when you’re chillaxing.
Check out the Skede Chair from Tunto Designs
via cribcandy
I know real ninjas can park, but…
If you’re ninja enough to cop this revolving driveway, nobody can really clown your parking skills. They even make one for motorcycles, too.
Check out the vehicle turntable.
via the cool hunter
Build? Grow Your House!!!
MIT is up to trouble again. People build furniture and other art out of live trees, so why not build some houses?
"The concept of a living house is really incredibly exciting when you think that people in tropical and semitropical locations have fast-growing trees available," said Richard Reames, an Oregon-based "arborsculptor" who uses grafting techniques to grow living furniture.
Read about the vision of Mitchell Joachim of the Media Lab’s Smart Cities group here via
Posted: August 2nd, 2006
at 3:42pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,green,home
Comments: No comments
The Life Aquatic
This hanging lamp, designed for Murano Due by Patrick Jouin, consists of a bunch of glass bubbles, suspended from a lit base. They are striking.
If you can get your hands on them, cop them, but don’t tell my jealous ass.
via mocoloco
Don’t forget to wipe your Aquariass.
The Aquariass, designed by Oliver Beckert, is a fully-functional fishtank mounted on the back of a toilet.
Epicurean ninjas are tender with their pepper and salt… Just so…
These salt and pepper stems (fancy shakers, for y’all un-cultured ninjas) are truly for heads with distinguished taste. Their unique design, constructed of pyrex glass and cork, allows "better control over the condiments by a very light tapping from the horizontal position (as if letting ash fall from a cigarette)." Or a blunt, for all
you non-smokers.
the i sapidi stems, by designer alessandro loschiavo, are available from
Posted: July 31st, 2006
at 12:58pm by Black Ock
Categories: bling,life,art,home
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