Archive for the ‘home’ Category

Iller than your Previous Lampshade



Lampshades with prettyAAwomen printed on ’em are sure to spice up your life a little bit, and maybe even add a bit of class to your grimy apartment.

Personally, we don’t use any fi-fi types of decorations in the dojo, but these might be good for some of the fairer and/orAAmore sophisticated ninjas.

De Maria’s via Reluct


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Posted: October 4th, 2006
at 11:11am by black octagons

Categories: art,home,design

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Sucks If They Happen to Get Your Finger

New $200 keyless finger print recognition system for your front door.

buy at brickhousesecurity

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Posted: October 3rd, 2006
at 2:19pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,life,home,weaponry

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Greenest House On The Planet

Steve Glenn’s ultra-green house in Santa Monica Cali.

Slideshow at images.businessweek

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Posted: October 3rd, 2006
at 12:54pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,home

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Translucent Bone China

This is a lighting system of floating orbs made from tanslucent bone china, hand-designed to look… really ill.AA Energy saving bulbs and all.


"Marking or decorating the inside surface of the lights conceals the contents until the light is switched on, revealing the hidden patterns within as well as the beautiful warmth of the translucent bone china. Piercing geometric patterns in the surface allows light to peep through and glisten on the surroundings. Transfer decoration is in real gold; used on both sides of the work and in conjunction with light, will allow patterns to both diffuse through the translucent material, creating haunting shadows, as well as reflecting the surrounding space and light on the outer layer."

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Posted: October 2nd, 2006
at 10:26am by black octagons

Categories: green,home,design

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The Luxury of Conversion

It’s a buyers market out there scrapping capitalists! But in order to get the most out of your money mnp urges you to sleep/bathe where you might make some tea. Introducing the Doublespace Kitchenette. The bm is parked behind the couch.


Info at americaninventorspot

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Posted: September 27th, 2006
at 11:12am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: home,design

Comments: 1 comment

Sunlight Collecting System

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The Himawari Lighting System promises to make indoor sunbathing, horticulture, and general safe enjoyment of sunlight possible by using a system that stores sunlight and uses fiberoptic cables to beam it to the special light fixtures of a building.AA The light fixtures themselves filter the UV radiation out.AA The system works by using large dishlike collectors that actually pursue the sun’s angle as it crosses the sky.AA Check it out, it looks kinda tight.AA There are actually already several applications of said system operating in Japan.


Click below for a history of the Himawari System.



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Posted: September 26th, 2006
at 10:34am by black octagons

Categories: green,home,design

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Time is merely an illusion anyways…

…especially when you’re a ninja. This very minimalist timepiece from designer Gideon Dagan features as its hour hand a small red ball that slowly circles the flat surface of the clock’s simple face. It laughs in the face of gravity just like us ninjas. Our only question, and one that seems to have no answer, why is there no minute ball?

The Timesphere

via cribcandy

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Posted: September 8th, 2006
at 3:16pm by Black Ock

Categories: home,design

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Entertain a Lot of Couch Surfers?

If you have a constant guy on the couch, you may have considered copping a convertible sofa-bed (or maybe just kicking his sorry ass out), but do not think such things ever again! This convertible sofa is easily transformed into a full-sized bunk-bed. This way, you’ve got room for not one, but two of these roaming ninjas. Very nice.

The Doc sofa bed at BonBon Trading

via OhGizmo!

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Posted: September 6th, 2006
at 4:00pm by Black Ock

Categories: home,design

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Can’t Get Enough TV?

Well now you can watch racialist-ass Survivor in the Shower, too! This new preponderance of
LCDs hidden behind mirrors really gets me going. They look dope, they possess more utility, and they’re probably more friendly, too.

The TileVision, from Porter Lancastrian Ltd, is a mirrored LCD screen designed for use in the shower, pool area or jacuzzi. With extra thick glass and a heated screen to prevent condensation, this thing is legit! Available soon in 17″ and 23″ sizes, the price is unlisted, which basically means I won’t be able to get one.

still fun to look at.

via Trendir

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Posted: September 6th, 2006
at 3:47pm by Black Ock

Categories: bling,home,design

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