Maybe the Poorest Ninja on Earth
This video brings a new meaning to the word budget.AA We do however support the swinging of nunchucks in any and all forms.
Via: YouTube
Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 11:47am by black octagons
Categories: not ninja-worthy
Comments: No comments
Bose: Not Ninja-Worthy
I’m constantly explaining to people that Bose is NOT by any means a hi-fi audio solution. Finally, a good resource for future fodder has wandered into my battlezone.
FirstAdopter has recently compiled a list of Bose negative reviews which all contain solid arguments. Definitely worth a peek. Among my favorites:
"My roommate a few years back had Bose 301’s. He thought they rocked. I picked up some Wharfedale Valdus 400’s for about $200 less for a pair that simply made him want to cry. He said it made him sick, that he wasted all that money on a set of speakers that he cannot even listen to anymore without getting FURIOUS. To say the difference was night and day is a GROSS understatement."
Wow! Now you can laugh yourself silly while riding the waves of pure aural terror that are the Bladder Buster.
via SonicFlare
Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 1:45am by Black Ock
Categories: music,not ninja-worthy
Comments: No comments